Chapter Sixteen

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Looking at the two boys in front of me they continue to smile but I know there's something hidden behind them. But then again, I might just be seeing how exhausted they are. The nurses came in and told me about how committed they had been to stay with me every second despite the fact they wouldn't know when I would wake. Free of the hospital and in normal clothes I walked with the boys listening to stories that had been going around in my length of sleep and it was eventful but funny. Then Stu turned to me softly.

 "Hey Madi, me and Billy were thinking we could go for a walk in the woods together. We found this lake we thought you might like to see," Stu offered, and I smiled. "I would love too. Will it be a long walk?" I ask and Stu smiles eagerly. "Not at all Mads, maybe five ten minutes?" Billy replies and I nod. "Great, let's go!" I say enthused and both boys just stand up pulling me by the arms. Pulling me into the tree line I continue to smile until they let me go and I look to my misty surroundings. The dark brown stood out first thick shadows for the soft blanket tickling my feet. Looking up the clouded blue hues I notice the compliment to the dark brown. 

A soft emerald dusted the trees scattering the sky with greens. The thick leaves were spindly looking just as fragile as I felt. Walking up a tree I reach out and rest my hand softly on the wood feeling each groove each texture my fingers a strange ivory against the night. Looking up again I finally notice the dusting of orange twinkling against the evergreens. Orange light was casted away from me but yet I was enchanted by the forestry around me. Reaching for a low hung leave I take the strands between my fingers feeling their brittle texture and the way they felt against my soft hands. Smiling I look down the ground covered in the translucent haze that looked like a carpet draped lightly over a waterbed.

I reached down feeling the moisture as the mist sifted through my fingers. Standing up I continue to walk through the maze of trees following the two shadows slowly fading away into the distance. The fog rose higher lapping at my ankles then suddenly I noticed the golden glow. The residing tree line suddenly threw me into a completely different scene. Like leaving the soft darkness of winter into the bright light of a summer's field. The grass a light green soft like silk rubbed against her shoes softly looking to the now shining green leaves of the trees she basked in the golden globe illuminating the whole area and freeing her of the shade and mystery of the forest.

Walking down further Madison's eyes finally landed on the glowing crystal expanse filling the centre of the sun blessed clearing. The crystal shined softly a soft aqua with glistening creatures hidden deep within. Dropping down again Madison's hand unconsciously slipped into the cool crystal feeling as the cool water passed through her fingers and the way it glinted against her hand now glistening a soft blue. Laughing softly, she lifts her hand up shaking the water back into the ocean walking back away from the shoreline to sink down into the ground laying in the softness of the grass. "It's so beautiful here," Madison sighs out letting her eyes slip shut not paying any mind to the two boys watching her in adoration with the way she reacted to the environment around them and how relaxed she looked despite the many events that had happened during her life.

They were proud she was adjusting and just seeing her smile told them all they needed to know. Madison was back and she was going to be okay. Sitting next to her the two boys merely watched as the clearing just hummed softly with life the water shining with the light of the sun. Madison could feel the heat warming up her skin and felt as the wind blew her hair across her face. Sitting up she looks to the two boys. "How'd you find this place?" she asks and they both smile. "Just walking around," they answer looking around again. Smiling Madison stands up taking off her shoes she walks to the water and steps in slowly feeling the coolness. Looking back to the boys she sees both of their smiles and so she walks in deeper until her dress is close to touching the water.

Spinning around she notices something glinting in the bed of the water. Bending over she takes the glint within her fingers and pulling it from the water she notices that it's a small silver necklace. Racing back to the boys she smiles at them." Look what I found at the bottom of the water!" she exclaims and both of them smile. They had left a small necklace at the bottom of the lake within walking distance for her. Flipping it between her hands Madison finally notices the small engraving on one side, 'Tu es plus que ma propre vie' it read, and the words confuse her. It was French but she didn't know what it meant. "What's up Mads?" Billy asks standing to join her side. "I don't know what this means," she mumbles showing the engraving. "Oh, it means 'you're more than my own life'. That's sweet, wonder who's it was," Billy responds shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly. 

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Sitting back on the grass Billy smiles as Madison smiles at the message softly. You are more than my own life. Is what he and Stu agreed on because she was. She was worth more than anything. The purest being they had ever met. She sat down the grass and pulled her hair over her shoulder. Holding the necklace up she sighs. "Will one of you put it on for me?" she asked, and Stu jumped to take it from her light grasp. Placing it in a soft clasp around her neck both boy's hearts soften at the sight of their final gift for her resting happily around her neck. 

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