Chapter Forty

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"I mean you did look good that one time you went blonde back before we met Madi," Billy states and Stu chuckles lightly turning back towards him. "You mean the blonde I went that summer you and me dated and decided we didn't feel like it was the right moment for that?" Stu questions a mischievous glint in his eyes. Billy's cheeks heat up softly and he turns away from Stu swatting at him slightly. "I meant that outside of us just dating Stu," Billy speaks his arms wrapping around himself while he pouted lightly. Warm arms wrap around him and he feels a light breath next to his ear. "Aww did I make you flustered?" Stu whispers and Billy just huffs lightly. "You know now that you mention it, I did like the way the blonde looked on me," Stu speaks immediately pulling back away from Billy to look back to the mirror messing with his hair only for Billy to turn to him a dark glint in his eyes. A smirk fills Stu's face as he watches Billy from his peripherals knowing just how much the flirting is getting to him. "God, do you have to make me so conflicted all the goddamn time...?" Billy mumbles lightly moving to leave only for Stu to grasp his wrist pulling him back to him. 

He suddenly grabs his face and places his lips on Billy's allowing his warmth to travel through their lips. Pulling away softly he smiles looking at the light pink flushing Billy's face. "That make you feel better?" he challenges softly letting his hands pull away softly only to feel his lips pulled back in feeling hands grasping at his shirt.A different passion lingers in this kiss like something hidden deep within was finally being released. He feels the hands release from his shirt and move slowly to tangle in his hair and as he pulls away breathing deep, he meets the eyes of Billy Loomis and realises that he did love him. No matter how much shit they'd gone through in the past, the disregard of their previous relationship and then the both of them falling for Madison he still felt for the stubborn brown haired boy in front of him. Giving him one last peck he rises back to his full height a different smirk on his face. "Blonde it is," he speaks softly messing with hair that was still tangled from where hands other than his had once been. Finally, the STAB movie premiered and it took almost everything they had to not go. 

It was almost the two year anniversary and the boys had finally fit into their surroundings and had slowly realised just how they could catch Sidney Prescott. The martini mixer being held by the delta lambdas. "Are you sure we can't go? I want to see how shit my actor looks," Stu speaks softly looking down on the rows of teens waiting outside the theatre across the street from their apartment. "Stu we've been over this, despite our connections if someone even looks a bit to close, they might recognise us. The mixer isn't too far away so we can watch it up there with Madi and laugh about it together. We're not going," Billy speaks the harshness evaporated from tone only to hear a soft groan from his partner. "You never let me have fun," he pouts softly and Billy just huffs. "So last night wasn't fun then?" Billy questions looking over to where Stu merely stares at him cheeks a faint tint. "You know what I meant," Stu speaks rolling his eyes. Billy just hums before looking back out to the teens all waiting outside the building.

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When I do there will be hell to pay...

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"Not even trying to be original," Stu spoke softly and Billy merely scowled at the screen. "And right on our anniversary too. Fucking trying to make a sequel," Billy speaks quickly turning off the television. "Well, we're not going to have to deal with that for much longer," Stu speaks numbly. Billy hums pecking his lips softly before walking out of his vision while Stu remained looking at the blank screen. The martini mixer was tonight, and if everything went to plan, they would swoop in kidnap Sidney, punish her and then leave this world forever to find the angel that had started all of this. "You ready to party hard?" Stu speaks the memory from last time washing behind his lids. "Seriously?" Billy asks clearly unamused but not annoyed with Stu's attempt at a joke. As the sun passed beneath the horizon the two boys made their way to the mixer quickly splitting off to fulfill their rolls. Billy heading toward the jocks Stu quickly finding his place amongst some of the sorority kids he shared classes with. 

Stu was walking through the foyer when he noticed the girls hosting the event talking to someone. He aimed to pass by them until he heard a specific name. "Sidney, you made it!" one of the girls speaks and he merely smirks as he continues to walk through grabbing a beer for himself and another for Billy. Walking back out into the yard he walks up to the male noticing how he talks with his group lightly before quickly escaping the conversation. "Found her in the foyer, talking with the chicks running the party," Stu speaks in hushed whispers while Billy subtly nods taking the drink before passing. "You see, Sidney. A lot of people think that sororities are all about giving blowjobs but it's not true," Billy overhears one of the girls speaks. He leans against on the walls to the adjoining room of the foyer seeing Sidney just out of the corner of his eye. He can't test that she won't recognise him because then everything falls apart. "Here are your martinis," he hears the scratchy voice of Randy Meeks and thinks about how even after two years he still remains to be annoying; at least in his eyes. 

"About time Randy. Yeah, well, you guys have given me a lot to think about. Thanks," Sidney speaks before walking out of view towards another male figure Billy pieces to be her boyfriend, Derek. However, it doesn't take long for him to recognise the similarities between Derek and himself as they walk back through the foyer and past him not even sparing a glance his way clearly to enamoured by each other. "Hey babe, wanna dance?" Mickey Altieri speaks to the dark skinned girl still chatting with the sorority sisters. "Yeah, with that tall, broad shoulder one over there," the dark skinned girl speaks and following the trail of her finger Billy chuckles softly realising she's pointing in Stu's direction. The female walks off and he silently watches as Randy and Mickey converse about movies before splitting ways. He sighs walking through the foyer until he's painfully stopped by the sorority sisters.

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