𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟓⚠️

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           "to feel you"


Keigo POV

"Fuck, I can't stop thinking about you" my body was burning every inch as I continuously tried make it go away. "I miss you so fucking much" my breath became uneasy as I felt myself finish for the 19th time this morning "I'm still hard, fuck" march is always an annoying and frustrating time since I was 18 it wasn't as annoying till now since she's around. "I need you so much, I need to feel your body on mine, I need to feel you" I began stroking it again thinking of only her "fuck how will I work if the only thing I can think about is fucking you, I need you home"

She's been gone for about 5 hours and I've been a mess for 2 "I can't stop baby, I need to cum inside you" I felt myself once again coming to another climax, "it's not the same, I'll lose my fucking mind before she gets here... I gotta call her" I tried to steady my breathing before doing so but I couldn't since I couldn't stop. I picked up my phone immediately dialing her number.

Normal POV

"Hey baby," I heard as I put the phone to my ear, "Hey babe, are you doing ok? You don't sound to alright" I questioned a bit worried "I just missed you, I missed you so fucking much" he replied causing me to completely worry "what are you doing right now? I need to know" he spoke sounding a bit out of breath. "Babe you sound out of breath, are you sure you're ok?" I spoke putting my pen down "I'll be really with you, that spring rut hits different" he responded as I looked at the calendar seeing that it was still the beginning of march.

"I need you so fucking much" he spoke sternly, "I need to see you so bad, I wanna see a video while you watch me stroke my cock to you" he spoke sending heat down to my core "Keigo.... Give me a minute" I spoke already feeling hot. I placed my phone down as he already transferred it to a FaceTime call, I went to lock the door quickly making my way back to my seat.

I pulled my panties to the side as I positioned my phone so he could get a good enough view, "oh baby rub that clit, god I've been hard all day, I need to put it in you" he spoke as I began rubbing myself as he showed him stroking himself. "Oh seeing you like this, I'm gonna cum again, oh baby" I began rubbing faster as I placed my hand over my mouth to muffle moans, "yeah baby give me a show" he spoke as I entered a finger inside me.

"I'm already stroking it again, baby oh god" he moaned as I entered another, "dont cum yet" I spoke lowly as I moved my fingers faster. "Baby I cant hold it, fuck fuck" my bit my bottom lip feeling myself chase my own high, I looked at the phone to see him humping a pillow "oh I can't stop imagining this is you, I can't stop it doesn't feel the same nothing does" I moaned behind my hand as I felt myself finishing.

"Oh baby watch me ruin this pillow thinking it's you, look how much I'll cum for you" he spoke as I watched him finish all over the pillow. "I still can't stop baby, I need you" he spoke trying to steady his breath "come on baby, I need you home" he spoke as I tried to catch my breath "oh baby, I've covered this whole room, once you get home it'll hit you like a truck" he spoke as I felt my legs open on display for him.

He continued stroking himself as I felt myself move my fingers inside me again at a fast pace, I heard him whimper only turning me on more "fuck, I need to get home" I spoke smiling, fuck it "I'm coming home" "that's the hottest thing you said all day"

I walked into the door of my room to be met with a naked keigo, as he kissed me roughly "that's my fucking girl" he spoke breaking the kiss "let's get you outta these clothes" he spoke ripping them off "baby touch me" he spoke as I went to rub his wings. "This is what I've been waiting for, baby" he moaned as he trailed my free hand over his abs, "fuck, I love when you touch me" he spoke kissing my sloppy.

I began stroking him, as his breath was uneasy, "fucking I'm gonna hump you so fucking good" he spoke as he pressed me against him. "Fuck, keigo~" I moaned feeling him twitch against me, "cum on me baby" I moaned as he left light kissing on my neck. "Ahh~ fuck baby" he moaned as I felt him release against me "we're not done yet" he spoke as he pushed himself inside me letting us both release a loud moan.

"Ohhh fuck, yeah baby you feel so good" he thrusted up into me as I gripped onto his wings, "fuck keigo, just like that" I moaned releasing my grip on his wings as I bit down on his shoulder to hold on my moans.

He continued you to thrust up into me while I felt myself release on him, causing him to throw me on the bed as he continued pounding into me. "You're so fucking sexy" he kissed me roughly as his tongue licked my bottom lip asking for entrance as I accepted, I soon felt him getting deeper and faster as I dug my nails into his back feeling his thrust become sloppy.

I felt him finish inside me as we tried to catch our breaths, we stared at eachother for a bit till I felt him pull my legs over his shoulders. "Just one more baby" he smirked kissing my check, I felt him begin to thrust into me again feeling my legs become numb as the room filled with our moans. "Oh fuck yeah baby, fuck" he groaned as tears pricked my eyes from the overstimulation "I'm gonna fill you up so fucking good" he moaned as my nails dug into his arms as I felt myself release on him, I watched as he continued riding out his climax soon feeling his cum fill my insides once again.

He flopped on top of me while we both tried catching our breathes, "I fucking love you" he spoke placing a gentle kiss on cheek. "I appreciate you leaving early for me baby" he moved besides me as I looked out the window to find that it was already dark out, "how long were we at it?" I questioned as he cuddled against me, "probably some hours, goodnight babe" he spoke as I felt my eyes flutter, "goodnight"


I woke up feeling extremely sore as it hurt a bit to move, i turned to see keigo sitting at the edge of the bed as i analyzed the scratch's on his upper back near his shoulders. "Keigo... I'm sore" I spoke trying to hug him from behind only for everyone movement I made to ack, "I'm sorry I was a bit rough" he spoke turning to me as he wrapped his arms around me.

"Let's take a hot bath or something" I spoke kissing his chest feeling my eyes become heavy, "I'm still tired so wash me



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𝐅𝐔𝐂𝐊 𝐁𝐔𝐃𝐃𝐈𝐄𝐒 | 𝐊. 𝐓𝐀𝐊𝐀𝐌𝐈Where stories live. Discover now