𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟗

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"don't put up a fight"


"Our intel states that the lieutenants have gathered for a routine meeting" Edge shot spoke as we eyed the mansion in the distance. "Everyone one of them should be in this mansion... Our enemy as someone with a warping power, but apparently that creature is at the hospital." Edge shot continued to talk as I got caught up in thought. "I've been thinking, he's in the top 3... shouldn't he be here? Unless he was the one who was the inside man, leading us to these locations... so where could he be?" I thoughts as I slapped my cheeks.

"Thinking of him won't help in this mission, he'll only distract me" I removed my hands from my face as I remembered what Rumi said. "Whenever you think of him just take deep breaths to clear your mind" I let out a shaky breath as I felt the wind run through my face, I continued as I was finally able to calm down. "Fuck I ho-" I covered my mouth stoping myself from putting out any negative words towards him, I removed my hand as I was finally time I to take action.

As we approached the Mansion it was annoying that I was in the front but I guess I was needed to build a wall or something but cementos was here, speaking of that he immediately attacked the mansion. "Mother Nature you're up!" "On it" I placed my hands on the ground growing branches and vines throughout the building capturing anyone they sensed, villains stormed out as one tried to pull off a wide range attack... but failed because Kaminari basically absorbed it.

"What a cool kid" I spoke as I watched his attack for a bit running into the building as everyone caught the villains outside, soon as I entered the building everyone either began fangirling or began attacking me. One girl tried to land a kick on me but I quickly dodged it, "y'know I always hated you" she spoke while continuously trying hit me.

"I can see why, you suck at fighting.... This is like a 20 vs 1, and none of you landed a hit" I spoke dodging and knocking everyone out. "No, it's that cocky ego of yours" she spoke as I grabbed her arm jumping over her kicking her back as I stood ontop of her, "such a hater, not a good look on you" I spoke see the rest of the hero's approaching. "Lavender blossom" I spoke softly as a purple smoke flowed out of my hand calming most of the people around me, I let out a heavy sigh as I spotted blue flames from a window.

I contemplated on stepping in considering I couldn't do much since fire and Nature doesnt mix, I turned around running in a different direction to assist other hero's. "What if Hawks was in that blast? I could've saved him, but what if we wasn't? I'd be putting myself in a dangerous battle i know I can't win" I thought like I didn't have almost every element that was involved in nature. I huffed as I sent water to the fire above quickly running to help another.

I was never sure where my quirk came from, but it was extremely powerful if you think about it, a quirk that allows me to grow and manipulate anything related to nature, even allows me to talk to animals. After awhile I was able to produce and heal plants such as flowers, I can only produce 3 flowers in a smoky substance lavender, passionflower, and poison ivy one helps with calming people, another for putting them to sleep and one to keep them distracted. I let out a heavy breath as I finished fighting another villain, Then more I fought the more I felt my feelings becoming involved.

"Ugh you guys are annoying" I spoke as I saw that familiar blue flame at the high edge of the building, not only that but I also saw tokoyami's dark shadow. I panicked as I knew at this time the U.A students should be heading to the rear guard, "oh shit" I spoke making my way towards the scene slowly. From around the corner I saw what seem to be dabi from the description, I quickly snuck up behind him swiftly kicking his head, I jumped in front of tokoyami in a defensive position "you need to get out of here tokoyami" I spoke without sparing him a glance.

"Hawks needs help!" He responded as I looked to see him holding a beat up hawks, I felt my heart ache as I looked at him. "Get to the medical station, quickly! I'll handle him" I spoke as he flew away, "Just who I was looking for" she spoke as he got ready to threw his flames towards me, until an huge ice wall stopped him. I backed away as I saw said ice wall throw mountlady back, I went over to support here until I felt a grip on my hair "no so fast hero you're coming with me" dabi spoke as he began to drag me away.

At this point I couldn't do much, I summoned fire as I burn most of my hair releasing his holding. "So willing to sacrifice that beautiful hair of years, instead of obeying" he spoke as he walked closer towards me "I need that extremely powerful quirk of yours, I like it so don't put up a fight" he stated until a huge had tried to grab him. "Looks likes our time here is done" he spoke as I immediately jumped away, staring at the huge monster.

And out of the way, I watched as he tired to push past mountlady, I joined midnight and kamui as we tried to get closer to him. Mountlady tried holding him back from reaching his destination until she was thrown off and out f the way, I went up ahead as I wanted to get an advantage to break the ground under him. I stood as I watched the familiar blue flame aim towards midnight and kamui, I quickly placed my hands on the dirty making a hug pit to see if I could atleast slow him down.

But he was too fast, before I knew it I was pushed out of the way as my back hit a tree breaking the impact, I coughed up a bit as I hit the ground. I tired to sit up but my breathing wouldn't stay steady, I wheezed slightly as I knew I had to fight any pain I was feeling as I had to stop that huge monster, I stood up holding myself up with the tree besides me.

I felt a warm liquid tray down my forehead, I held my hand up to hold my head soon pulling it back see most of my hand was covered in blood. I stood up straight as I turned my head towards the huge giant, I tired to move towards them but once I took a step I fall. I stood back up running towards the giant, I saw as he fell down giving me a better chance to catch up.

I saw both mountlady and kamui on the ground as I ran towards them, "Are you guys ok?!" I shouted as they she seemed to be put cold. "We should be asking you that" kamui questioned as I gave him a weak smile, "of course I am" I suddenly heard an explosion as I continued making my way towards the beast same with mountlady, she began preying his mouth open as I quickly wrapped branches on the bottom of his mouth helping prey his mouth open.

"Mother Nature!" I heard from behind me as I used all my strength to prey his mouth open, until he started shifting, he threw mountlady off him again as he grabbed my branches throwing them off his chin along with me. I felt myself hit the ground soon going out cold.



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