𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑𝟏

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               "Just a quickie"


I walked into my surprisingly clean apartment, which was a mess before I left, "looks better?" Keigo spoke from behind me "I came here yesterday, it was a bit messy so I cleaned up a bit" He spoke as he took my jacket off, "Thank you keigo, by the way how are you and that team? I know my discharge date got pushed back but how is it going?" I questioned as I sat on the couch with him following, "well umm a lot as happened, The villains are after midoriya so he decided to leave the school and help us track down all for one and Shigaraki and capture villains who escaped" he responded as I was a bit taken aback. 

"Keigo! You can't let a high school boy track and take down villains it's not safe" I spoke slapping his chest lightly, "It's not like I could've stopped him, he's a really stubborn kid!" He responded back as he held my wrist that rested on his chest. I observed his face for a bit noticing the new scar that went from his left cheek down to his neck, I noticed how much shorter his hair was now making his earrings pop out more. "Your hairs shorter" I spoke as he stared back at me, "Yours is too" it was silent a bit after that until he began pulling his face closer to mine as I did the same.

Just as I felt his breath on my lips my phone rung causing us to jump away from eachother, I panicked a bit to find it as I immediately answered it, "H-Hello?" I answered trying to calm myself down "Hey [Y/N], so umm they have your scheduled packed tomorrow, since the country is in shambles they need a popular public figure to loosen things up a bit" My expression quickly changed as I heard Akira speak over the phone, I let out a breath relaxing a bit "Oh... I see, welll I'll see you tomorrow" I spoke as I hung up the phone.

I let out a heavy sigh as I relaxed into the couch, "something come up?" Keigo questioned as I turned to him, "I have a full schedule tomorrow, and I just got out the hospital they're so careless" I spoke as he warped his arm around my waist pulling me closer. I laid my head on his chest hearing his stead heart beat, "are you able to stay tonight? I have my answer for you" I questioned as I looked up at him, "No I can't stay tonight, sorry I told them I'd be less than an hour" he spoke as he rubbed my back.

"Well,...I'm ready to be with you again" I responded sitting up, he did the same as I saw his hand reach up to my cheek as his thumb rubbed it lightly. "Can I-" "kiss me" I interrupted as I moved closer to him, "please..." I pleaded as I've been desperate to feel his lips against "isn't someone desperate" he smirked, I smashed my lips onto his hungrily pushing him onto the couch. I felt his hand trail under my shirt while I straddled his hips, "fuck you're turning me on" he spoke into the kiss as he squeezed my boob, I moaned into the kiss as I felt something poking my inner thigh.

𝐅𝐔𝐂𝐊 𝐁𝐔𝐃𝐃𝐈𝐄𝐒 | 𝐊. 𝐓𝐀𝐊𝐀𝐌𝐈Where stories live. Discover now