Chapter Twenty-Two

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Slowly he peeled his lips away from mine and immediately the heat left my body leaving me wondering what just happened. "What..." I whisper mindlessly my mind still frozen in confusion and shock. I hear a soft scoff and then my mind finally resets meeting the eyes of the now fully concealed mask of the killer in front of me. "Flustered babydoll?" his deep voice croons to me and again my mind simply nods along with his words. "I can tell you I didn't expect that..." I whisper out the haze of the kiss fading away. His figure walks up to me a gloved hand tilting my head up to meet eyes I couldn't see. "Get back to the party darling, I'll see you soon," the figure speaks before he pulls away from me disappearing into a dark part of the garage out of my sight leaving me wondering if it was even real at all. Shaking my head lightly I finally feel my haziness fade away and walk from the garage to find the door opens easily and walking back into the party I let the tension ease away with the music filling my ears.

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Sidney stands in the foyer of the Macher house watching as more teens leave the party claiming curfews and other reasons clearly disappointed that for them the night was ending early. Suddenly as Sidney's eyes brush through the darkness covering the night sky Billy jumps out from the side of the door trying to scare her in a mocking way. Sidney gasps softly before a small laugh escapes her lips. "Billy. Jesus, you scared me," Sidney speaks this time causing Billy to laugh softly. "Billy! What are you doing here?" Stu suddenly asks as he turns the corner now standing beside him at the door. "I was hoping Sid, and I could talk," Billy speaks, and Sidney once again laughs softly. "If Tatum sees you, she's going to draw blood," Sidney remarks causing Billy to smile a little. "You guys can go up to my parents room. To talk and... whatever," Stu offers a clear smirk in his tone a deeper meaning behind his words. "Subtlety, Stu. Look it up," Billy scolds harshly before looking to Sidney a new look in his eyes, something darker, something hungrier. "No it's okay, we do need to talk," Sidney then speaks her hand reaching out to Billy's before dragging him with her up the staircase and out of view.

"Was that Loomis and Sid?" Madison then asks Stu and she too walks into the foyer a reluctant Randy following behind her. "Yeah, he came to make up with Sid," Stu explains a smile of friendship split across his face. "Damn, I really didn't think it was going to be so soon," Madison remarks causing Stu to laugh. "Well there goes my chance with Sid," Randy speaks begrudgingly from beside Madison making it her turn to laugh. "No offense Randy, but I don't you ever really had one," she speaks before walking from the room leaving the two men to watch her retreating form.

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Meanwhile outside the house Kenny, Gale Weather's cameraman messes with a couple dials and buttons on a control board until the monitor to his upper right flicks to life a picture of a lounge room revealing itself. "Got a picture. Perfect placement. We can see everything," he confirms and Gale Weathers beside him giggles lightly in glee. "Tell me, Kenny, has a cheesy tabloid journalist ever won the Pulitizer?" Gale exclaims overjoyed that they have a recording of the house for the night.

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Within the house above the party two teens sit on a bed within the master bedroom glass windows that lead to a balcony letting in the light from the moon. Both the teens are merely watching each other unsure on what to say and who should speak first. "So..." one of them finally speaks, breaking the intense stare to look out into the sparkling stars of the night. "So... I'm sorry. I've been a selfish shit and I'm sorry," the male finally speaks eyes never drifting from the female looking away from him meeting them as she turns to him in shock. "No, Billy. I'm the one who's been selfish and self-absorbed with all of my post-traumatic stress, I mean I pushed Madison away when she needed me most. I still don't know how she forgives me..." Sidney, the female is quick to speak quickly denying the words the male was so easily able to admit. "Yeah, but you lost your mum..." Billy quickly retorts knowing just how easily his girlfriend can push away her own thoughts for others. "And she lost her aunt and cousin. But you're right enough is enough. I can't wallow in the grief process forever and I can't keep lying to myself about who my mum was or who the killer is after," Sidney rebuts smoothly confidence in her voice for but a moment.

"I think in some weird analytical, psychological bullshit way I'm scared that I'm gonna turn out just like her, you know? Like the bad seed or something..." Sidney continues her eyes breaking away again to look back out to the night sky and the twinkling stars. "Sid..." Billy is quick to try and console her moving but a fragment closer before Sidney once again meets his eyes. "Everytime, I get close to you I see my mum. I know it doesn't make sense," Sidney speaks eyes leaving the male to look down to her entwined hands. "Sure it does. It's like Jodie Foster in Silence of the Lambs when she kept having flashbacks of her dead father," Billy tries to reason again trying to push Sidney's self-sabotaging ways out of her mind. "But this is life. This isn't a movie," Sidney states eyes again meeting the light of the stars outside the window. "Sure it is Sid. It's all a movie. Life's one great big movie only you can't pick your genre," Billy reasons once again moving ever so closer once again while Sidney continues to stare mindlessly out the windows into the night. "I wanna let go. I do..." Sidney speaks eyes drifting away from the window to the now closer Billy Loomis.

"Shh... everything's gonna be okay. I promise," Billy whispers softly before pressing a soft peck to her lips pulling away until Sidney grabs the collar of his shirt pulling him back to his lips before kissing him with the passion she hasn't been able to find for the past year. As Sidney breaks away out of breath she sighs. "Why can't I be a Meg Ryan movie... or even... a good porno..." Sidney speaks as she again struggles for breath. As her words fall through the air Billy freezes shocked. "What?" he asks looking to Sidney in shock. "You heard me," Sidney whispers again but this time it's more sultry than before a dark yet inviting spark in her eyes. "Are you serious?" Billy asks checking for the clarification he's been too long for. "Yeah... I think so..." Sidney speaks the slight surprise in her tone clear even to herself. The two smile at each other a new aura to the room.

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