Chapter Twenty-Three

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Meanwhile downstairs a bunch of teens sit on the couches surrounding the television a horror movie on the screen. Most of the teens watch the television intently most likely drunk and not thinking coherently. "Look, here it comes. Splat!" one teen speaks as a teen within the movie is horrifically killed. "The blood's not the right colour. Why do they do that? It's too red," another teen questions as the bright crimson fills the screen. "Probably cause they don't know how to make it look realistic dumbass," Madison whispers under her breath to the drunken Tatum causing her to laugh softly. "Here comes another..." Randy speaks this time and once again another teen is murdered on the screen, the bright red flowing out of them seamlessly. "Predictable. Knew he was going to bite it," another teen remarks and that causes Madison to roll her eyes. "How can you watch this shit over and over?" Madison asks her eyes flicking to Randy only for him to shush her softly his eyes never wavering from the television. "I wanna see Jaime Lee's breasts. When do we see Jaime Lee's breasts?" a new voice speaks causing Madison to roll her eyes. "Seriously Stu?" she questions her eyes flicking over to him briefly before turning to the giggling Tatum.

"Just let him be Madison. He's always been like this," Tatum giggles out to me lightly and that just causes me to smile softly. "We won't see them until Trading Places in '83. Jaime Lee was always the virgin in horror movies. She didn't show her tits til she went legit," Randy informs Stu eyes still on the television. "No way," another random teen exclaims causing me to roll my eyes again releasing another light laughter from Tatum. "That's why she always lived. Only virgins can outsmart the killer in the big chase scene in the end. Don't you know the rules?" Randy remarks eyes finally drifting from the television to the random teen who spoke. "What rules?" Stu taunts Randy causing Randy to pause the movie receives a round of annoyance from the teens and making me roll my eyes once again. "You don't-?" Randy sighs as he rises to stand. "Here he goes..." I whisper to Tatum causing her to only smile this time. "There are certain rules that one must abide by in order to successfully survive a horror movie. For instance, number one, you can never have sex." Randy begins causing all the boys in the room to boo him lightly some throwing popcorn in his direction. 

"Big no, the minute you get a little nookie – you're as good as gone. Sex always equals death," Randy continues and that's when I feel Tatum nudge me lightly. "I guess I'm as good as dead," she whispers as I look to her causing me to laugh. "Guess I'm good, cause I'm... a virgin," I remark back softly and she laughs alongside me. "Next you can never drink or do drugs," Randy speaks and this time all the teen cheer before drinking from their beers they all hold. "Guess that's strike two," Tatum tells me and I smile softly. "Guess that's another benefit for me," I whisper and she just smirks at me softly. "It means you just don't have fun," she speaks causing me to roll my eyes. "If it keeps me alive then I'm placing all my bets," I speaks causing her to smile. "It's all about the sin factor, it's an extension of rule number one. And finally number three. Never, under any circumstances say 'I'll be right back' cause you won't be back," Randy finishes his spiel and I merely turn to Tatum asking if she wants another beer and she merely nods her head. "Hey Meeks, you want another beer?" I ask him causing him to flicker to my now standing figure waiting at the door. "Yeah sure," he speaks mindlessly and that's when I smirk. 

"I guess I'll be right back..." I exclaim as I walk backwards a light smirk on my face. The teens around me all echo in surprise and that's when Randy smirks back at me. "And there she goes folks, a dead woman. Say goodbye, or will we see you in the kitchen with a knife?" Randy remarks causing me to laugh softly. I walk down the hallway and into the kitchen only to hear soft footsteps behind me. "Boo," a light voice speaks and arms wrap around me causing me laugh again. "So, are you, my killer? Cause I did break the rules..." I speak turning to face Stu our faces dangerously close to each other. "That depends... gonna say your sorry? For tempting fate?" Stu jokes with me softly a light smirk on his face. "I'm sorry I tempted fate while a killer was on the lose," I speak softly a sincere apology slipping through my tone. Stu laughs lightly before pulling away from me giving us the space that we should have had from the start. "Apology... not accepted," Stu speaks before charging at me lightly hands reaching for my sides before tickling me energetically causing my body to twist and convulse in laughter. Eventually he breaks free a large grin on his face as I gasp for the air I hadn't been able to receive. "Happy now?" I ask him as he merely nods his head before disappearing out of my sight.

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As more time passes and more and more teens clear out of the house, Gale and Kenny remain in their news van intently watching the monitor recording the living room where all the teens remaining continue to watch scary movies together. That is until a soft rap sounds on the door to the back of the news van. Gale pulls it open a slight look of disdain on her face until she meets the eyes of Dewey Riley his face full with a bright smile. "Sheriff just radioed me. I'm gonna check out a possible lead. Thought you might want to join me," Dewey speaks and Gale merely smiles at his slight enthusiasm. "What kind of lead?" she asks intrigued leaving Dewey's smile on his face. "A car was spotted in the bushes a little ways up the road," Dewey explains causing Gale to nod softly. "I'd love to. If you're sure it's alright?" Gale speaks a question falling off her lips effortlessly. "Ma'am, I am the deputy of this town," Dewey speaks causing Gale's smile to grow. "Can I bring Kenny?" Gale then questions hand mindlessly pointing behind her somewhat in Kenny's direction. "No! I mean... I should probably take just you," Dewey quickly exclaims before slowly explaining himself. "I'll be back," Gale calls to Kenny before stepping out of the van toward Dewey before passing him to walk towards his patrol jeep. "Actually, I thought we could walk. It's not too far," Dewey quickly speaks causing Gale to turn around and smile at Dewey a reciprocated one on his face.

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