Chapter Three

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"Here's how we play. I ask a question for the both of you. If you get it right—Steve lives." His voice commands trapping the both of us with every word. "Please don't do this," Casey begs but I know it is far too late to be begging. We must play his game. "Come on. It'll be fun. Besides I'm sure Madison wants to play..." the voice coaxes and of course he's right. I want to play well more have to. "Madison, don't you dare say yes to him," Casey commands of me but I shake my head. "We have to or Steve dies, right?" I question her and the phone. "No... please," Casey begs me and the phone. "It's an easy category. Movie trivia," the voice coaxed again, and I smiled. "..please..." Casey begs in the background but I'm not listening anymore. "I'll even give you a warm up question. You game for that babydoll?" he asks me, and I answer meekly, "Yes,". "Name the killer in Nightmare on Elm Street," he asked softly, and I smile. "Come on babydoll. It's your favourite scary movie, remember? He had the knives for hands, the burnt face," he coaxes me, and Casey just silently begs me with her eyes.

"I don't know," I whispered out too worried for Steve and Casey stare pressuring me. "Come on, yes you do. Don't let her stress you out sweetheart. What's his name?" he coaxes me, and I take a breath. "Freddy... Freddy Kruger," I whisper out despite everything. "Good girl. Now for the real question," he continues. "NOOOO...." Casey cries. "But you're doing so well," he whines a playful tone in his voice. "Please go away! Leave us alone!" Casey cries and I just stare dumbfounded. "Then answer the question. Same category," he requests, and I just answer for her. "Fine," I answer ready for the question. "Name the killer in Friday the 13th," he questions and just as I was about to answer Mrs. Vorhees Casey yanks the phone from me. "JASON! JASON!...JASON!" she yells, and I freeze. That's the wrong answer. I look to her with shock in my eyes and shake my head.

"I'm sorry. That's the wrong answer," the voice purrs and then Casey's figure goes rigid, and I just exhale looking down. "No, it's not. It was Jason," Casey insists but I shake my head no hoping she sees me. "Afraid not," the vice chimes. "It was Jason. I saw that goddamned movie twenty times. It was Jason," Casey insists one more time, but I sigh in disappointment and sadness. "Then you should know Jason's MOTHER—Mrs. Vorhees was the original killer. Jason didn't show up until the sequel," the voice explains, and I nod along. Casey turns to me her skin now ghost white. "You tricked me," Casey whispers and I shake my head no. "Lucky for you there's a bonus round. But poor Steve.. I'm afraid.. he's out," the voice mocks Casey a fake sadness clear in the voice. Casey bolts into the kitchen and flicks the switch for the porch light.

I follow behind only to be greeted with the most horrific sight. Steve sits his eyes wide open, but his mid-section is a mass of red and pale pink. It is then I notice the pink his is guts spilling from the ripped flesh. Casey screams collapsing to the floor, and I just stand there shocked. "Final question is for Madison now Casey. Give her the phone please," the voice coos in a mock kindness and Casey's quivering hands hold the phone out to me. "What door am I at sweetheart?" the voice purrs and I look out the glass again. "You're here with us at the back door," I whisper out and another chuckle echoes through the phone. "That's correct now move out of the way of the door," the voice commands and I stand there confused. "What?" I question dumbly and then suddenly a chair comes crashing through the window. I fly backwards and as my head hits the kitchen counter it all turns a soft black.

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Billy watched as Stu finally threw the chair through the glass door before walking through and stalking Casey as she leaves for the front door. But that was at the back of his mind. Right now, he was focused on Madison; he had tried to warn her to get out of the way, but she hadn't in time. So now he crossed Casey's lawn in a mask of his own. Entering the house, he noticed how Madison laid flat on the kitchen counter. He picks her up softly and walking into the lounge. Sitting down he finally took notice of the glass shard sticking out of her cheek. Hearing a pair of footsteps coming back he turns slightly to Stu. "I didn't mean to hurt her man, she just was too close, and I knew the moment would be ruined if I didn't go," Stu began but Billy wasn't listening. "Right now, you worry about Casey. I'll deal with Madison," Billy quickly spits outtrying to control his temper.

At the sound of the retreating footsteps Billy turns his attention to the shard. Softly he moves her skin trying to ease the shard out on its own but could tell it was too deep. So, he took it between his fingers and pulled it out. A hiss   escaped Madison's lips and he just hushed her with his free hand. Chucking the glass away he softly checked Madison for any other injuries thankfully finding none. He sat her more softly in his lap and then began to stroke her hair. Despite being against his plan she still played his game so well. Kissing her forehead, he picked her up into his arms before carrying her from the house. He saw Stu carrying Casey away into the shadows and with that Billy rested Madison down on the grass besides the staircase. He tilted her bloody cheek so it would be seen when she's found. Kissing her forehead once more Billy ran for the shadows of the trees as the lights of Casey's parents' car made its slow arrival up the porch.

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A middle-aged couple emerge from the now parked car. They move to the front door completely unaware of the unconscious Madison beside the staircase or their daughter only feet from them. Casey stumbles the figure still chasing her a mark now blossomed on her shirt. A sweet flower of rubies. "That fish smelled strong,"Casey's father remarks turning to his wife. "I told you to send it back," the mother comments and Casey reaches out for her parents her exhaustion supreme as the rubies continue to spill out onto her shirt. If they would only turn around. Casey collapses to her driveway clutching her bleeding wound. The figure now standing over her body. Casey's father heads for the kitchen and the shattered patio entrance greets him. "Jesus..." he slips out and of course his wife comes rushing. "What is it? Where's Casey?" she questions worriedly. "Casey? Casey?" the father calls out quickly beginning to look the house Panic blooming everywhere within them.

Casey is dragged away through the grass her life slipping through her fingers like a river flowing over a fall. Her phone now had the phone she seemingly had grabbed it from Madison in the midst of everything. "Where is she?" Casey's mother cries frantically her panic turning to hysterics. "Call the police,"Casey's father commands sternly and of course the mother quickly rushes to the phone. Only to see there's no dial tone upon picking up the phone. "Casey? Where are you honey? Call the police, goddamit," the father cries to his wife after once again trying to call for his daughter. "The phones dead," the mother yells back and then the faintest voice is heard. "Mum..." Casey whispers out despite her depletion of practically everything else. "Oh, dear God.. Casey baby," the mother calls into the phone but there's only a whisper of a whimper,the slightest breath. " me..." Casey exhales into the phone.

"She's here, God, I can hear her. Where's my baby?" the mother cries panic growing evermore. "Where is she?" Casey's father yells anger overtaking his fear. "I can hear her. Oh, Mother of God, I can hear her," Casey's mum cries out. "CASEY! CASEY!" her dad yells out into the living room but it's empty. "Not my daughter...not my..." Casey's mum blubbers into the phone. Suddenly a scream echoes out from outside. Stu had finally killed Casey. But at the sound of a scream he turns to see Madison sitting staring at him and Casey's now dangling body. He runs for the trees disappearing quickly joining his partner. Let the Woodsboro Massacre begin.

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