𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟎⚠️

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           "make love to you"


Its been almost 3 weeks since my birthday and now it was February still chilly yet a little warmer, I laid on my living room couch watching some show as the minutes went by. I had just got home and I was waiting for the food I had ordered because I didn't feel like cooking, the sun started beaming through the balcony doors.

The doorbell rung as I immediately jumped up to get my food, I opened the door with a huge smile on my face. "So happy to see me?" I heard realizing that this was not my delivery guy, "what are you doing here?! I never invited you over" he walked inside completely disregarding what I said. I closed the door as I followed him to the couch, he was in his hero uniform so obviously he probably just got off or something.

"I wanted to see you on my break," he suddenly grabbed my wrist pulling me closer to him on the couch, "and I really missed kissing you" he held my cheek as he pressed his lips against mine. He pulled me on top of him as his hands began roaming my body while mine became tangled in his hair. "Keigo don't you have to go back soon?" I questioned pulling away from the kiss, he went down to my neck leaving soft kissing everywhere "Keigo" I said though it came out as more of a moan making his hands sneak into my shirt.

I heard the doorbell ring as he continued kissing and biting at my neck, he soon placed me down on the couch as I felt his bulge pressing against me. He made his way back to my lips as one of his hands held my thigh while the other gently squeezed my boob, I let out a soft moan as I felt him grin into the kiss. He finally broke the kiss as he looked down at me, "go get the door sweet lips" he spoke while he sat up giving me room to move.

I sat back on the couch with my food in hand as keigo was on his phone, I sat beside him as I began to eat my food "so when do you go back?" I questioned as he placed his phone in his pocket. "10 minutes, I'll come back later k?" He spoke placing a kiss on my forehead, I nodded as he left through the balcony door.

"Yeah we confessed to eachother about a month ago" I spoke to Takara, "And you guys aren't dating yet?" she questioned. "Well no... he didn't ask" I replied while we continued to talk until she had to go, I laid on my bed thinking about what she had said. She was right, he told me he loved me but never asked me out yet, I never really thought about being official with him but I want to call him mine.

I rolled on my back sitting up eyeing the curtain I had put up in the doorway, I was craving something sweet so I decided to head to the kitchen to find something. I opened the cabinet to find nothing, so next was the fridge, nothing, now the freezer and I finally found some ice cream. But it wasn't something I wanted, "I want like a cupcake or something" I spoke to myself as I flopped down on the couch.

𝐅𝐔𝐂𝐊 𝐁𝐔𝐃𝐃𝐈𝐄𝐒 | 𝐊. 𝐓𝐀𝐊𝐀𝐌𝐈Where stories live. Discover now