Chapter Thirty-One

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Freedom is a word I never really thought about because it never really seemed important. That was until my parents died. Then I begged for it. My bullet wound had healed and Billy and Stu were gone; at least for now. I dreaded the moment they would reappear in my life as I knew the only reason they would be back would be to come for Sidney. Me and Sidney grew closer alongside Tatum and Randy we had all survived something we couldn't even begin to imagine. Yet as more time passed, I seemed to grow further with some of the other teens in our grade. By the time school closed for the year and everyone was preparing to leave for their college lives I had made one new close friend. Her name was also Casey a fact I still found ironic to this very day however she made it very clear she was going by Cici. She wanted a fresh start and she didn't think that Casey was going to get her the popularity and likeability that she strived so hard for. Cici was the reason I applied to go to Windsor College wanting to pursue the growing friendship I had somehow formed. Sidney and Tatum were quick to follow wanting the three of us to remain close despite the fact they wanted nothing to do with Cici. 

As Windsor College became my new home, I learned how Cici had signed up to join one of the fraternities of the college and watching how she shined I was easily convinced to join alongside her. We lived in the Omega Beta Zeta house together and for a while things were doing well. A whole six months passed and things were just her and me. But then they started plaguing my mind again. At first it was just as simple as nightmares where they would show up kill Sidney in many gruesome ways a dead Tatum and Randy behind them before they would taunt me. Then slowly the nightmares bled into reality with the two of them appearing as shadows a brief flicker before they disappeared. More time continued and more and more they would show up taunting me with their memory constantly reminding me of the dark secrets that occurred that night and even before. "Boo!" one of their voice spoke in my ear and I paused brushing my hair to look into my mirror only to be met with one of the figures resting just behind me left ear hands splayed out on the table in front of me. "What do you have to say this time?" I ask returning to the soft routine of brushing my hair. Cici was taking me out to a sorority party tonight. This would be my first since that night and I still felt nervous about it. 

"Just came to remind you about what happened last time, and that we could like totally be there..." he speaks and I sigh placing the brush down before turning to face the ghost like figure his image swimming for a moment before reappearing a distance from me. "Seeing as you don't know I'm alive and Sidney doesn't leave her room after sundown I highly doubt, you'll be there," I speak softly knowing Cici was down the hall and could easily hear me talking. No one knew about my demons that haunted me and no one except for Sidney knew about the dark relationship I had with those two. "Oh, come on sweetheart we could totally be there! Me and Billy are jocks sorority parties were our hangout. Why do you think there were so many people at my party in the first place?" his voice speaks a dark mimic of the character I had once known. "Well, I'll tell you when I get back just don't confuse me because that's not fair nor does it count," I speak hearing a soft knock on my door pulling my attention away from the figure. "Madi...? Are you ready...?" Cici's soft voice echoes through the door and turning towards it I smile softly rising from my seat to walk towards it opening it to the smiling face of my friend. "Yeah, just could you maybe outfit check me? You probably know more about what's a good look and what isn't. I haven't been to one of these in a while..." I speak watching the humourous glint in her eyes. Crossing into my room she scans my body before nodding approvingly pulling me out my room and down the stairs to the front door. 

That night unsurprisingly no one showed themselves to me and despite my drunken state I still remember seeing the partner of the figure who visited me prior. "So, you still don't value the rules?" his cool voice spoke washing over me like caramel. "What do you mean?" I speak my words slurring with each other and the figure merely chuckles before walking up to me a dark tint to his eyes. "You're completely gone Mads, even at our party you didn't drink that much. If we had been there, we totally could have killed you..." he speaks his voice still soft his hand reaching out towards me but falling short as they always had because the real and the fictional couldn't connect, not physically anyway. "What's it to you...? This was my first party in six months so I went a little hard so what...??" I slur again stumbling towards my bed hearing as he chuckles again. "I may be here to torture you until I make my reappearance but I still give a shit Mads. I am the figment of the man you left behind after all," he speaks turning to me and merely sitting on it I pout lightly looking towards him in disgust. "Well, I hope you never come near me when that happens. I can't deal with you two idiots again. I barely made it through last time," I speak hearing another hiss that sounded unfamiliar. 

"Ouch... do we need to remind you why we'd even be coming back?" the lighter voice of the other ghost speaks and I merely roll my eyes letting my body flop backwards to the soft fabric that was my mattress. "Just because you think getting revenge for me makes you two saints in my eyes doesn't mean it would make me happy. Do I have to remind you that I willingly told Sidney to shoot me?" I speak feeling as the drunkenness fades away under their harsh glares. "Besides it's been six months, you two should've moved on like I have regardless of what you thought of me and what you think it right to do for me. Now can you leave? I want to have a shower and sleep in peace without you two yelling at me about 'the rules' and about how I should be grateful that you care still even after I'm dead," I speak rising back up watching as my hair falls around my face messily before I stand up walking past the taller of the two before slamming my bathroom door shut. The voices continued for the rest of that year and most of the next coaxing me into going to more parties. Trying to coax me out into another lifestyles. Trying to make Madison Pierce the liveliest person within Windsor; and while it was fun the first couple times my morals kept urging me to realise, they were trying to lure in the more threatening versions of themselves with me as the dousing rod. They wanted the world to know Madison Pierce so they would somehow find out I was here so they could no doubt fulfill their initial plan a plan I still felt repulsed by.

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