𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟖

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"I'm going crazy"


It's official been a week since I last had any contact with Hawks, I'm not sure if I want to really let everyone know that our relationship was extremely short considering it felt embarrassing. "You're on in 15 minutes" the stage manager spoke quickly living the room as I threw my hair in (h/s), for the past week I've been feeling like complete shit but it's not like I could let anyone know. I've been smoking a bit too much and drinking like every waking moment, which is honestly so pathetic.

"my fuck hopefully they aren't that visual" I spoke applying concealer to my eye bags, I had a small little live performance at some small unit. I guess everyone performing at the spring festival had to make an appearance and sing atleast two songs which is draining, it's the middle of march and semi hot, right after this I had some extremely important hero meeting "your on in 3,2,1" I walked out onto the stage waving at everyone that was there.

I sat in the car in my hero costume with Mirko as we talked about whatever, "y'know what this thing's about? I'm guessing it's big if they needed everyone there" Mirko asked as we pulled up to the building. "Well if it's everyone it has to be important" I spoke rolling my eyes knowing I might have to see hawks, I groaned as I hopped out the car as we walked into the building.

We saw more hero's coming in as we all stood in a huge room, once everyone was there the head detective began speaking about the L.O.V and the more dangerous they've become. I stopped listening for a bit as I subconsciously began looking for hawks around the room until i couldn't find him anywhere, I continued listening as he finished up the meeting.

"So tomorrow mhm? And I thought I could relax a bit" I spoke as we all began walking towards the exits, "sucks we're not on the same team, we work so well together" she stated as she wrapped her arm around my shoulder. For the first time in a while I found myself smiling, I thought about telling her and no one else but it still felt embarrassing, "hey let's talk for a bit" I spoke dragging her as I called for a taxi to my appointment.

"So what's on your mind?" she questioned as we walked into my apartment, "well umm" I sat on the couch feeling the words become stuck in my throat. "Hawks... broke up with me" I spoke trying not to let the tears slip, "oh you poor baby, when was this?" She spoke gently engulfing me in a hug. "About a week ago" I spoke as I laid my head on her chest, "and he didn't tell me why, it's just been so frustrating" I replied letting the tears slip, she did exactly what I've been needing, comfort, "let's light his wings on fire" she spoke as I let out a small laugh.

"Sorry, but lately I've been smoking and drinking so often it's scary, and I haven't been eating much either because I never have much of an appetite" I spoke sitting up "I'll stay with you till you get back on your feet, I promise I want let you kill yourself slowly" she spoke as she gently stroked my hair.

"Thank you, Rumi" I smiled as I hugged her waist. I felt myself drifting into a little slumber as she stroked my back,


I stood on a ledge with the rest of my team as we looked at the hideout in the distance, "Mother Nature! It's been hey it's been awhile" I heard as I turned to Fat gum besides some U.A students "Hey big guy! The last time I saw you, you were beat pretty good" I spoke punching his stomach. We continued talking until edge gave us the go ahead.

Last week

I hunched over the toilet as I vomited for another morning in a row, "I should probably stop drinking so much" I laughed at my own comment as I got up to rinse my mouth out. I left the bathroom trying to find my pack of cigarettes, that was my 3rd pack this week, l turned my speakers on putting on random music just so I could get my mind off things. I took a cigarette out the pack lighting it as I stepped outside on the balcony as the warm breeze ran through my face, I let out a heavy sigh as I looked at the scenery in front of me.

I looked at all the buildings as the sunset behind them, I stared at the orange sky remembering all the times id watch the sunset with hawks. I frowned my eyebrows as u saw a silhouette with huge wings, I stared as I hoped it was hawks but to my surprise the moment I blinked it was gone. "Oh fuck I think I'm going crazy" I spoke putting the cigarette out as I walked inside, "I hate that I miss your stupid ass" I spoke laying around bored out of my mind.

I stared at the text messages I would send him everytime I got drunk and missed him, I always debated about deleting them after but I never cared much. It's never like he saw them anyway.

March 7th, 11:35pm

Pretty tits💫
Keigo come see meeee
I missss youuuu!!!


Pretty tits💫
Guess what?
I just finished thinking
About you
I made a mess
can you come clean it for me?

March 8th 3:56am

Pretty tits💫
Do you still think I'm the
Prettiest girl in the world

Or did you find someone
new to tell that to now?

That continued, day after day at unusual times throughout the night. I scrolled down to the bottom to see that he had read them, at exactly this time. I began to panic until I was filled with hope after seeing him typing but those 3 bubbles went away and never came

I slapped my cheeks trying to focus on the mission as we all ran to the hid out, "why am I thinking of this now of all times??" I panicked as I face grew hot. At the time I thought I had hope he'd get back together with me but no i have to get over him one way or another, "focus [Y/N], Focus" i thought as i tried to steady my breathing.

" you doing ok Mother nature?" Fat gum questioned as he ran besides me "y-yeah..." I stuttered out as we continued running.

Maybe he misses me too?

Nah I'm being a little too delusional

Nah I'm being a little too delusional════════════════════════════

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