Chapter Twelve

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Without thinking Billy absently invites her into his house because all that was on his mind was how Sidney acted. He could have killed Madison, heck he imagined it many, many, times. She still shouldn't have acted like that. This was how Billy was slowly formulating some way to get Madison off a possible target track. But how could he tell Stu of his plan. That guy was like whipped cream if Madison was the coffee. Even the thought of hurting her still tortured him after the glass incident and then her aunts' actions. Billy would have to be the one todo it if he was able to convince Stu, but would he be able to do it himself. Keeping his arm around Madison he continues to think of how it would have to happen and why he'd have to convince it important despite not being part of the plan. 

Finally, Billy and Madison are allowed to leave the scene and Billy noticed how Madison remains eerily quiet. If only he could hear inside her head, then he could help her. "Hey, if you ever need to speak to me about anything don't be afraid to. I don't judge," Billy speaks softly taking her small hand in his bigger one and she turns to him smiling. "Thanks. I guess I can't stop thinking about what Sidney said. I mean she can assume that, but shouldn't she be happy that at least I'm still alive? Not that the killer has favouritism toward me," Madison rants lowly before turning back to the window and Billy just stiffens. She was upset because of his stupid girlfriend and how she spoke thoughtlessly. Pulling up to his house he stops the car and turns to the silent girl. Picking her up softly he rests her in his lap and holds her softly. He feels as her sadness starts to soak his white shirt and he just runs his hands through her hair hushing her softly. 

"What Sidney said to you does not mean anything okay? You are not the root of this. It's just someone taking their love of movies too far," Billy soothes knowing this is all his fault but not letting it show. As Madison looks up to him, he notices her broken face and how exhausted she looks. "Come one, let's get you to bed," Billy whispers softly and carries Madison into his bed. "Where will you sleep?" Madison asks and he just smiles. "In the spare room, the bed feels like cardboard but if I get sore, I'll probably end up on the couch. Don't even offer to sleep on that thing. You're the guest you enjoy some rest. You look like you need it," Billy states standing to leave the room as images of that night where he found her sleeping flash behind his eyelids. "Hey Billy, thanks for doing all of this," Madison whispers softly and Billy nods with a smile. Closing the door, he immediately heads to the phone to make a call. 

"Nope not happening," Stu voice says stern and Billy rolls his eyes. "But if we don't-" Billy begins, "Nope. You promised. She wouldn't get hurt," Stu continues his voice void of any emotion. "Oh really? Well Sidney just yelled at her and said that we have a soft spot for Madison. She's starting to not care if Madison gets attacked because 'she's meant to live'," Billy explains, and the line just goes silent. "Sidney one of Madi's best friends said it wouldn't matter if she was attacked?" Stu asks his voice still numb but a slight tint of colour dancing along it. "Yes," Billy replies void of emotion. "Only enough that she'll survive unharmed. No scars no nothing; and I want an intimacy moment with her once she's healed. Anonymously of course, I want to explain it," Stu bargains and Billy rolls his eyes again. "Fine. I guess you're throwing the actual job to me?" he asked, and the line just gets silence once more. "Yes," eventually comes through the phone and a soft click is heard as Stu ends the call.

Billy was surprised to say the least, he thought Stu would never cave. Enough to harm her but leave no scars. Billy certainly was capable of that. But it would not be pretty, and he certainly wouldn't come out of this unscathed either. He'd give it a couple more days. There were still a few weeks till the party so there was no rush to do anything just yet. Slinking into his room he looks to the sleeping Madison as she hides herself in the warmth of his many blankets and he smiles. She was comfortable and happy. Wanting to join her in the bed he settles for sitting on the ground next to her watching her soft face as she slept. Then he heard a soft humming which drew his attention back to her. "Billy..."her voice whispered, and he continued to stare expecting her eyes to open. "Billy...friend," her soft voice echoed in Billy's head as he thought of what he'd have to do; what he had already done and what he was going to continue to do.

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Peeling her eyes back from her heavy lids she looks to the soft glow entering the floor in front of her and then she remembers the events of last night. Raising to sit she finally notices the figure sleeping on the ground. His head rested against the dark wood shows the chocolate colour. That's when it clicked together. Billy must have come in here to protect her and fell asleep on the floor beside the bed. Rising from the bed she immediately picks up his larger frame and drops him softly onto the bed. Covering him with the sheets she leaves the room. Shutting the dark oak door, I turn and walk down the stairs holding onto the banister for support until I hear a soft knock on the door. Opening the door, I'm greeted with the smiling face of Stu. "Hiya Madi, just thought I'd drop by after you almost died again," Stu speaks softly, and I smile lightly and open the door letting him inside. "How'd you know I'd be here?" I ask and Stu turns to me smiling. "Billy called, thought we could have a movie day or something to celebrate yet another day of waking up to the sun," Stu jokes and I laugh lightly smiling the entire time. 

"That does sound very fitting," I remark, and Stu smiles his eyes sparkling like small diamonds. "Is Billy awake yet?" Stu asks and I shake my head no. "I think he was awake most of the night. I'm happy to watch something with you until he wakes up though," I offer and Stu smiles. "Yep, so Halloween or Friday the 13th?"he questions, and I just point to Halloween. "Good choice, good choice," he remarks, and I laugh softly. "Are you always like this on your weekends?" I question and he just nods enthusiastically. "How does Billy deal with you I wonder?" I question again and this time Stu laughs. "I don't know honestly he just does," he answers, and we both laugh until we hear a knock on the door. "Next time you two start talking try and remember if someone's sleeping in another room?" Billy comments and the two of us just laugh at his dishevelled hair and tiredly blinking eyes. "Good morning!" I comment brightly and Billy just rolls his eyes at me smiling.

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