Chapter Thirty-Seven

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"Sidney, I'd just like to say that I forgive and forget, and like you, I'd like to move on with my life," Cotton speaks trying to move the interview forward. "Tell us what you think Sidney," Gale continues moving the microphone toward her face. "I think you're a bitch," I speak my fist swinging out and landing squarely in Gale's face. "That's what we're going to share with you Gale," I then speak before leading Sidney away from the camera. "Did you get that on film?" I hear Hallie ask the cameraman before hearing a faint yes. "Are you okay Sid?" I ask softly watching as she merely nods. "Good punch," she whispers softly and I smile. "Yeah, been wanting to do that ever since the book released," I speak in response hearing a more sincere laugh escape her lips.

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Enraged by the failed interview Gale walks across the campus until she runs into Dewey Riley. "Dewey? What are you doing here?" Gale asks clearly confused by his presence. "Can't you just leave Sidney alone? Hasn't she been through enough? I mean if Madison wasn't there, I highly doubt Sidney was going to do anything. And my name is Dwight," Dewey speaks coldly and immediately Gale pulls back in confusion. 'I was just doing my job Dwight," Gale speaks in response her words sounding dejected like a puppy that had just been kicked. "No matter who gets hurt in the process," Dewey speaks moving to walk past her. "Hey! Who got punched here? Me!" Gale then exclaims and Dewey turns around his patience running thin. "Well, I'd say you deserved it. Page 32, 'Deputy Dewey filled the room with his Barney Fife-ish presence'" Dewey speaks in response clearly quoting Gale's book. 

"I see that you read my book," Gale speaks the obvious being revealed. "Well, Miss Weathers, I do read," Dewey speaks in response. "Come on Dewey, it's just a character in a book," Gale tries to reason and Dewey just shakes his head. "Page 41, 'Deputy Dewey oozed with inexperience," Dewey continues to quote the book. "Don't you think you're overeating just a bit?" Gale asks and Dewey scoffs. "No, what I think is that your money hungry and fame seeking and forgive me for saying, mediocre writing, has a cold storage where a heart should be. You weren't even there for most of that night, what gave you the right to tell that story then sell it off to the media? No offense intended," Dewey speaks coldly and Gale is left blubbering like a fish. "Dewey, I never meant to imply..." Gale begins to defend herself until she's silenced by Dewey. 

"How do you know that my dim-witted inexperience isn't merely a subtle form of manipulation used to lower people's expectations thereby enhancing my ability to effectively manoeuvre within any given situation?" Dewey asks and once again Gale is stuck for words. "I don't know what to say, except for that, I'm sorry," Gale speaks weakly and Dewey merely eyes her body in a mix of disgust and disappointment. "No, I'm sorry, I misjudged you. Oh, one more thing, nice streaks," Dewey speaks before walking away from Gale failing to miss as she calls out to him in shock.

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"You should come with me," I speak softly. "But I was designated sober sister? What fi the girls need a ride?" Cici asks me from my bed and I sigh softly. "What the chance of me drinking tonight Cici?" I ask only to be met with a look. "I know my track record has been bad recently but let's just say a certain event has me on a sober streak," I speak fading off on the end. "Do you need support tonight Madi? Are you getting that feeling again?" she asks me softly and I just nod. "Yeah, I dunno what it could be for but I just feel like somethings different about tonight. Something that could change everything," I speak softly and she stands up before walking over to me. "If it means that much to you, I'll come but you have to promise me you're going to be sober. I know Lois and Murphy will somehow convince me into drinking and I'm probably going to be gone before I can even think twice," Cici speaks softly and turning to her I smile softly. "Thank you," I speak softly wrapping my arms around her body from my height. "You're welcome, now lets fix this hair for all those boys who are going to be waiting for you," she jokes and I just roll my eyes turning away. "I think I'm happy being single for the rest of life," I speak hearing her soft crystal laugh in response. 

"You only say that cause you haven't met the right man yet," she speaks her head now resting right beside mine. "Well I don't think the right man is ever going to come," I ask looking the mirror seeing their figures standing there staring at me. "Just say you can't get over us," Stu's ghost speaks while Billy's merely nods. "We know we plague you because of those feelings you think are gone Mads. Just admit it to yourself before it eats you from the inside," Billy then speaks and I just shake my head before messing with my hair. "What can we even do with this?" I ask her softly watching as she laughs before pulling another chair over before she suddenly and specifically has my hair in an intricate braided pattern falling effortlessly down my back. "There you go. Now I'll get ready and then we can go," Cici speaks and I nod watching as she leaves. "You think we're going to be there, don't you?" Billy's voice calls to me and looking into the mirror I thankfully only see him there. "I don't know but I have a feeling if not you then that mask is coming. That's why I'm getting Cici out of the house. 

I have a feeling he's coming here tonight and for her. Torture me some more and get rid of the one thing holding me together," I speak softly watching as he walks toward me before sitting in the chair I still hadn't moved. "Other than us," he speaks softly and I merely nod. "This isn't what traumas meant to do. It shouldn't be making me find comfort in fictious versions of the things that caused the trauma in the first place," I speak feeling as a lump forms in my throat. "It's okay to feel broken Mads. What the real us did fucked you up. We used to torment you by being evil now we torment you because we're trying so hard to get you over it by making you the person you were before. Feeling shit about that doesn't suddenly make you this devilish thing that needs to be persecuted. It makes you hurt by the demons you know are still out there," Billy's voice speaks and before I can respond I hear a soft knock on my open door and turning to Cici I can tell Billy's faded from my peripherals. "let's get this night going," Cici speaks softly and I just nod smiling brightly.

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Author's Note: Hi! :) Never done this thus far but just wanted to get you excited for the next chapters coming cause I have to admit I've been wanting to do this for a while and can't wait! Thanks for the 14

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Author's Note: Hi! :) Never done this thus far but just wanted to get you excited for the next chapters coming cause I have to admit I've been wanting to do this for a while and can't wait! Thanks for the 14.5K reads by the way it really helps motivate me to write because I really didn't think this story would blow up and people would respond to it the way they did so thank you x.

See you the next chapters which I hope will have the impact I want them to have and that I've suggested them to.

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