Chapter Fourteen

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"Seriously!" I exclaim and I hear a chorus of laughs. "Put me down!!!" I yell and there's just more laughs in response. I land in the car and just pout. "I hate you guys," I pout and they both smile shutting me in the backseat of the car. Getting in the front I hear the rev of the engine and suddenly we're moving away. When the car comes to a stop I jump up and bolt from the car. "Where are you going Madi?" Stu yells out and I just bolt to the door. "Away from you carrying me again," I call out and he just laughs. Walking up to me he unlocks the door and pats me on the head. "Whatever you say shorty," he says walking in. "That's worse!" I exclaim and again chorus of laughs. Trudging inside I walk to the couch and slouch down pouting. 

"Aww I think we've hurt her feeling Stu," Billy mocks and I just roll my eyes pushing his head away from me. "Asshats," I whisper under my breath and then arms are around me from above. "Sorry Madi! Didn't know you were insecure about your height!" Stu exclaims and I roll my eyes again. "You're forgiven, now movie, or no?" I ask and they both smile happily. Sitting on either side of me another horror movie plays on the screen and once again were lost in conversation and dumb jokes. As the night overcame Stu lead me up the stairs to my own room which was small but still had everything necessary. A bed, desk and window for fresh air. Smiling to him I close the door and walk over to open the window. I stick my head out then turn away. Until I hear the soft patter of feet.

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Billy waited beneath the window of Madison's room waiting for her to open the window. He saw her head stick out smiling softly as she breathed in the cool air. Her figure disappeared and so Billy took that as his cue to slink through the window. With a soft thud Billy steps onto the carpeted floor and looks to Madison. She turns to face him and her body freezes. "How are you always here?" she asks and Billy just steps to her. Grabbing her waist forcefully she tries to budge but his arm remains firm. "How many times can I tell you that I'll always know darling?" he questions pulling her close to him. "Is Stu dead?" she asked, and Billy just looks into her pleading eyes. "No... not yet," he whispers and Madison's breath exhales shakily. Then Billy looks away as he throws her to the ground. Her gasp echoes in his ears as he slinks forward to sit on top of her. "Timeto die sweetheart," he says his emotions numb and then he sinks the knife intoher side. The blood immediately pools and her scream echoes across the room Billy feels the tears starting to leak from his eyes. 

He looks down to where the knife still sits inside her and draws it out. He sees how a dark crimson coats the blade, the crimson of the one he promised he would never let touch the blade. Moving to her arm he digs the blade in the unmistakeable sound of skin tearing piercing his ears rubies blooming like wildfire as he runs it up her arm kissing her elbow softly. The slit leaving a growing trail of red. He continues and watches as the knife turns more crimson a trail of how easily things can be torn apart. How perfection can come apart in mere minutes despite how perfect things can be crafted. His face now a leaking mess of tears, the only way that he would let his emotions harm him. The only time he accepted his weakness, that he did love someone and that someone was a bleeding mess infront of him and that was his fault. Madison's screams died out a long time ago, her blood peeling away from her body staining the ground beneath her pooling like a horror that only Billy was capable of creating; but her tears hadn't stopped her eyes were blotchy and she looked so weak in that moment. 

Billy had groomed the cuts as much as possible leaving her arms in tatters most of it striped with dark marks leaking the pain of the moment. She had more marks crossing her chests a dark reminder of how easy it would be to plant the knife in her chest. Finally he had caressed her deep scars by plucking the innocence of her forehead and even the left parts of her cheeks all peeling with the destruction only a killer could give. Madison's eyes glossy with pain and sadness looked up at the mask of her nightmares and realised this would be her last moments. But then the door flew open, and her eyes flicked to the figure and Billy knew it was his turn to run. Standing up he bolts for the window and jumps out of it disappearing back into the lower floors where he loses the attire and makes his way back up to Madison. "Oh my god," Billy whispers out finally seeing the sight in front of him and just how bad it looked. His chest a throbbing mess and his eyes glossy he moves forward softly to join Stu at Madison's side. 

"He...did... this..." her voice whispered out and me and Stu just looked to each other our faces just as broken as the other. Rising from the floor I walk to the phone and call for an ambulance. As the ambulance arrived Billy stayed behind to answer the cop's questions while Stu went with Madison. Once the cops left Billy just sunk down and thought about what he had done. "Please Mads forgive me... I'm so sorry," he whispered out his silent plea. Meanwhile with Stu and Madison Stu was just watching over her limp body her eyes finally falling shut from exhaustion. "Thank God, you found her when you did. I don't think she would have lived if you hadn't. None of this should scar over which is good but the memories will stick," the doctor informs Stu, and he just nods numbly looking at the damage that he and Billy had done.

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