Chapter Eighteen

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Meanwhile, two boys walk down main street together. "So how was it?" the taller one asks and the shorter one turns to him smiling. "Piece of cake. Now we just have to blow this thing out the park," the shorter one responds. By now it is obvious that the two still have an unspoken tension between them a strong memory still staining their minds. "She'll be safe from now on okay. She's, our girl. That means nothing happens to her. Not now, not ever again. After tomorrow night we claim her as ours," the shorter one states and the taller one nods. "Oh, I just can't wait Billy, it's going to be so great," the taller one cheers gleefully and the shorter one rolls his eyes. "You need to grow up a little Stu," the boy, Billy says and the taller one, Stu just frowns. "Why are you always at me?" he asks and Billy laughs. "Because I'm trying to build your self-esteem. You're far too sensitive," Billy answers and Stu frowns. "Oh..." he sighs, and Billy continues walking despite Stu pausing in thought. 

"Does Madison see me the same way?" he asks running to catch up with his partner and more laughs ensue. "I don't know but what if she did? Pretty funny don't you think?" Billy remarks jokingly and Stu finally lets a smile break through. "Are you at least a little bit excited?" Stu asks and once again Billy rolls his eyes. "The only thing I'm excited for is claiming Madison as mine. You forget that I have to make sure we can kill Sidney dumbass," Billy says his mood sour. "Yeah, that's bad but at least we get to scare Madison and then she'll understand and can you imagine her face. It'll be priceless," Stu says his voice turning gleeful once again and Billy merely hits Stu's forehead lightly. "Just be ready to party hard alright?" Billy commands and Stu relaxes. "You know it," he says and then both boys continue walking in silence. A typical blockbuster stands in front of the two boys bustling with people. With a silent glance between the two they split apart Stu quickly chasing down the familiar figure of Randy. 

Randy's reshelving videos as Stu appears from behind knocking the videos out of his hands before poking his tongue out in a joking manner. "Jesus, this place is packed," Stu remarks and Randy merely looks at him in annoyance before turning to pick up the lost videos. "We had a run in the mass murder section," Randy explains quickly as Stu nods looking around at all the people bustling by. "You coming tonight?" Stu asks his eyes falling back to Randy. "Yeah, I'm off early--curfew you know," Randy speaks his eyes drifting away for a moment. "Now that's in poor taste," he speaks again his eyes trained to a brunette standing with a couple girls talking mindlessly. "What?" Stu questions his eyes scouring the place landing on Billy. "If you were the only suspect in a senseless bloodbath would you be standing in the horror section?" Randy asks knowing Stu was looking at Billy also. "Well technically we don't know he's the killer. The cops don't have any evidence against him and they didn't detain him the night Sidney got attacked," Stu quickly explains defending his friend softly. 

"You're such a little lap dog. He's got killer printed all over his forehead," Randy speaks and Stu merely scoffs. "Then I ask again, why didn't the police detain him smart guy," Stu replies snarkily his taller frame intimidating Randy's smaller one. "Because, obviously, they don't watch enough movies . This is standard horror movie stuff. Prom Night revisited," Randy begins to ramble causing Stu to roll his eyes. "Oh really? Then why would he want to kill his own girlfriend? Or Madison for that matter?" Stu asks a new glint in his eyes. "There's always some stupid bullshit reason to kill your girlfriend. That's the beauty of it all. Simplicity. Besides, if it's too complicated you lose your target audience. As for Madison, maybe he regrets not killing her when he killed Casey so he wants another shot at taking her out," Randy explains and Stu just nods his head along mindlessly knowing that Madison wouldn't die even if there were regrets. "So what's his reason? For killing both I mean," Stu then asks Randy that same humourous glint in his eyes. "Maybe Sidney wouldn't have sex with him. And maybe Madison's been too clingy since her aunt died," Randy reasons and Stu once again nods along trying to hold back his laugh at Randy's assumed reasoning. "So what? Sidney's saving herself for you?" Stu questions this time exciting a small laugh from Randy before his eyes turn into wonder. 

"Could be. Now that Billy's tried to mutilate her, you think Sid would go out with me?" Randy then asks causing a loud bout of laughter to spill from Stu's lips. As the laughter dies down his whole facial expression changes all the humour gone. "No I don't at all," Stu speaks before looking away from Randy and letting his nerves cool slightly. "I think her father did it. How come they can't find his ass?" Stu then asks drawing the conversation away from anything to do with Billy, Sidney and specifically Madison. "Because he's probably dead. His body will come popping out in the last reel somewhere, eyes gauged. See, the police are always off track with this shit, if they'd watch Prom Night they'd save time. There's a formula to it. A very simple one. Everyone's always a suspect-the father, the principal, the town derelict..." Randy begins to ramble again causing Stu to once again nod along mindlessly. "Which is you..." he then mutters under his breath that Randy doesn't catch. "So while they're off investigating a dead end, Billy, who's been written off as a suspect, is busy planning his next hunting expedition," Randy finishes his explanation his eyes trained on Stu long enough to allow Billy to walk up behind the unsuspecting teen a slight tinge of murder in his eyes. "How do we know you're not the killer?" Billy speaks into Randy's ears Stu smirking lightly at the sudden tension in the teenage boy. 

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