𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟔

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"Don't wait up"


"What the hell is your problem?!" I shouted as he threw his stuff on, "my problem? I'm not gonna argue about something as petty as this" he replied as he began walking downstairs. "Oh so now I can't confront you about ditching me for anything women?" I spoke following him downstairs "nobody ditched you, I just forgot-" "Forgot the plans that you made?" I questioned as he tried walking away from me, I grabbed his arm hoping to get an answer.

"Goddamn do you have to continuously bitch about tiny shit, drop it" he spoke sternly as he moved his arm away from me. I stood silently as he left without a word, that's exactly how it's been for the past 2 weeks, random conversation that turn into petty fights that always result in him leaving. I felt a tear fall from my eye as I quickly wiped it away, I let out a heavy sigh as I went to lock the door resting my head against it a bit.

I went upstairs in the hope I'd still have what I was looking for, I found the small box in the back of my closet as I opened it to find unopened packs. I stared blankly at them debating with myself mentally deciding to put it back, I placed the small box back in the closet as I decided to wait for him to comeback knowing idk be waiting forever like I've been doing consistently.

I struggled to keep my eyes open as it was around 3:15am I'd never know exactly what time he'd get home since I'd always fall asleep, the sound of my front door opening snapped me out of my thoughts as I spotted keigo walking in. I immediately ran to him engulfing him in a hug, "I'm sorry about earlier, I should've just dropped it" I spoke into his chest he was hesitant at first until he pushed me away "yeah" was all he said as he walked into the living room, "you should get some sleep" he spoke as I began making my way to my room.

I approached my bathroom door already feeling my knees becoming weak, I turned the sink water as I began to splash my face with the cold water trying to compose myself. "Fuck" I spoke lowly feeling my throat dry up, I dried my face quickly making my way to my bed to finally sleep this off.


"[Y/N]? [Y/N]?" I heard awakening me out of my sleep, I picked up my head to find I was seated in my office. I looked up to see Akira standing in front of me looking a bit worried, "Hawks is coming to keep you company and I ordered your favorite" she spoke as I just slowly nodded as she exited the room. I looked outside my window to see it was raining a bit as I put my focus back on the papers on my desk.

About 20 minutes later I heard a knock on my door, "come in" I spoke dryly as I continued filling out forms, "looks like you're completely fine" I heard him speak as I looked up at him to see he was holding the food Akira had ordered for me. "so why are you here? I questioned as he began walking towards me, "I just missed my adorable girlfriend, that's all" he replied as he held my checks making me look up at him.

"Why so gloomy baby?" He questioned as he placed a rough kiss against my lips, I broke away from it as I turned back to the papers "sorry, but I have to get these down babe" I spoke smiling at him as he began walking away, "where are you going?" I questioned as he continued walking. "Leaving, I'll see you later" he spoke without turning back, I felt my heart sting as I stared at the closed door.

I focused back on the papers trying to calm myself down.


"Keigo are you ready?" I questioned as I walked downstairs in our matching pajamas with a blanket, only to find him about to throw his jacket on. "W-where are you going?" I questioned slightly panicking as we didn't have any disagreements today, "party" he spoke as I began approaching him "but... you said you'd watch a movie with me tonight" I spoke lowly as he shrugged "guess I forgot"

"Don't wait up" he spoke before walking out, I felt my legs become weak as I felt like I had to vomit. I ran towards the kitchen trash can, releasing whatever felt like was stuck in my throat. I opened my bottom cabinet finding all the alcohol I had bought about a month ago, I took the strongest one out walking over to coach as I played the movie we planned on watching together.

I opened the bottle taking a few chugs as I felt myself becoming overwhelmed with emotion as I stared at the tv with a blank face as I felt hot tears fall from my eyes. I took another ship from the bottle and soon one thing led to another, I held my hair back as I puked into the toilet crying as soon as I was finished.

The past 2 weeks felt unreal, one moment he's fine next he's completely different. I cried as I laided against the tube, hoping I'd wake up from a nightmare but I know I wouldn't this was the hard reality yet I didn't know what to do. Even if I wanted to leave him I couldn't bring myself to do it, he's been there for me when I needed him the most... leaving him will make it worse.

I held the necklace that's rested on my chest, the one he had gifted me. Whatever act he was playing truly hurt and I really didn't know how I'd get through this.


"Keigo can we talk?" I spoke as he laid on my bed, "Can't it wait?" He responded annoyed, "No it can't" he rolled his as he placed his phone down turning to me. "Did I do something wrong? I feel like you've changed, you're always so rude and cold towards me" I spoke hoping he'd understand, " are you done?" He questioned as he got up going to the dresser "what do you mean, "am I done yet" you don't have anything to say?!" I yelled out of frustration "there's nothing to say I'm tried of you whining like a bitch"

Before I knew it I raised my hand slapping his cheek, "why can't you reassure me like you used to do? Why can't stay with me for one night?" I yelled as I felt tears run down my cheeks, "because you're nothing more than a play toy that's all you'll ever be to me, there's nothing special about you and i should've known that from the start.

I stood silently as I watched his eyes water a bit, "you don't mean that..." I stuttered as I tried to hold back my tears. "Please tell me you don't mean it!" I held onto his arms trying to calm myself down, he turned away from me as he walked downstairs. I heard the door close as I felt my tear continued to leave my eyes.


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𝐅𝐔𝐂𝐊 𝐁𝐔𝐃𝐃𝐈𝐄𝐒 | 𝐊. 𝐓𝐀𝐊𝐀𝐌𝐈Where stories live. Discover now