Something to Share (Kleinsen)

17 0 0

(First person 🌳)

Jared and I have been dating for 6 months at this point, but it's already been the best 6 months of my life. I mean, I've gone from having 0 real friends, to having 3, one of which being a boyfriend!

There's one problem. Neither of us have told our parents. I'm pretty sure my mom won't mind, but I can't comment on Jared's parents. They're not outwardly homophobic, but they're quite religious and he said he's not sure how they would react to their only son being gay.

"I'm not sure if they're going to be all too thrilled that their good Jewish boy likes to suck dick"

Okay, he said something along those lines, it's Jared, what were you expecting?

Anyway, that leads us to today. Standing outside my house, gripping Jared's arm for dear life. We hadn't spoken a word the whole ride home from school. We both knew we were doing it today.



"You're clawing a layer of my skin off"

I relinquished my hold on him and apologised, opting instead to just hold his hand. Jared lifted his free hand up to the door, knocking on it and shooting me a reassuring smile. He was acting calm, but I could see his hand shaking.

My mom came to the door, muttering something under her breath.

"Hi, Evan, you didn't have to kno- oh, uh, hi Jared"

She glanced down at our intertwined hands, and I could see Jared go red.

"H-hi Ms Hansen"

His voice was weak, and I'd never seen him so nervous in my life. Mom wordlessly ushered us in and sat down on the couch.

Without letting go of each other's hands, we sat down on the couch too.

"So, who asked who?"

Me and Jared gaped at each other as mom's serious expression turned into a smirk.

"You guys think I didn't know? I have Mom powers, we notice things like this"

She chuckled but me and Jared were still completely serious, well, as serious as Jared gets.

"So you don't, uh, don't mind that, that, um, I like boys?"

"Of course not Evvy, as long as you're happy I don't care who you love. Oh, and as long as you give me all the gossip, how did it happen?"

I relaxed slightly and I could feel Jared's grip on my hand loosen, but he didn't let go.

"Well, Ms Hansen-"

"Call me Heidi, you are going to be my son in law after all"

Jared smirked and nudged me and I went red.


She giggled and gave Jared a high five. I can't believe I had doubts about telling mom.

"Anyway, Heidi, I was actually the one to tell Evan I liked him, but he asked me out. I mean, I did kind of shout it at him when we were having an argument, but-"

Mom interrupted him and he looked slightly miffed.

"You were having an argument?"

I tried to quickly gloss over the subject.

"Yeah, uh, it was just, um, something silly, so uh-"

"Was it…?"

She didn't have to finish her sentence. We knew what she meant. Connor.

Jared slowly nodded his head. We sat in silence for a minute before mom started conversation up again.

"So, how did our little Evvy ask his crush out?"

Jared's shit-eating grin reappeared and I sighed. This was going to be a long day.

13/1/23 (Friday the thirteenth oOoöøoOoòÕh)

Word count: 567

Author's note: Heidi and Jared are a dynamic duo now.

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