𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟔

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             "rules are rules take them off"

I laid on the couch as the tv screen played whatever was on, it's the 17th day of December meaning Christmas was just around the corner. "I wonder if I'll be able to see my family this year", I thought as I stared at the tv screen it didn't seem to catch my interest so I just blankly stared at it.

I haven't been out anywhere since that interview, I felt embarrassed I should've stood my ground instead of cowering away but it felt so sudden and I felt like I was at home again with him...

Meowing knocked me out of my day dream as I felt patch rubbing up against my leg, I just fed him so I'm guessing he wants attention. I picked him up placing him on my lap at I pet him softly, I placed my legs on the couch as patch found his way to snuggle up against my neck.

I glanced over at the clock of the oven as I turned the volume down to the tv, 4:38pm it read as I placed the remote down. I checked my phone to see missed calls and messages from friends, family and surprisingly keigo had texted and called me quite a few times I throw my phone over on the one seater couch as I placed my forearm over my eyes. "a small nap won't hurt" I thought as I closed my eyes slipping into my slumber.


I heard knocking at the door as I was half asleep on my couch. I didn't pay any mind to it so I tried falling asleep seeing if they would give up and leave me alone, but they didn't the knocking started to get annoying so I figured I'd just get the door.

I slowly slid patch off me careful not to wake him up as I glanced over the the oven clock, 7:15pm. The knock stopped as I let out a sigh of relief but it started up again, "oh my fucking good people are annoying" I walked over to the door not bother to look through the peep hole. "What do you want?" I said to the figure as they immediately engulfed me into a hug which took me by surprise.

I was able to make out their blonde hair and immediately knew who it was. "Keigo? What are you doing here?" I asked as I pulled away from the unexpected hug, "you weren't answering any of my calls or text for the pass week so I thought I'd give you some space but then Akira told me you weren't answering anyone and you haven't showed up to office or studio so I got worried and-".

I placed my finger over his lips to keep him from continuing on his rambling, he just stared at me with a soft smile, "I was worried that's all" he said as he removed my hand "I'm glad you're ok and not on the brink of death" he chuckled soft as I invited him in.

I told him to go to my room as I followed behind him. "oooo why are we in here sweetcheeks?" He asked as he bit his bottom lip leaning on his elbows manspreading, I rolled my eyes as I closed the door softly "I could care less about your sexual needs keigo i just don't wanna wake patch up he'll ignore me if i do" I said turning to him.

He was already staring at me like a creep, "what are you looking at?" He let out a soft chuckle still staring at me, "your ass looks nice in those tight shorts" he said as he threw himself back onto the bed.

I grabbed the pillow off my chair as I threw it at him. The nerve what a perv, he laughed as he sat up looking at my desk as a smirk creeped onto his face, "let's play a game".


Here I was at 10:57pm with just my under clothes on. Keigo decided we should play uno strip basically if you lose you have to take off a piece of your clothing if you're completely naked you'll have to stay like that for an hour, even through we're both basically naked in my book I'm winning because I still have my socks on. If I win this game he'll be completely naked I'll have to lose 3 more games in order for me to be completely naked so this will be easy.

I lied.... I don't know how he won 3 games in a row but he did now I'm hiding under my covers refusing to take my under clothes off. "Rules are rules sweetcheeks take em off" He said trying to pull the covers off me, but he couldn't. "I refuse to be naked in front of you keigo REFUSE" I yelled back but the room fell silent for way to long.

I peaked my head out of the cover to see keigo crouched down in front of my bag examining something. "What are you-" "so you kept it? And here I thought you hated me" he said as to showed me the feather.


I hurriedly throw the covers off of me as I went to grab the feather, "you've got the wrong idea I swear it's fake and uhh.. it's not yours because y'know... it's fake" I stumbled over my words as he laughed at me, I felt my cheeks heat up as he placed his hands on my waist.

"I'm glad you found it, I was hoping you would and possibly keep it" he pulled me closer to him to where I could feel his breath on my lips. The tension in the air was thick like always but this felt different. The way he looked at me made my legs weak, he leaned in closer and I couldn't push him away even though this felt so wrong because aren't we just a hook up to one another?

Before he closed the gap between us I felt him pull at the hem of my panties while the other hand went to unclip my bra as he got close to my ear "rules are rules take them off" he whispered unclipping my bra I held it before it could go anywhere as we stared intensely at each other. "Play the game, don't be a sore loser", "fine I will" I pushed him away a little as I removed the remaining of my clothing.

He stared at me with that stupid smirk on his face. "I'm cold" I said as I went to get my disregarded blanket off the floor, as I bent down I felt a sharp pain on my ass, "haha very funny keigo" I pulled the covers over me as I saw patch coming up the stairs.

We both decided to cuddle up against each other on my bed leaving keigo out. "Ok now I feel left out, both of you guys are naked" he said referring to me and patch, before I knew it he was already about to take off his boxers "Keigo woah! Not in front of patch are you crazy??" I said throwing a pillow at him.

Next thing I knew patch was outside of a locked gate on the bottom of the stairs while keigo was on top of me naked. "I made it fair so now we're both naked" he said with a toothy smile, I pushed him off me as I turned away from him. I felt his arms wrap around my waist placing me on my back so he could lay on my chest, "keigo there's something called personal space-" I then heard soft snoring as I hesitantly played with his blonde hair while drifting off into sleep once more.



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𝐅𝐔𝐂𝐊 𝐁𝐔𝐃𝐃𝐈𝐄𝐒 | 𝐊. 𝐓𝐀𝐊𝐀𝐌𝐈Where stories live. Discover now