Chapter Two

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I jumped up from my seat and I finally heard feet behind me. "What's wrong Madison?" Casey questions me and I turn on the outside light. Seeing nothing I turn the light off again. "What did you say?" Casey screams into the phone, and I raise it to my ear. "I want to know who I'm talking to," the voice claims and I know it isn't true. Shaking my head to myself I whisper out," That's not what you said,". "What do you think I said sweetheart?" the voice asks, and I just take a deep breath, but it exhales shakily. Casey takes the phone from my shaking hands, and I keep standing there what he said reverberating inside my skull. "We have to go now," Casey says, and I hear the swish of fabric. 

"Wait I thought me, and your friend were gonna go out," the voice questions hastily a slight panic toning the voice. "I don't think so anymore..."Casey covers again, and I hear an annoyed sigh from the receiver. "Don't hang up on me," the voice rushes a harsh tone to it. I wince and turn away from the phone to check the lock on the glass door. "Gotta go," Casey speaks into the phone, "Don't..." the man speaks but click goes the phone as Casey hangs up. I move to the stove and push the popcorn to the side as the phone's high-pitched ring struck again. "Yes?" I ask feebly into the phone. "I told you not to hang up on me sweetheart," the voice purrs to me softly. "What do you want?" I ask letting some of my fear slip through. "To talk," the man states his voice soft as silk. Casey takes the phone again. "Dial someone else, okay?" Casey requests her voice also quivering.

"You getting scared?" the voice taunts and Casey rolls her eyes. "No—bored," she claims and then once again she clicks the phone off and I just look at her in slight relief slight fear. "Maybe we shouldn't have hung up," I remark as suddenly once again the phone rings. "Listen asshole..." Casey begins but a loud growl stops her. "No, you listen, you little bitch. If you hang upon me again, I'll gut you and your friend like a fish. Understand?" the voice growls venom filling every word. Casey goes stunned. "I told you," I tell her lightly taking the phone. "Is this some kind of joke?" I ask into the phone and hear a soft audible sigh. "More of a game really babydoll," the voice answers and I hear the small smile. I watch as Casey migrates to the front door locking it and I check the glass doors once again. 

"I think my friend's two seconds from calling the police," I whisper to him. "And you and I both know that they'd never make it in time," the voice coos to me and I sigh knowing he's right. Casey's suddenly at my side yanking the phone from my hand. "What do you want?" she yells into the phone, and I roll my eyes at her ignorance. "To see what your insides look like," the man growls his voice what I would imagine is pure evil. Casey hangs up the phone and throws it at the side table. Suddenly the door chimes. "Who's there?" Casey calls and I roll my eyes at her ignorance. The door chimes again and I grab Casey's wrist shaking my head, but she pulls her arm from my grasp. "Who's there?" she calls again louder this time. Knowing full well there'll be no answer I barely jump as the phone rings once again. 

Casey rushes to grab it, almost dropping it in the process. As she picks up a deathly silence fills the both of us and I look to the glass again staring into the darkness hoping to see something, anything, anything at all. "You should never say "Who's there?". Don't you watch scary movies? It's a death wish," the man answers and I nod my head still looking at the glass knowing it for myself. "Look enough is enough. You had your fun now you better leave me alone or else," Casey cried out running to join my side and I just gestured for the phone. She reluctantly passed it over and once again the man's voice filled my ears. "Or else what?" the voice drawled, and I sighed, going to my only option. "Or else my boyfriend will be here any second and he'll be pissed when I tell him..." I state easily slipping the lie between my teeth. 

"I thought you didn't have a boyfriend," the man on the line questioned a tint of sadness in his voice. Knowing I had been caught for my lie I quickly scrambled for an idea then a familiar face popped up into my head. "I lied. I do have a boyfriend and he'll be here any second and your ass better be gone," I state firmly hoping this wouldn't come back to bite me in the ass later. "Sure darling..." the man taunted, and I stood up straighter almost glaring into the darkness. "I swear it. And he's big and plays football and will beat the shit out of you," I continue still standing tall and proud glaring out and whomever might be waiting there for me. "I'm getting scared," he taunts again, and I watch as Casey stares at me in horror. "I'm telling the truth. I lied before..." I whisper out keeping the steel tone in my voice. "I believe you sweetheart..." he purred a slight tinge of once again sadness but this time something else.

"His name... his name is... Stu Macher and I'm going to call him any minute now so you should go," I finally manage out and watch how finally some of the bushes rustle and hear a growl erupt from the phone. "It is, is it? Huh, sweetheart give the phone to Casey for me, will you?" I just nodded and handed the phone over. "He wants you," I whisper, and she just nods her eyes the size of golf balls. "I have a boyfriend too," Casey whispers and I hear a chuckle. "His name wouldn't be Steve, would it?" the voice asks, and I see as Casey freezes. "How do you know his name?" Casey asks and I just look into the window finally noticing a figure in the darkness. "Go to the back door and turn on the porch light—again," the voice says, and I see her run Islip the phone from her hand and just try to keep my terror from slipping inside. Casey flips the switch and I freeze my eyes enlarging at the sight in front of me.

"Oh Goddddd..." Casey cries before screaming. In front of us is Steve tied to a chair and he looks dead until his eyes pry open, and he starts to plead at Casey. Of course, she rushed to the door and the lock. "I wouldn't do that if I were you," the voice croons through the speaker. Terror crosses her face and I pull the phone up to my ear with shaking hands. "Where are you?" Casey cries into the phone and I hear a chuckle. "Guess," he whispered out and I instantly knew. "The front door, right?" I whispered making sure Casey didn't hear. "Clever girl babydoll. Now what do you think will happen next?" he asks me but before I can answer Casey beats me to it. "Please don't hurt him," she begs, and I just hold the phone. "That all depends on you and Madison here," he toys, and I hear the smile right behind it. No doubt he has moved from the front door as he used to say but once again watching us. "Why are you doing this?" Casey cries and I just look down. I knew this; it was basic horror movie logic. Next would be the- "I wanna play a game," game. 

I listened to the voice, and it softly echoed across the room. Casey turns to me fear stricken across her face. "No..." Casey whispered, and I just shook my head. "Then he dies. Right now," he taunts his tone harsh. I wince away from the phone. "NOOO!" Casey cries and I wince again. "Will you stop yelling?" I question Casey and she almost yells at me again. "Oh yeah? You tell me to calm down when your boyfriend's life is practically on the edge outside with a killer!" she yells, and I just gasp at her. "Which will it be Casey?" the man questions and I stare at her. "Better answer him Casey," I say holding the phone toward her. "What kind of game?" she whispers out and I turn the phone to me. "Turn off the light Casey," he asks softly, and she nods turning the light off to the sound of more of Steve's begs and I watch as the writhing body disappears into the darkness. Casey immediately yanks me from the room pulling us down behind the tv as if it will help. 

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