𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟕

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                   "one more time"


I haven't heard or seen keigo for the past 3 days, I'd text him and he wouldn't even see it. I laid in bed hoping he'd text me back, sitting around like a lost puppy who's waiting for it's owner knowing they won't come back, I felt patch crawl into my back as he purred. I felt tears welled up in my eyes as I tried to calm myself down I felt his soft paw, gently wiping my tear making me laugh a bit.

"I think we'll have just us for now on" I poke as he meowed in response, "let's watch a movie patch, you can have whatever you want today" I spoke wiping my tears. I carried him downstairs into the kitchen as I prepared our snacks, soon taking them to the living, "what should we watch?" I questioned him as he went to the tv pointing at the horror section. "I guess, but you're sleeping with me if I get scared" I spoke picking a movie that looked scary.

We both watched intensely as we ate our snacks our eyes not moving from the screen, until there was a jump scare making us jump a bit. I felt patch crawl into my lap as he snuggled against me, I smiled at the sight as I gently stroked his fur. Once the movie ended we were both a bit scared so we didn't move from the dim lighting until a knock came from the door. He immediately ran upstairs as I watched him "you aren't supposed to leave me" I shouted as I went to go answer the door.

"Hello?" I spoke through the cracked door, "can I come in?" I heard that forever familiar voice speak. I opened the door full as he stared down at me. "So why are you here?" I questioned as he avoided eye contact "we need to talk" he spoke as I invited him in, "what is there to talk about?" I questioned as I led him to the couch. "Don't mind the mess we just finished watching a movie" I took a seat on the couch as he did the same, "we?" He questioned as I nodded "me and patch"

We stayed silent for a bit, "I love you, [Y/N].... But I think we should end things" he spoke as I looked at the blank TV, I felt my heart break into a million pieces but I didn't want to show him that. "Did I do something wrong?" I questioned lowly, "will you give me another chance to fix it?" I felt tears well up in my eyes as I quickly wiped them away, he didn't respond, he didn't say anything, it was silent. "What are you hiding from me?" I questioned looking at him, he seemed to have freeze up a bit as I asked him the question.

"I just don't think it'll work" I spoke as he began walking to the door, "Keigo please just tell me" I spoke stopping him in his tracks. "Fine if you won't tell me, just... one more time" I spoke getting in front of him, he looked puzzled as my face grew hot, I placed his hand on my chest as I looked away. "Just one more time" I spoke as he quickly moved it away, "I won't do that to you" he responded trying to leave.

"Please just one more time, you can do whatever you want just one more time... please keigo" I pleaded as I finally looked at him with tears in my eyes, he placed his hand in my cheek soft grazing his thumb under my eye as he wiped my tears. He placed his lips against mine as immediately melted into it as i wrapped my arms around his neck, we walked to the bedroom with moving an inch from eachother.

He placed me on the bed as we took our shirts off, "are you sure about this?" He questioned as he hovered above me. I nodded as my grip tightened in his arms, "I'm sure" I responded as he placed his lips against mine.


I laid awake in my bed as keigo slept turned away from me, I stared at his back for a bit as I turned over facing the wall. I silently cried as everything began to sink in, I covered my mouth with my hand trying to sound as quiet as possible, I sat up wiping my tears as I got up from the bed. I went over to my closet throwing on a light jacket as I grabbed a pack out of the small box, I went downstairs to the balcony as I lended on the metal railing.

I opened the new pack taking out a cigarette placing it up to my lips lighting it, I felt disappointed with myself for breaking my own promise but the moment I let out the smoke I felt my body relax into the early morning breeze. I began humming a small tune to continue to put myself at ease, I continued staring at the moon as it shined with the darkness of the early morning sky.

I took one last breath as I put the cigarette out onto the ash try on my he balconies table, I turned around to see keigo standing in the doorway as he looked at me with mixed emotions. "Spare me your concerns, aren't you leaving or something? Take all your shit with you" I spoke pushing past him as I sat on the couch, "I'll get it later" he spoke as we walked towards the door I walked towards the kitchen pulling out the half empty bottle of alcohol.

"It's 3am, you're gonna drink this early" he questioned, "why the fuck do you care?" I responded opening the bottle, I took a couple of sips soon hearing the door open and closed. I began to feel my tears fall from my eyes as I continued to chugging down every last drop, I placed the empty bottle on the coffee table as I lit another cigarette, "fucking dick" I laid on the couch feeling myself becoming tired by the second.

"I fucking hate you"



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