Chapter Seventeen

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"Tag your it," Stu whispers in her ear and then she looks at both boys running off toward the water. "Oh, come on! No fair!" she yells and both boys laugh. Running after them she finally is able to tackle one of the boys and tag him only to be caught five seconds later. Out of breath and resting on the ground Madison sighs. "No more tag, you guys' cheat," she whispers panting quietly. "Your height lets you down shorty," Stu remarks playfully and Madison merely hits him lightly on the chest making an eruption of laughs echo across the field. The sun was turning the edges of the field a soft gold and that was when the boys finally were able to pull Madison from the clearing back through the woods and then home. Reaching the lounge room Madison fell back softly her eyes drooping shut before her chest started to rise and fall a steady rhythm saying she was finally asleep.

The boys snuck inside softly and smiled at her sleeping figure. "God she's precious," Stu slipped out and Billy just nodded. Entering the room, the both of them sink down to the floor and just watch her figure sleeping. She always looked her best when her mind was at peace in a dream. "What do you think she dreams about?" Stu asks softly and the question stuns Billy because for the first time he doesn't know. "I don't know, puppies, kittens, makeup, boy bands, other things girls dream of?" he rattles off each idea sounding as ludicrous as the rest. Then suddenly an echo of a melody fills the room. Looking to the sleeping girl both boys were worried she had woken as her chest rocked numbly with the echo of her laugh. "At least I'm not a giant..." her voice mumbles and both boys smile gingerly. So that's what Madison thought of, the three of them being well, them. Of course, they hadn't forgotten what was to come, the party was tomorrow which meant they had to get back to doing what they did best which was killing. They knew who their next target was it was key they killed him if they wanted the party to go their way. The morning rose and they simply left a note for their girl hoping she would understand.

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"Damn..." Mr Himbry's voice whispered looking to the mask in his hands. Crossing his room, he looks to the closet peeling the door open looking as he pulls the mask over his head the mirror reflecting the horrific face outstretched in a scream that would never make a noise. A knock echoes against the wood and he turns to the door quickly pulling the mask off. Despite the school being empty he peeled the door open and pokes his head out looking down the empty hall. "Yes? Hello?" he called out only to be greeted with silence. Closing his door, he sighs his mind still lingering on where the strange knocking had come from until it happens again. Knocks rapping against the wood of the closed door. Himbry grabs the door quickly flinging it open to look out into the hall now alert for any movement. "Little shits," he murmurs stepping back into his office shutting the door tightly. Moving to his desk he turns to the door only to see the closet door now shut closed. He pauses thinking back of his actions. He had left the door open, hadn't he? He swiftly moves to the door flinging it open only to be greeted with an empty closet. Shaking his head, he turns away failing to notice the Ghost figure hiding behind the door. Lunging forward the knife in his hand flashes silver digging into Himbry's white shirt leaving a growing bloom of red. Himbry drops to his knees two more cuts coming down and his body falls in a lifeless gasp.

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As sun glistened in from the lounge room windows Madison rose to be greeted with yet another soft card of white sitting on the table in front of her. Picking up between her fingers she smiles reading the soft inscription, "Sorry Mads, we had to take off for a project. We'll be home as soon as possible. Billy and Stu <3". Madison smiled and immediately migrated toward the phone. "Hey, are you guys busy today?" Madison asks into the phone hearing the smile behind the question. "Yeah, are those two bodyguards finally out for the day?" Tatum asked back and Madison was quick to reply "Yeah, for a project or something,". "Well get your ass over here then," Tatum exclaimed cheerfully ending the call with a soft click. Madison ran for the door grabbing keys and her purse quickly rushing out the door a smile plastered on her face. Driving up to Tatum's house she sees as Tatum and Sidney are sitting on the porch merely basking in the sun slowly rising overhead. A serene quiet fills the space and as Madison walks up, she hears Tatum sigh. "I'm just saying maybe Cotton Weary is telling the truth. Maybe he was having an affair with your mum," Tatum remarks and Madison winces sitting down on the ground between the two. "So, you think my mum was a slut too?" Sidney questions an unmistakeable scowl crossing her face. "She didn't say that, Sid. But you know there were rumours. Your dad was always out of town on business. Maybe Tatum's suggesting your mum was a very unhappy woman," Madison quickly suggests trying to ease tension before it began. 

"If they were having an affair how come Cotton couldn't prove it in court?" Sidney questions and Madison remains silent in thought. "You can't prove a rumour. That's why it's a rumour," Tatum remarks a small snarky smile on her lips. "Well, it was created by that little tabloid twit Gale Weathers," Madison remarks unhappy at the drama that news reporter caused every day. "Well, it does go further back, Sid. There's been talk about other men," Tatum says gently her voice giving a soft tone but still conveying the same message. "And you believe it?" Sidney asks hurt clear in her voice. Madison moves over and rests her head against Sidney rubbing softly showing her discomfort of the topic but also giving a slight suggestion to her side within the argument. "Well... you can only hear that Richard Gere-gerbil story so many times before you have to start believing it," Tatum remarks and Madison just continues to rub against Sidney's leg softly. Suddenly Sidney stands up and walks around Madison to look out onto the neighbourhood. "If I was wrong about Cotton, then he's still out there," Sidney says morbidly, and Madison rises to stand next to her. "Don't go there Sid. You're just worried, things will work out, okay? Now how about we go have some fun yeah?" Madison asks her lightly and Sidney turns to her smiling. "You're right. Come on let's go," Sidney replies, and the two girls turn and start walking down the porch toward Madison's pale silver car. 

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