𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟖

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                     "Something more"

"Keigo please I'm not into that whole thing with working with hero course students I don't even have time for my own mental health right now" I said while on the phone with keigo. I was in my office looking at forms from hero course student that I don't have time for, "Come on kid I feel like it'll put less stress on you to have a mini sidekick" keigo stated as I mostly heard wind, "Are you flying right now?" I asked once I checked the clock the time was already 4:16pm, "Yeah open the window" I was a little a taken back until I turned around to see hawks outside my window.

I placed my phone down as I saw him hang up as I opened the huge window behind my desk, "keigo wha-" he kissed be as he held the left side of my face this kiss felt different it felt like it was filled with love actual love unlike the other times. I pulled back notice that he was still flying outside my window were everyone can see, I pulled him into my office closing the window, "Keigo why would you do that we're only supposed to be doing that kind of stuff in private what if someone took a picture what will the media say?? keigo you have to thi-"I don't care what they say [Y/N] I don't want us to be private anymore" he said slowly walking towards me, I was a littles speechless at the fact that he felt the exact same way I did.

He placed his heads on my waist as he stare deeply into my eyes, "I want the whole world to know you're mine I don't care about who doesn't want us together I want to touch you, kiss you...fuck you.... In public" he said while whispering the last part in my ear. He kissed me so gently I felt like I was in heaven, "Do you feel the same?... do you want the same for us" he asked as he held my face warmly. "I-

I jumped up to the sound of repeated knocking on my door. It was a dream,... all a dream... I thought as I rubbed my hands over my eyes leaning back into my chair. *Knock* *Knock* "Mothe- [Y/N] I have some report files you have to fill out from the previous battles you been in along with some food since you haven't ate since you've been here... is it ok for me to come it?" Akira stated as I made myself look presentable as possible at the moment, I told he could as he placed a cart of unfinished reports beside my desk and a bag of food on my desk.

"You didn't have to get me any food you know I was gonna eat when I finished-"I'm sorry [Y/N] but as you're assistant and your friend it's important to me that you personal needs are meant before anything else I've called hawks to come in to keep you company and possibly help you with some files, the time is now 10:38pm and I will be leaving soon but I will not leave you here without making sure you're ok" Akira spoke slightly bowing as she plead a goodbye just about 10 seconds after Akira left Hawks came bursting through the door.

He engulfed me into a huge hug as he picked me up from my desk and spun me around, he pleased me down and looked in my eyes I saw a bit of worry in his eyes but before I could say anything he beat me too it. "Akira called and told me you've been here for about 3 days and haven't been eating correctly so I came by to keep you company while I help you out a bit."

"You don't have to it's already late an-"i know I don't have to but I want to because I care for you... you're my friend kid" my heart seem to sting a little as he called me a friend but I brushed it off as I sat at my desk staring at the files. "Well let's get started shall we?" Hawks said as he placed a bag of food on the desk beside the one Akira brought in he took everything out the bag and it just felt like heaven. "Hawks I already had food why get more?", "You haven't ate probably in 3 days you need this [Y/N]" He called me by my name but in a more serious tone, "I'll get started on the papers while you eat after we can continue the papers and eat together" Keigo said as I started eating.


Keigos POV

The time was 2:22am and we had just finished the last of the reports, "Well we finally finished kid" I said looking over to her, she was sound asleep on her desk. I smiled a little as I started to clean the trash and put the files back on the cart, I heard movement as I turned to see [Y/N] shivering a little as I placed my jacket over her shoulders. I turned the light off to the office and made sure the rest of the room lights were off and doors were locked, i made my way back to the office to find [Y/N] still sound asleep as I picked up her up bride style gently as I started to make my way out of the agency.

I flew to my penthouse making sure to keep [Y/N] warm at any cost. It was freezing today but I'll make it back home before I can get sick, I soon landed on my balcony gently kicking the door open with my foot as I went inside locking it. I placed [Y/N] on my bed as I quickly changed her clothes into some of mine, I put her clothes in the washer as I got ready for bed. I wasn't really tired so I just watched tv in the living room , i heard the washer ding singling the clothes we're done I got up to go put the clothes in the dryer and just as I was about to finish I heard a voice, "keigo?" I heard [Y/N] say as I turned to find her in the door way of the room.

"Yeah Kid?" I waited for a reply but nothing, "Kid?" I questioned starting the dryer "can... can you sleep with me it's kinda cold" she asked as I smiled at her, "of course I'll be there in a minute" she went back into the room as I turned the tv off and cleaned up a little. I made my way into the room seeing her cuddled up with the blanket i took my place next to her as she cuddled up against me. "Goodnight keigo" I heard her say before I felt her breathing on my chest.

Sometimes I wish we were something more than just friends who accusingly fuck but this is what she wants so i want it too... as long as she's happy.....

I'm happy.

"Goodnight kid"..... I closed my eyes as I tried falling asleep.

"I love you....."


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𝐅𝐔𝐂𝐊 𝐁𝐔𝐃𝐃𝐈𝐄𝐒 | 𝐊. 𝐓𝐀𝐊𝐀𝐌𝐈Where stories live. Discover now