Clichés (Kleinsen, Zolana + Boyfs)

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(Third person)

"Okay, so, Alana, you're the fanfiction aficionado, what do we do?"

Zoe absentmindedly tapped the chewed end of her pencil on her knee, waiting for her girlfriend to answer.

"I say we go for the blind date, try and set 'em up without the other knowing"

Zoe nodded, and looked around at the circle of friends, gauging their reactions. Alana did the same. Jeremy slowly nodded, looking to Michael for support.

"Okay, but how do we stop them leaving once we get them there? They still hate each other"

Michael nodded in agreement with his boyf riend.

"I say we try and rekindle their friendship, then set them up. I mean, what if Jared's moved on?"

At this, Jeremy smirked.

"Trust me, dude, neither Jared nor Evan have moved on. Evan still talks about Jared all the time, and from what you've told me about Jared… he's still head over heels in love"

Zoe wrote a couple notes down in her notebook, one that was actually bought for school work, but was now being used to formulate a plan to set up two of her friends. After half an hour of scheming, the friends had a plan completely drawn out.

Alana looked proud of their work, as did Zoe. Jeremy looked slightly awestruck, and Michael looked ecstatic. They put their hands towards the middle of the circle, before throwing them up and loudly yelling


Jared was pissed. All he wanted to do was chill out at home and enjoy doing nothing all weekend, and Alana had well and truly fucked up that plan.

There he was, just lazing around at home, relishing in the fact it was Friday afternoon, when he heard his phone vibrate. He grabbed it, checking his messages, to see a WhatsApp notification.

Lana Banana Bitch

Hey Jareeeee 😊😏😊😊🤗🤗
Guess who got you a date!

Jared Hansen 👀👀

alana why

Lana Banana Bitch

Cause you're a sad lonely boi 🥲

Jared Hansen 👀👀

look, lana, i appreciate it, but theres no way im actually going to be into whoever youve set me up with
i havent told you this but
im gay

Lana Banana Bitch

No fucking shit, idiot.
I guessed you were 🏳️‍🌈 literally a week after I met you.
I'm setting you up with a guy dumbass

Jared Hansen 👀👀

anyway, im still not gonna like him

Lana Banana Bitch

Oh trust me, you like him 😏😏

Jared Hansen 👀👀

why was that in present tense?

Lana Banana Bitch

Anyway, it's for 8pm on Saturday at that pizza place down the road from the school.
I don't like boys, but I asked Zoe and apparently he's, like, really hot, so dress appropriately.
Have fun 😏😏😉😏😏😉😉😉

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