𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟐

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"I hate you"


It was finally getting warmer and today I had an extremely busy and full day, I sat in my hero costume in my office filling out everything I had to before I had to go to UA. I was originally going just to say hi and leave but now he wanted me to train with them, Keigo was here which was normal at that point as he never wanted to leave me since we started dating. "Are you coming with me later?" I questioned writing on multiple pages, "where exactly?" He questioned "U.A at 12 I'm helping them train" I replied not looking up from my desk "I know a kid from there actually so why not" he spoke as I heard his footsteps approaching me.

I felt him begin to place soft kisses on my neck while I continued filling my paper work not paying him any mind until his hands began touching my boobs, I quickly turned my chair around now facing him as he smirked at me, he placed a small kiss on my lips while he messaged my boob in his hand I wrapped my arms around his neck deepen the kiss soon touch his feathers as he immediately jumped back flustered. I held him close enough as I continued touching them, "I'm getting this done before 12 don't distract me" I spoke sternly while he tried to hold back his moans from me touching his wings.

"Sure kid just keep doing that it's turning me on" he spoke leaning closer to me, I quickly moved my hand to his ear pulling it to let him know I was serious "ow ow ow ok ok, but please sit on my lap I wanna be close to you promise I won't try anything" he whined as I agreed later placing myself on his lap why he hugged my waist and I did my paper work. I soon came to a finish as I relaxed into keigo "I'm finished we have an hour left what do you want to do?" I question as I turned around straddling his hips "I want to tease you so bad" he replied smashing his lips against mine.

We arrived at the school trying to find the classroom but got lost until one of the teachers found us and told us to just wait in the teachers office. "Y'know I change my mind I don't wanna be here" he spoke relaxing into the couch "you can always leave you weren't even invited" I spoke crossing my arms "nah I wanna stay with you" he replied as it was now time for us to head to the class, on our way there he kept trying to sneak in quick touches.

Once we arrived we were at one of those battle fields still trying to see if the class was there until All might caught hold of us and told us the joint training was that keigo would be a villain and I would be the helpless civilian then it'll be the reverse and we had to make a a entrance. "This is lame now I gotta sit around and do nothing" he gave us an ear piece for us to hear eraser head while he talked to the class, soon it was our turn to make a scene Keigo grabbed me while he flew into the air in front of the class while I sat in his hold helpless since he had tied me up beforehand.

"Well lookie here we have a bunch of wannabe heroes" he spoke while he held me over his shoulder "that was corny" I spoke while he soon began getting attacked.

"Wow you guys are really amazing!!" I shouted while everyone sat in their seats, "anyway since eraser is gone for now please do whatever you want" I spoke as most of the girls hurriedly ran at me and Keigo "please tell me you guys are dating" a pink alien girl started "please theirs pictures of you guys floating around everywhere" he spoke showing multiple pictures of us looking like couples. "No promise we're not" I spoke while I caught keigo slipping away leaving me by myself, "Hi Ms.[l/n]- umm Mother Nature I'm a Kyoka jiro and I'm a really big fan" he spoke softly as I tried to register the fact her name sounded familiar.

"Oh my! Kyoka Jiro! I remember the letter you sent that heartfelt letter with the cute drawing" I spoke while here eyes lit up "Omg! You read it?" "Are you kidding? I framed it!!" We began laughing together while the most of us began sharing our interest until eraser came into the room telling them to head to there dorms since school was over meaning our time together was over. "Mr.Aizawa please let them stay a little longer we can play games together" the girls tried to convince him, I spotted keigo point to the door as if he needed to talk to me about something, So I secretly followed him out of the room.

"Hey looks like I gotta bounce, so I see you later" he spoke looking at his phone, I nodded while he placed a small kiss on my check taking his leave. I made my way back into the classroom and found out they really convinced eraser to let me stay a little longer, "Ms. [l/n] you can stay-" "only till 6" Eraser chipped in making most of the class sulking.

We made it their dorms and I was met with a little girl with long blue hair, "[Y/N]!" She shouted as she ran up to me hugging my legs. I stared at her for a bit before bending down to her height, "Oh my aren't you just the cutest thing ever?!" I picked her up and hugged her as she laughed a bit. "Say I have some time before I have to leave why don't we do something fun?"


I opened my front door to be met with darkness, I slipped my shoes off trying not to fall in the process. It was already 9 and I hadn't heard back from keigo since he left the school, I grabbed a glass pouring myself a very tall glass of wine considering the type of day I had. I sat on the couch engulfing myself in the dark aroma of the apartment "what to do tomorrow, I wonder" I spoke to myself finishing my glass as I placed it on the coffee table.

I wanted to wait and see if keigo would show up soon but it was already late and I was extremely tired, just as I got up to head to my room I heard a knock from my balcony I decided to ignore it and head to my room to get changed. I was shirtless once I heard knocking on my window once again trying to ignore it till I finished getting comfortable "I know you're in there I can see your shadow" he spoke while I rolling my eyes. I walked to the window shoving the curtains out the way to see him smiling at me.

"Open the balcony door sweet tits" he spoke while I placed the curtain back to its original state heading downstairs, I opened the balcony door and he immediately smashed his lips against mine "I missed you" he smirked while I gave him a tired smile. "Awe is the baby tired?" He questioned while I nodded "well that sucks you're not sleeping yet, I brought you food!" He spoke dragging me to the couch "I hate you" I groaned laying on the couch "y'know you love me"



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𝐅𝐔𝐂𝐊 𝐁𝐔𝐃𝐃𝐈𝐄𝐒 | 𝐊. 𝐓𝐀𝐊𝐀𝐌𝐈Where stories live. Discover now