Fellas, is it gay? (Boyfs + Kleinsen)

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(Third person)

"Jared. Is it gay to fantasise about being in a loving relationship with your best friend of 12 years?"

Jared, completely drunk, was lying next to Michael, who was completely stoned. They were laid out on the cold, hard ground of Michael's cellar, and were mostly keeping silent until this question.

Jared pondered for a minute, before replying with his best shot at advice, something he's never been good at sober, let alone drunk.

"Dude, I don't think so. Sometimes it's just like that"

Michael nodded at this profound statement, and the room quickly resumed a comfortable silence. Well, the silence was comfortable, the boys laying on the concrete floor were not.

"Michael. Is it gay to fantasise about being in a loving relationship with your family friend of 17 years?"

Once again, silence engulfed the room.

"I dunno bro, probably not"

?/1/23 (D/M/Y)

Word count: 183
(Sorry the first one was a short one, I've just wanted to write something like this for a while)

Author's note:

'Silence will fall when the question is asked'
The question:

(Art not mine! It's just what inspired this oneshot)

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