Something to Say (Sequel) (Kleinsen)

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(First person 💻)

After a couple hours of talking to Heidi about me and Evan (and Alana and Zoe), we said our farewells and headed over to my parents' house. Heidi assured us that if… anything happened, she'd be here for us.

I clung to Evan like I was drowning and he was a life raft. Although I would never admit it, I was terrified out of my mind about what my parents would say… or do… Would they kick me out? Force us to break up? Or-

My stream of thoughts was interrupted by Evan squeezing my hand and knocking on the door. My already fast heartbeat threatened to beat its way out of my chest.

We heard soft footsteps approaching the door and I motioned for Evan to release my hand. He did. I hated the lack of contact, but we needed to make sure I had the situation under control before we told them.

The door opened to reveal my mom, a cheery smile on her face.

"Hi Jare-bear! Oh, hi Evan"

I blushed at the embarrassing nickname, and muttered something about needing to talk to her.

She sat down on a chair, and me and Evan sat opposite her.

"So… mom, I have something to tell you. I'm not sure how you'll react… just promise you won't be mad?"

She nodded slowly, an inscrutable expression on her face.

I took a breath and got prepared.

"Mom… me and Evan… are… dating"

The last word was barely more than a whisper. I looked down at my lap. I didn't want to see her reaction.

Suddenly, I felt myself being scooped up into a hug. I thought it would have been from Evan, but I looked up to see my mom's face. She was beaming from ear to ear.

She eventually let me go.

"I just knew it! I knew it! I knew you liked him"


Evan gave my hand a reassuring squeeze. As my mom was freaking out and happily shouting about how "she knew it" I put my face close to Evan's ear.

"Thanks, Ev, I love you"

"I love you too"

He smiled at me, before continuing.

"But we're not out of the woods yet, there's still your dad"

I bit my lip. He was right.

My dad's always frightened me a bit, ever since I was little. He's not angry or loud. He's barely even threatening. He's calm, collected and just radiates authority.

He's the sort of person people turn to stare at when he enters a room, a tall, ominous figure who's infinitely hard to work out.

He's always at work or on business trips, and when he is home, he hardly speaks to me. Just sits in his chair, reading a book, occasionally talking to my mom.

So, yeah, I was scared out of my mind to tell him.

"You two are so cute together! Does Heidi know? We made a bet on you two getting together!"

"You WHAT?"

I was shocked. And more than a little pissed.

"You made a bet on me and Evan dating?!? When?!?"

"Oh, when you two were about 9. It was clear you had a crush on him"

She said it so nonchalantly and I muttered under my breath.

"Remind me why I thought you wouldn't be accepting again"

She pulled me into another hug.

"Aww, Jared you can tell us anything. Me and your father, that is"

I tensed up.

"Wh-where is dad?"

My voice shook, and she let me go.

"He's just at work right now, he'll be home early today, at about 10pm"

Evan looked taken aback.

"10pm is early?!?"

Mom nodded, looking slightly sad, but quickly shook it off, regaining her cheery demeanour.

"Well, it's only 7 now, you can stay until he comes home, that is, if you want to tell him of course"

Me and Evan nodded, him thanking her. We decided to put on a movie, and me and Evan cuddled up to each other, my mom cooing the whole time.

(Timeskip brought to you by the lack of Jared having accepting parents in fanfiction)

Evan and I were cuddled up on the sofa, him holding me as I was curled up into a ball. We hadn't said anything for half an hour, just snuggled and watched the TV.

I felt safe in his arms, although I'd obviously deny it after the fact. It made me feel better about… everything. I was less worried about telling dad.

As I was thinking this, eyes still glued to the TV screen, I heard the front door creak open. Before I had time to react, the living room door flung open too.

My head whipped around to see a tall figure standing in the doorway. My father.

I was frozen in place for a minute, before I came to my senses, pushing Evan off of me and jumping bolt upright, face red.

"I can explain"

Evan turned around and jumped to his feet as well, bright red.

My dad's eyes scanned over us, stopping to make eye contact with me. I pointedly reached out for Evan's hand, tilting my chin up defiantly, trying to ignore the fact I was shaking, red, and had bruises all down my neck. His hand was sweatier than I'd ever felt it.

After a while of this intense staring contest, my dad sighed.

"Well… at least you won't be getting anyone pregnant"


Word count: 930

Author's note: Seriously, Jared's parents always suuuuuuuck in fanfiction, that poor boy, give him a break.

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