Mountain Dew Red Pt. 2 (Kleinsen)

16 0 3

(First person 💻)

Ordinarily, I would have been visibly stressed out of my mind about something like this. Evan coming over. But, when I got home, every time I tapped my fingers, or bit my nails, I felt a little shock go through my body.

After a while, I got sick of sitting bolt upright on my sofa and tried to call the Squip back.

"Hey, weird fake-Evan robot pill thing"

I blinked, and suddenly fake-Evan was standing right in front of me. I may have fallen off the sofa.

"AGH! God, don't do that!"

The Squip blinked at me.

"It appears you have some discomfort with me taking the form of Evan Hansen. I have many built in appearances to pick from. You can also set me to Sean Connery, Jack Nicholson, Sexy Anime Female"

I tried (and failed) to keep a straight face, which resulted in me bent over double laughing, in front of a very disgruntled looking fake-Evan. In fact, I was so preoccupied, I didn't notice the knock on my door. I did, however, notice the electric shock that ran through my body.

"Ow! What was that for?"

The Squip stared pointedly at the door, just as there was another knock.

After another small shock, I leaped up and opened the door.

And there he was.

The real Evan Hansen.

He stared at me.

I stared at him.

And so we stood there, staring into each other's eyes, over the threshold of my house. I stood in the doorway, just staring, taking it all in. This is my chance. This is my shot to tell Evan how-

Cutting off my thought, I felt a now familiar zap, encouraging me to do something.

Squip-Evan whispered in my ear.

"He can't see me, only you can, just do exactly as I say- and don't look at me!"

I felt another shock as the Squip prevented me from looking over my shoulder. When I turned back to Evan, he was looking at me worriedly.

"Uh, Jared, you okay?"

I plastered on a fake grin, as I've done so many times before.

"Yep! I'm completely fine! I mean, you though-"


"Don't insult him. Copy exactly what I say"

I gave a slight nod to show I understood, and Evan looked at me funny.

The Squip began speaking, and I tried my best to keep up.

"Sorry about that. I was just blown away by how wonderful you look, I mean, wow, just wow"

Somehow, this pathetic attempt at a compliment made him blush. I guess this weird pill thingy really does know what it's talking about. Or Evan's bar for flirting is just that low.

He stuttered out a thanks, still completely red. It's kind of sad that I could have just been doing that this whole time instead of the weird "push people away and be a dick" style of flirting I gravitate towards.

After a moment of awkward silence, Evan immediately spewed a string of incomprehensible apologies.

"Look, Jared, um, I'm so sorry, just sorry, um, I feel really bad, I was such a dick, uh, sorry, I'm so sorry, for everything, really, sorry, Jared, sor-"

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