Chapter Thirty-Four

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"Morning girlies!" a cheerful Hallie calls out to the girls from the other room before they hear the familiar sound of the TV turning on. "Well, you can never tell..." an eerily familiar voice speaks and looking to each other Sidney and Tatum walk into the main room only for the face of Cotton Weary to greet them both. "You were fully exonerated, you were an innocent man, and thanks to Gale Weathers book," the talk show host speaks and Sidney immediately freezes up a stiffness to her posture at hearing the words. "Yeah, but a nickel won't get you a coffee in prison anymore," Cotton speaks and then a scratching laugh echoes through the TV indicating the audience's amusement. Hallie looks over her shoulder to see the two girls before she rolls her eyes rising to stand clicking her fingers in front of Sidney's face. "Get your asses in gear, you're late! Don't forget about the Acid Rain Mixer tonight at Delta Lambda's tonight. It's important for our pledge Tate," Hallie speaks and the two girls both come back from their stupors blinking rapidly before Sidney takes a step back from Hallie. "I don't think I can go guys," Sidney speaks weakly watching as both girls wince. "What? Come on, you promised us," Hallie whines and Sidney merely winces. "Hallie, you know about me and organized religion," Sidney explains weakly and Hallie merely rolls her eyes. 

"It's a sorority," she speaks blandly and Sidney just looks away awkwardly. "That's probably worse!" Sidney continues and Hallie just rolls her eyes. "Are you okay?" Tatum asks instead and Sidney turns to her nodding her head. "I'm fine," Sidney speaks and Tatum just continues to look to her not believing her lies. "'I'm fine' yeah, I've seen that remark constantly stretched across your face since your mum died," Tatum speaks and Sidney just looks away awkwardly. "Hey, check out the news," Hallie speaks drawing the attention of the two girls to the now new reporter flickering on the screen. "Last night at a sneak preview showing of the movie STAB. Authorities won't release anything, except for that the two victims, Maureen Evans and Phil Stevens were both Windsor seniors and that Woodsboro survivor Madison had been on the premises at the time. Could this be a return of the two killers trying to finish off what they had started nearing two years ago," the reporter speaks and immediately Sidney and Tatum freeze once again. "Holy shit..." Tatum whispers softly. "Where's Randy?" Sidney immediately asks and Hallie turns around looking to the girl in sympathy. "He's got film theory this morning," Hallie speaks and Sidney merely rushes out of the dorm room only to meet the eyes of Madison Pierce.

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"Madi..." Sidney whispers and I merely wraps my arms around the girl trying to soothe her shaking. "I know. I just saw it on the news... I'm sorry Sid," I speak softly trying to comfort her as much as possible. "I have to go see Randy... I have to," Sidney merely speaks and I nod guiding out of the building only for the two of us to be swamped in light. "Sidney, Madison, did you know the victims?" one reporter asks. "Do you feel frightened by the murders?" another quickly spits out. "Are you afraid Billy and Stu might have returned to finish what they started?" a third asks and as the question slips out, I quickly turn towards the reporter a harsh glare falling easily onto my face. We push onward the familiar film theory classroom coming into view.

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"So, what you're saying is that the killer's influence was based on the movie itself?" the professor asks the classroom and Cici immediately rolls her eyes. "That is so moral majority, you can't blame real life violence on entertainment," she speaks hearing another guy in the classroom scoff. "Wait a minute now, yes you can," he quickly rebuts hearing an agreeing hum. "Hello? The guy was wearing the Ghost mask, just like in the movie, it's directly responsible," he speaks gathering an assortment of agreements. "No, it's not! Movies are not responsible for our actions," Cici fights harshly only hearing an assortment of light chatters some disagreeing while others discuss the point lightly. "I had biology with that girl. This is serious, not to mention Madison might have been there too," a random girl speaks and Randy is quick to hum in agreement. "Thank you, I agree with that. Especially the Madison part, I mean how do we know those two aren't back?" Randy speaks and Mickey is quick to scoff. "Oh, come on Randy, with all due respect, the killer is obviously patterning himself after the two serial killers immortalized on film. Besides even if those two were back for Madison it wasn't exactly their style to kill in public with the exception of the party of course," Mickey rebuts and Randy merely rolls his eyes in response. "Thank you!" one of the guys from earlier speaks and the class falls silent all considering the information. 

"So, you're saying that someone is trying to make a real life sequel?" the professor asks the class and like wildfire the class ignites back into conversation. "STAB 2? Why would anyone want to do that? Sequels suck! Even Billy and Stu knew that," Randy exclaims in response. "It is common fact, there have been many sequels that have succeeded their original. Billy and Stu could be proving that," Mickey quickly argues causing Randy to roll his eyes once again. "Name one," Cici challenges and lingering fire in her eyes as she turns towards Mickey. "Aliens, far better than the first," a guy states and Cici quickly rolls her eyes. "Yeah, well there's no accounting for taste," Cici rebuts a smirk filling her face. "Thank you, 'Ridley Scott' rules. Name another," Randy states clearly unamused. "No, Aliens is a classic. 'Get away from her, you bitch!'" another guy speaks and Randy once again rolls her eyes. "I believe the line is, 'Stay away from her, you bitch,' this is film class, right?" Randy rebuts quickly still unamused by the choice. "T2" Mickey quickly fires out. "You've got a hard on for Cameron," Cici states. "Yeah, a big one," Randy continues. "The first Terminator is a classic," a guy argues. "'Sarah Conner?' 'Yes?' Boom!" Randy speaks back causing the class to fall into laughs. 

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