Chapter Ten

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Billy considered inviting her to his house but then he'd have to check with his father. There was always the option of sneaking her in but was that worth the risk if he got caught. Releasing his arms from her she looks to him shocked. "I'm sure everything will work out okay my darling, now how about you go, and act all scared. I am your best friend and aunt's killer after all," Billy remarks softly and a small smile slips out of her lips. Standing up Billy watches as she retreats from the room and then he hears the soft echo of your screams. Pulling his mask away he sighs contently glad he was able to have that sweet moment with you. He was sure when or if he decided to tell Stu he would be spewing. But this was his chance to take care of his girl.

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Running down the halls letting air out of my lungs I run from the bathrooms to Principal Himbry's office and as I come crashing through, I notice two boys being chewed out. "He's here... I saw him... he's here..." I blubber out before collapsing into Himbry's arms. "Easy child," he consoles, and I just nod softly. Numbly I leave the school still thinking about what happened in that bathroom. "She's okay. Looks like some boys were teasing her. Himbry's shuttin' down the school though. I want you to take a look around," I hear from the radio as I walk to Dewey's car. "Yes, sir, sheriff," he replies, and I nod as he turns to me. Dewey walks me over to Tatum and she just rubs my arm soothingly. 

"Your attention please. Due to the recent events that have occurred and until it comes to a resolve—effective immediately—all classes are suspended til further notice. The Bayboro Police Dept. has also asked me to announce a city-wide curfew beginning at 6 o'clock PM. I repeat..." Principal Himbry's voice calls over the speaker and I just sigh in slight relief. "It was just some sick fuck having a laugh," Tatum remarks as she and Sidney walk me out of school after collecting my things. Sidney remains quiet but I know what she's thinking. "It was him, Tatum. I know it," I persist but she just rolls her eyes at me. "You are not to be alone again. Is that clear? If you pee—I pee," Tatum replies, and I just nod my head. "Whose house am I going to be staying at? The will left everything to Alice seeing as she's dead the banks taken everything." I ask. "How about mine? It's more secluded and my dad's out of town so we could watch some movies together and my room has enough space for the both of us," Sidney answers and I nod my head. 

She was right. Maybe finally I could finally rest knowing nothing was going to happen through the night. "Is this not cool or what? Hey, Madi, what happened?" Stu says walking up to us. "For once, Stu, drop it," Tatum says her tone harsh making me wince. Suddenly a flower is in front of my face, and I take it smiling. "Okay, but whatever you did—the entire student body thanks you," he says to me softly and I smile. Moving away from me Stu gives Tatum a kiss before wrapping his arm around her shoulders. "And to celebrate this impromptu fall break, I propose we have a party this Halloween night, my house," Stu proposes, and I smile. Stu's parties were the best kind of parties. "Are you serious?" Sidney asks in slight shock, and I see how Stu's face falters from his cocky smile. "My parents are out of town. It'll be like my hurricane bash last year. Nothing extreme. Just a few of us, hangin'," Stu explains, and I smile again.

"This could be good. What do you think guys?" I ask and Stu's smile grows at my question. "Madison are you insane? You're saying you got attacked in the bathrooms and you want to risk going to a party?" Tatum chastises and I wince. Stu turns to Tatum, and something flashes across his eyes I've never noticed before. "Remember, there's safety in numbers. And I'll protect you," Stu comforts wrapping his arm around my waist. "So, Halloween night you say?" I ask and he nods brightly. "I'll be there. With food of course," I answer and Stu smiles. "Yeah, okay... whatever," Tatum says finally giving in to the idea. "Cool, see you on Halloween," Stu says before he slinks away and out of our sight. Me and Sid were inside her room when we hear the soft ringing of the phone downstairs. "I'll get it," Sidney says leaving the room. I go back to lounging not realising of the presence just outside the window watching me intently.

"You sure you want to stay over?" Sidney asks into the phone and there's a soft laugh in response. "Yeah. I'll be there after practise," Tatum's voice rings through the receiver. "Yeah, yeah..." Sidney says already familiar with the routine. "I'll be there by seven. I promise," Tatum states into the phone and Sidney nods to herself. "Thanks, Tatum," Sidney whispers and she gets a soft bye before the phone clicks off. Walking back up to the room she sees Madison's figure already sleeping on the air mattress on the floor. She crawls onto her own bed and as her eyes close shut sleep takes over. Both girls open their eyes to the ringing of the telephone. "I'll get it," Sidney says again but this time I follow her down the stairs. "Practise ran late. I'm on my way," Tatum's voice rings in the phone and I sigh. "It's past seven," Sidney remarks and I roll my eyes. "Don't worry. Casey and Steve didn't bite it til way after 10," Tatum remarks and I wince. 

"I'm not worried," Sidney states and I just walk into the living room sinking into the familiar couch. "Good, 'cause I wanna swing by Blockbuster and get us a video. I was thinkin' Tom Cruise in All the Right Moves. You know, if you pause it just right you can see his penis," Tatum says, and Sidney laughs into the speaker. "Whatever. Just hurry, I think Madison's getting worried," Sidney speaks softly hoping Madison doesn't hear. "Bye," Tatum sings into the phone and with a click the call ends. Sidney walks into the living room phone in hand and takes a seat next to Madison. Another ring pierces the room and once again Sidney picks up. "Tatum?" Sidney asks but there's only a swish of fabric. "Hello, Sidney," a deep voice whispers and I freeze. It's him. He really came here. How could he have known? "Hi. Who is this?" Sidney asks and I just turn to her my eyes bulging.

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