Chapter Eight

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"No please," Alice cries and I smile deeper not like they can see. "Why should we let you live? You didn't help your cousin when she did what she did," I croon to her, and she just drops her jaw slack. "Well this is my cousin or my mother we're talking about. What do expect from me?" Alice begs and I just scoff. "You to support your grieving cousin who found her friend dead hanging from a tree," I hiss seething with rage. She just remains with a gaping jaw, and I just shut it softly. "Now the both of you will die for it," I seethe out and turn from the scene. Nodding to Stu I leave the room hoping to find Madison's room to calm me down. Walking up the stairs I pass Alice's room and open the next door only to find a spare room bare of any imagination.

Growling I hunt the rest of the rooms but strangely Madison's not there. She's not in any room. Where's her bedroom? Returning to the kitchen I see Stu's already killed them off and I smile. Pulling away my mask he does the same. "Where's Madison?" he asks softly, and I shrug. "Her room's not upstairs with the others. She must be on this floor somewhere," I explain cautiously, and Stu just nods. We split up and when we come together he just shakes his head. Looking to the staircase I see a door. "You don't think they would've-" Stu begins his voice breaking off at the end. I walk toward the door and open it softly and flip the switch on the wall and as light illuminates the small basement my eyes land on a figure curled up in the corner.

 "Oh darling," I whisper as Stu joins me a gasp escaping his lips. Walking down the steps I take in the place that our sweet Madison had been sleeping in for who knows how long behind our backs. Picking her up into my arms she immediately snuggles into me. "Mmm, warmth," she mumbled out and I just froze. I quickly walked up the steps and join Stu in the lounge room. Resting her down her head falls onto his lap and Stu's hands move to meet her soft hair. I sit down beside her head and reach up touching the bandages softly. "Why would they do that?" Stu whimpered and I just shrugged. "Some people just love to hurt others to make themselves feel better or stronger," I settle on speaking and Stu just nodded. "She's free now. Tatum will probably take her in. What do we do then?" Stu asked me and I already know my answer. "We stick to the plan. Freeing our princess changes nothing; as long as she's at the party everything will work out fine," I say stroking her hair. Of course we had to leave but not without leaving her something; something more than a kiss.

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As my eyes peeled back from my lids I'm greeted with an unfamiliar sight. I was in the lounge room with a softer blanket draped over me. My head was nuzzled into a mountain of pillows, and I realized that I was on the couch. How did I get here? Looking to the coffee table I notice a folded piece of paper. Picking it up all it reads is "Sweetheart". Opening the fold I'm greeted with one sentence, "You're free now." which confuses me. I walk out of the room and into the kitchen and the sight makes me gag. My aunt and Alice are tied to chairs and around them is a pool of blood and looking to their chests I realise it's their own. Walking up the stairs I look to the master bedroom, and I see my uncle with a bullet in his head. Not knowing what to do I trek down the stairs and retrieve the phone from within the basement. Walking back to the lounge room I call Tatum and ask her to get Dewey to bring himself and the Sheriff over. 

Of course that quickly gets medics and police to the house so that's not great but at least a doctor takes a good look at both of my cheeks again and takes care of them but does inform me that they will scar over. Taking it lightly I just ask if I may leave with Deputy Riley and the medics dismiss me since my health was pretty much perfect. Of course I gave my message over and Tatum was quick to take me away. We get home only to see the news on. "Madison Pierce," the TV blares and I freeze. Tatum rubs my arm soothingly andI just take a seat next to Sidney on the couch. "..who escaped a vicious attack last night was the niece of Katherine and Thomas Pierce and cousin to Alice Pierce. It is believed that the suspected killer of Casey Becker and Steve Forrest broke in and killed the family members but somehow left Madison alone again. A note was found left from the killer, but the police are yet to give statement on who it could be," the reporter claims and I just shiver.

Sidney takes my hand into her own and gives it a reassuring squeeze. "It's never gonna stop. Is it?" she asks us, and I shake my head. "Somebody called me, that night. Asked me if I was safe and that I had nothing to worry about. I don't know why they'd kill them; I mean yeah they were bad people but that doesn't mean death," I blubber trying to keep my voice calm but failing slightly. "Come on, let's get you in some clothes and let's head to school," Tatum suggest, and I just nod along not really paying attention. Walking into the school yard I see more reporters asking for questions. Seeing my face suddenly they're all around me. "How does it feel to almost be brutally butchered again?" the recognizable face of Gale Weathers questions and I just act flustered, so I don't have to answer her questions.

Squinting my eyes from the blinding lights of cameras I feel a warm pair of arms around me. "Leave her alone, will ya? We just want to go to school," the comforting voice of Stu says as he leads me within the walls of the school. I smile gratefully and he just turns to me. "So killer tried to take your guts again?" he joked, and I smiled the pain a dull burn now. "Yup, I guess I'm just a magnet for danger," I remark and Stu laughs. "Hey, no more she-devil though right?" he asks me, and I nod the note they left me finally making sense. Arriving at my locker I open it only to see a Ghostface mask behind Stu. He jumps out, and I slam back into my locker a gasp escaping my lips and then the boy runs down the hall and I just reach to my chest my heart pounding. "Stupid kids," Imumble grabbing my books. Walking toward my class I feel how close everyone is and all I can think is how big of a mistake this is. "I want you to meet me right here after class okay?" Tatum tells me linking our arms and I nod accordingly.

"Okay," I mumble out and she just bumps our shoulders together lightly. Suddenly I notice both Stu and Billy walking up to us. "Hey Mads. Dodging death again like always?" Billy asks and I laugh nodding my head. "Well I guess I'm the one stupid enough to knock on death's door. This must be him coming to pay me what I owe," I joke rolling my eyes. Suddenly a scream erupts from down the hallway. My eyes flick to another ghost masked student as they run down the hall screaming wildly. I wince and look away. "Why are they doing this?" I ask with little to no brightness in my voice. "Are you kidding? This is like Christmas," Stu exclaims, and I wince again. Billy punches Stu in the side and I smile. "Owwww..." Stu whines and I smile harder. "You open your mouth and stupidity pours out," Billy remarks and I nod letting a small giggle. Both boys turn to my noise and smile to each other and then I turn to Tatum. "Shall we get to class?" I ask Tatum and the two of us just walk off.

As the bell rings signaling first period I walk through the now clearer halls I suddenly bump into someone. Caught off guard I stumble backwards but a soft but firm grip catches me. "Jesus, sorry," I murmur not looking up. "Hey, hey, it's just me," Billy calm voice replies, and I look up stupidly. "Sorry. Just thinking," I explain, and he just smiles. "Let me guess about the killer?" he guesses his voice dropping an octave as he brings up said killer. "Yeah. It just confuses me. Why kill all of my remaining family but leave me alive?" I question and Billy's eyes physically darken. "Maybe the killer has a reason for keeping you alive?" Billy tries to console but I don't feel any kind of calm. "It still doesn't make sense. I wouldn't be surprised if people start thinking I'm the killer at this point. I mean one more attack where I'm found alive and no one else survives and the police will start thinking I'm making this killer up or something," I ponder and once again Billy's eyes darken they were almost a pitch black.

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