𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟑

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"you love it"


"It's not revealed that famous hero hawks, and popstar [Y/N]/ Mother Nature are now dating. Lets tune in with Mai to see the new happy couple" the reporter spoke as I saw me and Keigo appear on TV, I flipped through the channels trying to find something to watch but couldn't "That's all their talking about jeez" I spoke flopping on the couch. "I guess they're so engrossed in other people lives" he replied from the kitchen, I've already gotten death threats from his fan girls which is honestly just sad on how they're so delusional "I guess, what do you wanna do today?" I questioned sitting up.

It was a bit warm out today considering it's the end of February yet once it gets warmer more criminals are out yet its been quite for awhile, "hey don't you think it's been a it quite lately?" I asked him to make sure it wasn't just me. "What do you mean?" He questioned as I walked towards the kitchen "like with villain attacks and stuff" "well... yeah I guess you have a point" he replied while we heard a phone ring. I noticed it was his, as I went to grab it he quickly did while before I could even see who it was.

"I need to take this, hold on" he spoke stepping outside the door, I was left alone with the slow sounds of the city outside as I waited for keigo to come back. I was snapped out of my daze as I heard my phone ring, I picked it up answering not bothering to read the caller ID "hello?" I spoke through the phone only to be met with heavy breathing, "umm hello?" I spoke again to be met with nothing again.

I hung up placing my phone on the counter as I heard keigo come back inside, "Keigo let's go on a walk!" I spoke as he smiled at me. "Are you sure? We very popular right now" he chuckled a bit while I wrapped my arms around his waist placing my chin on his chest "yeah I don't wanna stay in today" I replied as I dragged him to my room, I began to get undressed as I felt his warm hands wrap around my waist "I don't really wanna go out today" he spoke kissing my shoulder "let's stay in, and cuddle or something" he continued kissing my shoulder trailing up to my neck.

"Just on small walk and we'll be back before it gets dark" I spoke feeling his arms unwrapping from my waist, "Ok fineeee" I laughed softly as I threw a shirt on "Actually let's just go grocery shopping... I need more groceries so I can stop ordering takeout" "Whatever you want babe" he replied as I went downstairs to the kitchen to check what I needed, and i basically needed everything.

"How bout these?" Keigo asked holding up a pack of ice cream flavored ramen, "umm no" I replied pushing the cart to the frozen isle. "Did you get what you wanted?" I questioned the man child as I grabbed ice cream out of the freezer, "yeah sweet lips" he spoke a bit far. I began walking to the alcohol section just because I needed it, I wasn't much of a drinker but it felt nice to just have it "which one you getting?" Keigo questioned placing whatever he had in the cart.

"Problem just these 3..." I spotted the more strong alcohols grabbing them and placing them in the cart, "And these.., are we done?" I questioned as he hummed in response. I walked over to the cash register placing everything on the conveyor belt, soon paying for everything before Keigo could. I sat in the car as he placed everything in the trunk, soon hearing it close "I'm already tired and it's already almost dark" I spoke leaning on the window as he hopped in the drivers seat.

We soon arrived back home while keigo put everything away I sat in my room getting undressed, "babe I made you something quick to eat" I heard him walking towards my room "thank you" I replied as we sat on my bed, I began to eat the sandwich he had made while we talked about anything.

"You're not gonna eat?" I questioned placing the now empty plate on my nightstand, "I ate mine while I was making yours" he spoke laying down wrapping his arm around my waist "lay with me it's like 9 and we have a busy day tomorrow" he spoke muffled as his head was against my waist.

"Really?" "Yeah, hella interviews" he replied as I laid besides him, he turned the light off as he wrapped his arms around me, "Goodnight keigo" "Goodnight princess"


I woke up slightly annoyed with the fact I had nothing better to do since I just came back from around 6 interviews, I sat up getting ready to throw a pillow at keigo only to find that he wasn't in bed. I soon heard the bathroom door reveal keigo in just a towel, "Look who's up" he spoke throw is towel at me, "would you stop throwing everything you wipe your balls with at my face?" I threw it back at him getting out of bed.

"You know you love it" he replied putting his underwear on, I walked past him to the bathroom smacking his ass in the process. "You know you love it" I replied after hearing a sigh leave his mouth, I felt him press himself against me as I began brushing my teeth "It's like 8 in the morning keigo" I replied bending down to rise my mouth out. I felt his hands roam my ass while he chuckled "morning sex doesn't hurt anyone"

"Maybe later, don't you have to patrol today?" I wiped my face walking out the bathroom, "yeah but I'll miss you~ and I don't really get off till 7" he whined kissing my neck. "How bout this, you come during break and you'll get it, then you won't get it after so choose" I replied as he let me go to put his clothes on "fine I'll wait, but you gotta be ready for me" he spoke following me downstairs "of course" I replied kissing his cheek only for him to pull me back to placing a kiss on my lips.

"Keigo don't you have to go in a bit?" I questioned breaking the kiss, he checked the time smirking "I have 5 minutes" he placed his lips back on my as he pushed me against the wall. Just like that his 5 minutes were up, "I'm totally fucking your brains out once I get back" he spoke as my phone ringed, he began leaving wet kisses on my neck as I answered "Hello?" I spoke into the phone "Hey sorry [Y/N] but they need you in office today, it was a last minute change plus they wanted you to overview some things" I heard Akira speak shyly as I mentality groaned.

"Ok no problem, I'll be there" I replied hanging up with a sigh, "what's wrong?" Keigo questioned as he placed his forehead ahead mine. "I gotta come in today i don't know when I'll be back" I told him as he went to put his shoes on "I'll try and be back before 7 though" "promise?" "Promise" I replied placing a small kiss on his lips as i went to get ready hearing him leave.



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𝐅𝐔𝐂𝐊 𝐁𝐔𝐃𝐃𝐈𝐄𝐒 | 𝐊. 𝐓𝐀𝐊𝐀𝐌𝐈Where stories live. Discover now