Chapter Twenty-Seven

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"Please you gotta let me in," Randy's voice yells. "He's gonna kill us," Tatum's voice comes next and Billy sighs internally knowing he's going to have to let them in. "Can I have the gun Madi? I'm going to let them in but obviously if Stu's the killer I'm going to have to shoot him," Billy speaks knowing if she doesn't give him the gun things might not work exactly like his plan. "Are you sure? I can do it; besides, you're injured..." Madison proposes and Billy sighs internally once again. This was exactly why Madison was so desired but in this moment god it was getting annoying. "That might be true but are you willing to shoot Stu?" Billy proposes knowing this will be the breaking point for Madi. He watches as she sighs softly before shakily handing the gun over causing Billy to smile softly. "Please only shoot if its absolutely necessary. I couldn't imagine if..." Madison speaks but Billy hushes her carefully. "I know, I know..." Billy speaks softly trying to soothe her knowing very well that Stu will already be finding his way back into the house from another entrance. Billy turns to the door opening it slightly only to have two bodies come bursting in. "Help me," Tatum whimpers and suddenly Sid's by her side. "Shhhh, it's okay," Sidney soothes, and Madison just stands at Billy's side. "Stu's flipped out. He's gone mad," Randy says and Tatum nods along. 

Slowly a smile creeps up Billy's face. He had waited to do this for so long. "We all go a little mad sometimes," he eerily whispers as he raises the gun. As a loud bang echoes across the room Billy watches Randy's body fall limp. Before anyone can react Billy fires again at Tatum falling to lay beside Randy. "Anthony Perkins – Psycho," Billy says looking Madison directly in the eyes that smile still wickedly large. "How..." Sidney blubbers moving away from the bodies. "Corn syrup. Same stuff they used for pig's blood in Carrie. Quite sweet honestly and effective wouldn't you say Madison?" Billy taunts stalking toward her like a lion hunting its prey. "Won't you try it?" he asks her reaching out with his hand still covered in the sweet red substance. Reaching for her face she turns her tongue lightly touching the liquid before disappearing again. He smiles at her ability to still play. Caressing her face Billy smiles at her. "Good girl," he says his voice husky eyes darkening to slowly blend with his pupils. Sidney rushes to Madison grasping her wrists pulling her away from the man as he watched his eyes gravitated toward glistening emeralds of the now ghostly girl whom he had eyes for since he could remember. The two girls continued to slink away from him until their backs met something. Turning they come face to face with Stu. Behind their backs Billy smirked. Time for the show to begin.

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As Sidney pulls me away from the man who I thought I could trust I feel as my body collides with another hard surface. Turning around I meet the glistening blue orbs of Stu Macher. "Jesus Stu, listen we have to get out of here," I speak softly feeling as Sidney remains stiff beside me. All Stu does is merely smile the smile larger than before and not as comforting before pulling a small white box to his lips speaking softly. "Surprise..." he speaks but the words don't sound like his own instead they're distorted sounding almost like... "Shit," is the first thought my brain processed realising how me and Sidney were trapped between two killers. Sidney quickly sobs her hand ripping from mine as she runs into the kitchen past Stu the same vicious smile on his face as he watches her. My body feels cold like ice as I look to him incredulously my heart shattering just as much as my heart. I feel the tears pricking my eyes as I feel a body move closer to mine. "Might as well join Sid Mads, wouldn't want you to miss the final show," Billy whispers in my ears softly and as my eyes refocus, I realise Stu's disappeared from in front of me instead blocking the other exit from the kitchen. 

I walk numbly hearing as Billy speaks something towards Sidney but it doesn't register instead the many different memories with the killer pass me by each changing my brain chemistry as I realise that each scenario could have occurred with either of them and while some seem to somehow comfort my mind others make me want to vomit. "What's the matter Madison? You look like you've seen a ghost," Billy remarks snapping my attention back to the room only to notice that Stu's missing once again. Before I get to answer I hear as Sidney sobs loudly and flicking my eyes I notice how Stu now holds the body of Mr. Prescott. "Daddy!" Sidney cries moving toward his bound body. "Close enough," Billy warns, and Sidney merely chokes on her tears while I watch in pure shock and disgust. Stu places the small white box to his lips and I watch as he laughs lightly the sound reflecting the deep chuckle I would often hear when I was dealing in banter with the killer despite it being stupid. 

"Guess I won't be needing this anymore," he says slipping the device into Mr. Prescott's shirt pocket. I once again feel as tears collect in my eyes making the world blurry for myself. "Why are you doing this?" I hear Sidney sob softly and all I hear in return is a malicious chuckle. "It's all part of the game Sid," Stu voice speaks but to me it still sounds distorted corrupted by the memories continuously looping through my head. I feel as I once again slip into the memories, I held close to my chest of the time I spent with them of the way they took care of me after my aunt and uncle's death which they caused, how we had played in that meadow and things seemed like heaven for a moment where we had escaped the horrors of the world we had been living in together for a moment. But now those horrors were a direct link to the people who had distracted me from them in the first place. 

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