𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐭 𝟑𝟒⚠️

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2 years later

"Fuck... Keigo!!!" I screamed into my hand as his tongue explored my insides causing him to moan, the vibration sent me me over the edge as I felt myself becoming close "fuck I'm gonna-" I was cut off by my own orgasma, he took my leg off his shoulder removing his head from under my dress "y'know we have to get back, they'll start asking questions" I spoke trying to catch my breath, It was June and extremely hot outside but it was our wedding day and he just couldn't wait till we got home, "Getting married as hero's is annoying why do we have to make an appearance on TV after this" he groaned.

"I know but after we'll be free so let's get this over with" I fixed my dress and makeup as he began making his way towards the bathroom door, "Is there anyone around?" I questioned putting my gloves on "nope, let's go" he took my hand dragging back to the reception "hold on I have a question" I spoke stopping his movements. "Umm" My words were now completely stuck in my throat, I took a deep breath as I eased my breathing, "do you want children?" I finally asked feeling my face become hot, "Of course, I'd love to have little rascals running around probably only 2 though we still have jobs"

"Ok yeah I agree" we continued making our way back to the reception it wasn't a big wedding fairly small, just some family and friends and I even invited some of those U.A students! "The couple is finally back, the hell did you go?" Rumi spoke from behind us. "I went to the bathroom, then after I ran into him y'know?..." I stuttered out as she stared at Keigo "yeah alright, anyway let's get this party started!!!!"

It's been 2 years since we defeated All for one, and a year since he proposed to me, Everything felt more at ease, evil wasn't at it's peek and I was getting married to the man of my dreams.

"Ohh fuck..." He moaned out as my fingers grazed his wings, We've been at this since we got home and that was 3 hours ago. At this point I was overwhelmed by the overstimulation yet it felt so good, "I'm gonna fill you up again and again till I get you fucking pregnant" at this point everything he said was turning me on by the minute "bet you'd like that wouldn't you?" I nodded as I couldn't find it in myself to form words.

"use your words baby" I felt his thrust becoming deeper and rougher making it hard to really think, "y-yeah" I stuttered out feeling myself reach my peak for the 8th time today "ohh fuck you feel so good" I finished around him again as I felt his movements becoming sloppy as he began attacking my already covered neck. I felt him finishing inside me again and I couldn't keep count anymore, "I might be finished baby" he placed his hand on my cheek as he placed a gentle kiss on my lips.

"So lets think about names"


It's been a month since we got married and a month since we've been together to start a family, but I started loosing hope in even becoming pregnant again until I've been having morning sickness for the past 2 days. I had hope I was finally pregnant and able to start a family with keigo, I took the box out of the cabinet taking a test out getting ready to take it, keigo was at work and would be back till 6 so if it turned out to be positive maybe I could surprise him.

I paced around the bathroom waiting for a line or 2 to appear, and once it did I was filled with joy. I immediately stared getting dressed to get ready to head to the store and plan out the surprise for keigo, I was too excited I couldn't help but think about texting him and telling him straight but I knew I couldn't ruin my plan.

Once I got back home I placed the yellow baby shirt in a back and soon putting paper in to cover it, I decided I'd make his favorite and surly that would be enough of a surprise since I haven't had the the time to actually cook dinner, he's been making it even after coming home around 11 and I coming at 1 he'd still make sure id eat.

A couple hours later and dinner was ready, I hid the bag in my room just as I heard him struggling to open the door, "I'm home" I heard him shout as I ran downstairs to welcome him. "Hi honey, how was your day?" I questioned helping him take his jacket off "same old, you seem extra happy today, did something come up?" I lead him to the dining table making him comfortable "No I just missed you that's all" I went to make our plates to excited to drop my smile, "this is actually really good, it's better than I remember" I couldn't hold in my excitement anymore.

"I have something for you" I spoke as I ran upstairs to our room, before we got married we bought a house not to big nor too small around 5 rooms 2 for our personal us and 2 for our furniture children. "I was gonna wait till after dinner but i couldn't wait" I ran back downstairs handing him the bag "ooo early birthday present?" He questioned as I watched him open the bag soon pulling out the yellow infant shirt "holy shit, are you serious?" He questioned as I smiled nodding.

He engulfed me in a sudden hug and spun me around, "let's get the room ready, no let's pick names, which do you think it is? Boy or girl? Oh let's go shopping" he continued to ramble on as I laughed at his enthusiasm "it's too early to know anything, let's wait a bit" I told him pecking his lips, he nodded as his smile never left is face, "who should we tell? Everyone? Or should it be a surprise till it's born?" He came up with so many ideas but he definitely didn't want the public to know until it was born.

11 months later

"The hero and popstar [Y/N] Takami has been on hiatus for almost a year now, but soon she'll be back in business in no time, in the meantime let's welcome the popular women we all know and love Ms.Takami!" The interviewer spoke, she seemed like major fan and it was heart warming how her eyes sparkled. "Hey" I waved at her and the audience as I took a seat "So it's been almost a year since you took on the Takami name and suddenly went on hiatus, fans speculated a lot of things but would you like to tell us the real reason?" She questioned completely fixated on me.

"Well the reason I've been gone is because I was pregnant, I gave birth to twins recently so I won't be in office till they turn 1" The room was silent until the audience and herself cheered. "You look so great it's hard to believe, I'm so glad you young hero's are finally settling down, after the country is now more at ease because of the help of you two you guys deserve it!!"

"Your so cute, yes you are" I heard coming from the babies room, I walked over to see keigo hunched over Kenjis crib as he held Kasumi "did you 3 have fun?" I questioned causing him to jump a bit, "well aren't you home early, I put Kenji to sleep but he just woke up again, and kasumi is wide awake" I walked over to him taking kasumi out of his hands she looked exactly like her father and it was so adorable but Kenji looked like me so we both had or mini me's.

"What quirk do you think they'll have?" He questioned as he stood beside me holding Kenji, "I'm not sure, I can't really tell who's genes are stronger" I placed a small kiss on his cheek spotting his slight eye bags. "Get some rest you've had them all day" he nodded placing a kiss on my head he placed a sleeping Kenji in his crib "I made dinner a bit early, but make sure you eat after your down with her"

And that's exactly what I did, I ate soon after I put Kasumi to sleep and right after I took a shower, I walked into the room to see Keigo scrolling on his phone "why aren't you sleeping yet?" I questioned as he turned his phone off "I was waiting for you, come sleep with me" he immediately dragged me onto the bed and I had no choose but to give in.



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