𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟏

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   "going public?"


I woke up from not being able to breathe properly as keigos wings were suffocating me, I sat up pushing them off me gasping for air loudly causing keigo to wake up. "What happened?" He spoke half awake as he sat up, "you tired to kill me" I spoke slapping his bare chest "I would never do such thing" he stated sheepishly as he wrapped his warms around my waist resting his head on my stomach but not for long. he jolted up looking like a child on Christmas "Oh my, [y/n]!! I just remembered we're dating! I can finally call you all the nicknames I've been holding on the top of my tongue" he spoke later kiss my cheek repeatedly.

"Babe, let's go out to celebrate!" He spoke getting out of bed almost falling as he went into the bathroom closing the door, only for him to come back out "shower with me please" he begged as I smiled and nodded my head causing his face to light up completely.

"How do you even shower with those things? All they do is get in the way" I spoke leaving the bathroom wrapped in a towel, "I'm sorry beautiful, I got caught up in the moment I forgot to put them away somewhere" He shouted from the bathroom as I began to start getting ready. I stood in my bra and underwear trying to find something to wear but I didn't even know where we were going "Keigo where are we going?" I questioned but I didn't get and answer "Keigo hello?" I spoke turning to see him completely ignoring me. "That's not my name" he pouted like a baby as I stared at him, I let out a low sigh as I turned back around "Babe where are we going?" I questioned finally getting an answer.

"No where fancy, just be comfortable" he spoke while I picked out whatever seemed comfortable to me, after I put my sock on I went downstairs to feed Patch and he immediately came running from his resting spot to eat "Are you ready?" I heard soon feeling a warmth on my right ass cheek. "Yeah, let's hurry up I'm hungry" I spoke putting patches food away, I grabbed my coat throwing it on later putting my shoes on, he grabbed my hand gently as we walked out the door


We arrived at a small Dinner and once we walked in the only thing you could really smell was coffee, we found a table to sit while receiving multiple stares. "Keigo was this really a good idea?" I spoke trying to ignore the stares "its perfectly fine just ignore them" he spoke looking at the menu, I did the same finally deciding what I wanted. A waiter soon came to take our orders and once we told him he left but soon came back with our drinks, "question... how do you feel about going public?" He questioned almost making me choke.

"Umm no you're fan girls are crazy... but to be honest I wouldn't mind everyone knowing your mine" I answered smiling to myself as I swirled my straw in my drink. "What about you?" I questioned as he hummed, "I wouldn't mind but it can cause some drama" he spoke the waiter soon came back with our food as we began to eat he kept spacing off. "Hey are you ok? You're like dosing off" I questioned laughing a little, he looked deep in thought as when I spoke he didn't answer nor move a muscle "hello?" I questioned finally snapping him out of his trance.

"What sorry I was thinking" he spoke now eating his food, "you can tell me what's on your mind y'know, we're more than what we were before but im still here for you" I spoke only getting a hum out of him. The rest our time there was silent leaving me a bit worried.

I opened the front door to my home with keigo wrapped around me walking whenever I walked, "keigo you can let go where inside now" I spoke while his head nuzzled further into my neck I took my shoes off with him still at attached to my back making it a little easier to take my shoes off with him later doing the same causing him to finally let go of me.

Once we finally got settled in I quickly ran upstairs to my room to refrain myself from being captured in his hold once again, I flopped onto my bed relaxing into in feeling my muscles relax into the soft material. I soon felt a weight on my body making me let out a groan, "why'd you leave me?" He semi shouted putting his body weight against me even more, "I didn't I wanted to relax a little" " I can help you relax" I replied press himself against me feeling his bulge.

"We just got here how-" "you just really turn me on accept that" he got off me to flop beside me, it reminded silent until he decided to ruin it "I'm bored, let's fuck" he spoke making me stare at him in confusion. "Come on, I miss being inside you" he whined "you were inside me last night" I spoke sitting up while he being climbing on top of me, he rested between my thighs as his arms held him up beside my head.

"I know and I miss it" he replied grinning, leaning down to connect our lips, I deepened it grabbing the back of his hair while his hands traveled down to my waist. We continued until we heard my phone ring, at first we ignored it till it stop only for it to ring again becoming annoyed we broke the kiss as I grabbed my phone off my nightstand putting it on silent not bothering to see who was.

I went back to making out with keigo with it soon escalating, "turn around" he spoke against my lips as I did just getting completely comfortable. He began feeling on my body while I just relaxed into his touch as it made me feel at ease, "are you falling asleep" he questioned while his hands where on my lower back "yeah I'm tired now, not in the mood anymore". "Take your shirt off" he demanded as I could still feel his bulge up against me I was a little confused "I said I wasn't in the mood" I spoke looking at him.

"I know just take it off" he replied while I did exactly that, still laying on my stomach. I felt his hands beginning to trail up and down my sides putting a but of pressure make it feel extremely enjoyable, "does it feel good?" He questioned as I nodded as his hands trailed up towards my back unclipping my bra as he began to massage my back soon making me drift off into sleep.



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