Chapter Twenty-Four

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By this point the only teens that remain within the party are the diehard horror movie fans all cluttered around the television watching as another horror movie plays, scary music accompanied by horrific screams echoes round the room until Randy speaks up. "Look, here comes the obligatory tit shot!" he exclaims as the screen fills with a girl bare from the top half chest on full display. The boys in the room cheer out as Tatum merely rolls her eyes still completely enamoured by her drunken phase. "Beautiful!" one cheers "Finally!" comes from another. Suddenly a phone rings out piercing through the sounds of the movie and drawing some of the teens attention. "Hello?" Randy speaks into the phone a soft murmuring none of the other teens can make out responding. "Yeah... Holy Shit!" he suddenly exclaims a new sense of panic crossing over his face. 

Letting the phone slip from his hand he pauses the movie teens crying out in protest begging to have their movie back. "Listen up," Randy speaks to the room all the teens falling silent at his words. "They found Principal Himbry dead. He was gutted and hung from the goal post on the football field," Randy explains the eyes of the teens widening as he continues. "So, what are we waiting for?" a teen suddenly asks rising from his seat to walk toward the exit of the house. "Let's get over there before they pry him down," another speaks in agreement also rising to follow the teen toward the exit. All of the teens look to each silent nods filling the room before a procession leaves the house cheering and hollering recklessly on their way to their cars to get to the school. Randy and Tatum are the only ones left in the room both completely drunk and mindlessly watching the movie. "We were just getting to the good part," Randy drunkenly mumbles the movie resuming silently.

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Meanwhile outside Kenny is barely watching the monitor, he reached boredom some time ago. He finds a bag of Cheetos and chows down when he hears screaming from outside. Be peers out the window to see the last of the party kids pile into two cars and race off down the road. He chews a Cheeto slowly, his interest piqued.

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Upstairs the couple have finished with the sex and are now dressing within their own space, the after sex awkwardness settling in. Sidney brushes out her hair as her eyes come to rest on the telephone on the nightstand... it puzzles her as a stark revelation crosses her face. She turns to Billy who's sits on the floor, putting on his shoes. "So, if you weren't the killer why'd you have a phone on you when you came over?" Sidney asks mindlessly voicing her thoughts as Billy's head flicks up to hers. "What?" he asks confused by her question only receiving a light sigh in response. "The night you took Madison in duh. Why'd you have a phone on you if you weren't going to call the police because you heard screaming," Sidney speaks and Billy quickly rolls his eyes while Sidney's gaze isn't on his. "I was walking back from a party. My father wanted me to have it. I was walking past and heard your screams so I decided to come see what was up. I thought you girls were watching some scary movie or something," Billy quickly explains looking up to Sidney noticing how she watches him. 

"You still think it could be me don't you Sid?" Billy then asks hurt clear in his tone. "No, but if it were you, that would have been a clever way to throw me off track. Calling the police in the nick of time and then showing up to save us," Sidney quickly explains trying to argue a point for her argument. "What do I have to do to prove to you I'm not a killer?" Billy speaks standing up softly a darker look in his brown eyes. Billy makes a move to walk toward her when suddenly from the balcony comes a ghost masked figure. Sidney meets the mask's eyes first and starts screaming. Billy tries to calm her, oblivious to the advancing man. "Billy watch out!" Sidney suddenly screams but it's just a moment too late. As Billy turns around a long steely blade rises high in the air striking down to meet him and hitting his chest as blood sprays the air. Landing on Sidney in dark crimson the knife continues to be thrusted in and out of Billy who tries to put up a fight but it's useless. There was never a chance for him in the first place; his body falls lifeless to the floor as Sidney reaches for him tears mingling with the crimson splatters on her face. The ghost masked male watches Billy's body still before quietly, calmly he turns his attention to Sidney who's numb, scared to death. Only when the ghost finally takes a step towards Sidney does she break her frozen stupor. She takes off like a bullet from a gun leaping over the bed and out the door.

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Madison sips the last of her drink from the random cup she had found when she suddenly hears a faint shriek from upstairs. Walking out into the hall she watches as Sidney rushes across the upper hallway and looking to the direction Sidney ran from, she freezes at the sight in front of her. It's the killer standing with a bloody knife staring down at her. "Holy shit..." she whispers in shock before looking back towards the area Sidney ran to. "Guess you have to choose which one you want fucker," Madison challenges the killer watching as he merely tilts his head before walking away from her, towards where Sidney had rushed. "Shit..." Madison whispers quickly rushing towards the backyard realising Sidney most likely was making a break for the balcony outside Stu's parents' bedroom. Opening the garage door without a struggle Madison rushes outside to see Sidney smacking against the window in the attic. 

"Sidney!" Madison calls out watching as she looks down at her the fear clear in her eyes. "You have to break it!" she yells watching as Sidney nods before disappearing for a moment. Madison analyses this side of the house trying to locate any figure that might be passing by or might be waiting for Sidney to make the slow decent down the side of the house. A loud crash draws Madison's eyes back up to the attic window watching as Sidney smiles victoriously before slowly easing her body out the window. Sliding down the side of the roof Sidney lands smoothly on the balcony causing Madison to smile softly. "You're going to have to ease yourself over the edge Sid. I'll catch you," Madison speaks her voice still slightly raised to ensure she doesn't gain some unwanted attention. Sidney merely nods giving one last glance towards the bedroom before she eases herself over the balcony hanging from her hands leading Madison to stand closer to the house prepared to catch Sidney. 

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