Say there's this person you pass in the hall everyday (Kleinsen)

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(First person 🌳)

TW: Slight mentions of suicidal thoughts

I hate the hallways at school. There are so, so many people, and you always get shoved around and pushed into others. Have you ever noticed that you consistently get pushed into, shoved against or forced together with one person in particular? I have.

For me, that person is Jared Kleinman. Long time family friend, and short time crush. Unfortunately, he hates me.

I mean, he has a right to, considering I just used him for fake emails and to keep up a lie, but it's not like he was ever the nicest to me either. So yeah, I kinda developed a crush on him when we were committing fraud, used him, got into an argument, and now we haven't talked in months. Oops.

I don't mean to sound cheesy, but it almost seems like something is keeping us together. I mean, how come I run into him every single time I walk down the halls? How come I always get pushed into him? How come our shoulders always brush against each other? How come both of our faces go bright red every time we see each other?

I don't know if I'll ever know the answer to these questions, but I do know that, OH MY GOD OUR ARMS ARE TOUCHING.

Every single day, our arms touch, we both blush, and we move on without a word to one another. I mean, it's not like I'd know what to say. I couldn't apologise for everything right then and there, in the corridor!

By the time it had been almost 5 months of this same routine, I had a plan formulated.

Step 1: Ask Alana to find out a time when Jared's parents wouldn't be home.

Step 2: Get Zoe to ensure Jared will be at home when his parents aren't

Step 3: At the allotted time, head round to Jared's with snacks or flowers or something (in case he needs extra convincing)

Step 4: Apologise for everything and tell him how you feel

Step 5: Try not to have a panic attack

Okay, so, it's not exactly foolproof... luckily, Jared's not a fool! I probably am for even trying this, though.

Soon enough, it was time to put my plan into action. After school, I walked around to Jared's house, carrying a backpack with chips in and holding a bouquet of Papageno roses, a decently uncommon type of rose, that I only found after hours of looking around garden centres.

Finally, I had reached the Kleinman household. I shifted the roses to my left hand and quietly knocked on the door. I'd expected that he wouldn't hear me and that I'd have to try again, but I heard a low mumble and the door swung open.

Jared was wearing plaid pyjamas, his hair was ruffled up and his glasses were askew. It looked like he'd just woken up. He sneered up at me.

"Look what the cat dragged in. Hello Hansen, I was wondering how long it'd take you to show up"

I opened my mouth to speak, shifting the roses back to my right hand. He noticed them and his mouth fell open slightly, sneer turned into a look of surprise. His hand raised slightly as if to point at the flowers, before it dropped back to his side.

"A-are those for..."

He pointed at himself and I nodded. He gaped at me.

"Jared," I started, "I made the biggest mistake on earth. Bigger than the Connor Project, bigger than telling the lie that started this whole thing. My biggest mistake was treating you like some tool I could use and throw away. My biggest mistake was being unappreciative of you, my only... family friend. My biggest mistake was not going right up to you and telling you I love you"

He stared at me for a solid minute. My heart was racing faster than it ever had before, until...


The door slammed shut in my face. I sighed and sat down on the pavement, deciding to call Alana and Zoe to tell them what happened.

"Hi Lana... hi Zo..."

Alana spoke first.

"Hi Evan! I'm assuming from your voice that it didn't go too well"

"He slammed the door in my face"


We sat in silence for a minute, before I hung up the call. I had expected to feel sad... or break down crying... but I didn't. I just felt empty.

I stared at the cars going by, imagining what it would be like if I ran out. Obviously I never would. But what would it be like? As I was pondering this, I heard a door creak open.


I looked around and saw Jared, fully clothed, standing outside his doorway. He was staring me dead in the eyes, a cryptic expression on his face.

He approached me slowly, eventually grabbing my hands in his (I'd put the bouquet to the side). I felt myself being pulled to my feet as he was talking, but I wasn't processing anything he'd said.

"-so, may I?"

I simply nodded my head, despite not knowing what I was agreeing to.

He stood on his tiptoes and tilted his face towards mine. Our lips met. It was the best feeling ever.


Word count: 925

Author's note: ???? I don't know what I'm doing. I just love Kleinsen and Jared, and it's 2023, so Kleinsen content is running dry. Maybe someday we'll get a good film adaptation of Dear Evan Hansen...

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