Gaymers Pt 2 (Kleinsen + Boyfs)

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(First person 🌳)

"Watch out Acorn!"

I smiled softly at the nickname, before realising that Jeremy and Michael were still in the room. Jeremy smirked.

"What is that, like, a pet name?"

Michael gave me a wink.

"Oh shut up, Jere-bear"

I don't think I've ever seen Jeremy so flustered. We continued the game in silence for a while, me dying twice as much as everyone else. After a while though, Jeremy went back to teasing us.

"Jared, can you stop protecting Evan and get over he(e)re and help us, ya simp?"

Jared opened his mouth to retaliate, but no words came out. I giggled, before dying immediately again.

Jeremy groaned and stood up, announcing that he needed to pee. This made Jared snigger and say "yeah, 'pee', sure"

I didn't get it, but it appeared to make Michael very flustered and he jumped bolt upright, saying he was going to get snacks.

As soon as Michael had left the room, Jared basically threw himself onto me.

"Hey Evy"

He stared up at me, and for the first time ever, I took in his face. His skin was covered in freckles, there was a gap between his front two teeth, and behind his thick glasses, I could see his beautiful eyes. They were mostly brown, except for a couple splodges of bright blue. Heterochromia. The only thing hetero about him. I giggled at this thought and he cocked his head at me.

"Sorry… it's.. uhm… your… your eyes are really pretty"

He flushed slightly.

"All of you is pretty"

I pushed him off me, playfully.

"Oi, stop trying to one up me Jare!"

He pushed his face back to mine.

"Make me"

I leaned in and put my lips to his ear, talking in a barely audible whisper.

"Is this okay?"

He laughed.

"Of course it is, ya goo-"

Before he could finish the word "goof", I grabbed his shirt and pulled his lips up to meet mine. My eyelids fluttered shut as I pulled him onto my lap. We both melted into the kiss, trying to close all the space between us. The rest of the world melted away… until…

"See Jere? I fucking told you Ev's a top"


Word count: 398

Author's note: Yes, I did write both parts on the same day, what are you gonna do about it?

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