Chapter Forty-Three

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"So, it's obviously an intentional attack. Thank you. Gale, hi, it's not good, it's a single victim, a sorority girl. Thankfully it's only a stab wound. Look, I gotta go, I got a deadline," Debbie Salt speaks to the news reporter who had just arrived on the scene of the Omega Beta Zeta house. "Joel, let's go," Gale is quick to speak to her teen assistant. "In a minute," the teen softly speaks in response. Gale walks up the recognisable face of Deputy Dewey hoping to get some answers. "It's happening again, isn't it?" Gale asks him and he merely winces at her voice. "You'd love that wouldn't you? Better hurry Gale, you wouldn't want to get scooped," Dewey speaks a harsh edge to his voice. "Move it, Joel!" Gale then calls out to her assistant whom was still preparing his camera. "Gale, I don't think I am cut out for this. I mean, I was brought here to do a press conference coverage," Joel the teen speaks clearly unnerved by the scene of disarray in front of him. "Do not fuck with me!" Gale merely speaks in response.

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Meanwhile at the Delta Lambda Zeta house Derek and Sidney are preparing themselves to leave. "You about ready?" Derek calls out to his girlfriend. "Almost," Sidney speaks turning to the faintly ringing phone. "Hello?" Sidney asks into the receiver. "Hello Sidney, remember me?" a deep voice croons and immediately the hairs on the back of Sidney's neck rise. "What do you want?" she asks trying to remain confident in herself. "I want you! It's showtime!"the deep voice speaks a faux excitement filtering through the phone. "Then why don't you show your face you fucking coward," Sidney hisses into the phone. "My pleasure," the voice speaks ending the call and Sidney immediately calls out to Derek her panic already rising. Sidney turns around to see the killer come after her as she pushes the killer out of the way as Derek comes running to the door. The killer lunges for Sidney but stabs through the door, nearly missing Derek. Sidney runs through house, dodging the killer, she runs out of the patio door and runs smack dab into Derek. 

"Are you ok?" Derek asks and Sidney quickly nods her head. "Yeah, yeah," she then whispers her heart pounding in her ears. Derek enters the house and Sidney immediately calls out for him. "Sidney!" the familiar voice of Dewey Riley speaks and Sidney is quick to react turning over her shoulder. "Dewey! The killer's inside, Derek ran after him," Sidney explains and the sound of glass shattering pulls both of their attentions in the direction ran off in. There's a harsh yell and Dewey is quick to enter the house busting a door open only to find Derek on the floor his arm badly wounded. "Oh god!" Derek exclaims and Sidney winces yelling his name one again. "Where'd he go?" Dewey speaks calmly and Derek points over his shoulder. "That way," Derek mutters. Dewey runs in the direction Derek pointed in only to see Lois and Murphy outside peering through the front door. "Is everything ok?" Murphy asks and Dewey just turns around running back toward Derek. "Here apply pressure to it," Dewey explains and Derek just nods wincing as the pain settles in. Sidney stands in fear , mad that Derek has been hurt.

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Meanwhile Madison sits in the waiting room of a hospital waiting for news on Cici the events of the night playing over and over in her mind. They really did come for Sidney. God if Mickey hadn't invited Stu over, they would have done it. That had to be the reason they were even at that party. my mind screams at me and I feel as my heart sinks deeper and deeper in my chest. "Miss Pierce?" a voice speaks pulling me from my reverie and looking up I'm met with the kind smile of a nurse. "You can follow us back now," she speaks and I just nod grabbing my bag and following her through the pristine hallways flashbacks to the many times I had walked halls like these ones because of injuries to myself. "Because of injuries of us," a voice whispers in my ear and I just ignore following the nurse until she stops outside of a room. "She's still unconscious from the blood loss but she should make a full recovery," the nurse explains opening the door for me while I merely thank her walking inside. "Oh Cici," I whisper softly taking in her almost ethereal complexion. Under the lighting her skin looks ghostlike her eyes fluttering softly from her sleep. 

Is this what I looked like? My mind wonders softly and at the soft feeling of eyes on me I turn my shoulder only to see the tall figure from my nightmares. "You can't fool me anymore. You look nothing like him, neither of you do," I speak softly and I hear as the figment sighs. "Just came to make sure you're okay. You know with the whole reappearance of us and all. We are your coping mechanism after all," ghost Stu speaks softly and turning to look at him I see true sincerity lingering in his translucent eyes. "Well, I don't know what you helping me cope with seeing as they're here..." I speak and I watch as he looks away a guilty look in his eyes. "We're just trying to help Madi," Stu's saddened voice speaks and I just scoff turning back to Cici where I just sit down staring at her sorrowfully. "You think we're going to be there, don't you?" Billy's voice calls to me and looking into the mirror I thankfully only see him there. "I don't know but I have a feeling if not you then that mask is coming. 

That's why I'm getting Cici out of the house. I have a feeling he's coming here tonight and for her. Torture me some more and get rid of the one thing holding me together," I speak softly watching as he walks toward me before sitting in the chair I still hadn't moved. "Other than us," he speaks softly and I merely nod. The memory hisses through me and looking up I immediately pull back at seeing the changed complexion of Billy Loomis. "How did you -?" I ask watching as he shakes his head softly. "I'm not the real one Mads," he whispers softly and only as my heart calms do I notice the hazy film covering him. "But come -?" I then ask watching as a light chuckle washes over his face. "Your trauma changed me and not Stu for some reason. I think the manifestation of Stu is more familiar. I'm not so different so here I am," Billy speaks and I watch as slowly the facial hair starts flickering before returning to its place. "Someone's coming," Billy then speaks and looking towards the door I notice a tall figure standing outside.

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