Gaymers (Kleinsen + Boyfs)

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(First person 💻)

(This is an AU where Michael and Jeremy are Jared's camp friends, and Jared never met Evan)

"Come onnnnn Evannnnn"

I watched, bemused, as Jeremy tried to convince a lanky blond boy, who I assume was his step brother, Evan, to play a video game with him.

"But AOTD just got a 4 player updateeeeee"

"Yeah, incase you haven't noticed, I'm only one person, Jerm"

"Ask him to come along too, I don't care"

Jeremy pointed at me and I rolled my eyes at him. Secretly, though, it kinda hurt that he was pretending not to know me.

I met him and Michael at camp, and when we discovered that they were moving to my highschool, we promised each other we'd be best friends. Yeah, that plan didn't come to fruition. We still talk, but nowhere near as much as we did when we were sharing the same cabin.

Michael appeared round the corner and walked up to me.

"Hi Jared! Wanna come over to mine with Jere and Evan? Apocalypse of the Damned just got an updateee"

"Oh, sureee, I'd love to play a video game I don't care about, in a stoner's basement, with two people I barely talk to and one I've never met before in my whole life, that sounds just brilliant"

My voice radiated sarcasm, but I'm not sure Michael picked up on it.

"Great! 9:30 a good time for you?"

I sighed and nodded my head, resigned to my fate. Jeremy laughed.

"I'm sure having two bisexuals and two gays in the same basement, late at night, possibly stoned, will go amazingly"

I punched Jeremy's arm, but I was mainly thinking, "Oh my god, Evan's bisexual!" This is probably a good time to mention, one, I'm gay, two, as soon as I saw Evan, the first thought that went through my mind was "damn, he's really cute".

He's just plain adorable! He's got this sandy, dirty blond hair, and his face is peppered with freckles. When I first saw him with Jeremy, he was fiddling with a blank arm cast he had on and didn't look too keen on the whole idea of "social interaction".

Jeremy and Michael walked away, leaving me and Evan standing awkwardly next to each other.

"Nobody signed your cast" I pointed out.

He shook his head and avoided eye contact.

"I'll sign it"

I produced a pen from my pocket and reached towards his arm, signing my name small, in the top left corner, in an almost illegible font, so I'd be able to deny it was me, if anyone asked about it.

He smiled softly at me, and my cold, dead heart exploded with happiness. I extended my hand to him, and shook his (non injured) hand.


"The insanely cool Jared Kleinman"

He giggled at the nickname and my chest constricted. His laugh was even better than I'd imagined.

"So, how'd you break your arm?"

"I, uh, I fell out of a tree"

"You fell out of a tree?!? What are you, like, an acorn?"

I couldn't tell if he was about to laugh or cry, so I quickly changed the subject.

"So, Acorn, where you headed to?"

"Umm, science, I think"

"Me too! I'll walk you"

I gave an exaggerated bow, and took Evan's hand, gauging how he reacted. I hurried ahead, feeling my face go bright red.

People were staring at us. I just stuck my tongue out at them.

By the time we got to Evan's classroom, we were both blushing messes. We mumbled our goodbyes and headed off to our respective lessons.

I didn't actually have science, I only said that so I could walk with Evan. I had a class on the complete opposite side of the building, and I had to run to make sure I wasn't late. Unfortunately I don't think they take "holding a cute boy's hand" or "being hella gay" as an excuse for being late.

All day, the only thing on my mind was Evan, and the game of Apocalypse of the Damned we were going to play.

When the last bell of the day rang, I walked outside (a bit faster than usual) and made my way over to my car. I drove home, cause it was still a couple hours til I was supposed to go to Michael's.

Finally, at 9:15, I set off to Michael's. Usually I make it a point to never be on time, I mean, it's not like I'm head of the student council, but this time, the prospect of seeing Evan got the better of me, and I arrived 5 minutes early.

I pushed open Michael's already unlocked door, and shouted


Jeremy poked his head around the corner.

"Actually, I think the party just got significantly gayer"

I gave him the finger.

As I did so, a familiar giggle met my ears. I whipped around to see Evan sitting cross-legged on the couch, face buried in a pillow. Pretending to be casual, I strolled over to where he was sitting, and sat beside him, purposefully brushing our hands together. I blushed and turned away from his, equally red, face, shouting over my shoulder.

"Michael, this is very un-hostly of you!"

A voice yelled back from somewhere in the kitchen.

"I'm getting snacks, the basement's already set up, you can go down"

I quickly stood upright and set off towards the door of Michael's sketchy basement, hearing Evan's soft footsteps behind me.

Okay, I've got to admit, he has a pretty cool basement. That's probably the weirdest compliment I've ever given, but it's true. He had a massive TV on a stand cluttered with action figures, and this old, comfy looking couch. It looked so comfortable, I could almost forgive the scent of sweat and weed.

Ignoring the stench, I flopped down on the couch and stared at Evan, who was standing in the doorway. I spread out in a jokingly seductive manner.

"Hey, Acorn. Like what you see? ~"

I could almost feel the heat of his blush.

At that point, Jeremy and Michael came down the stairs. Michael sniggered when he saw Evan's bright red face and my position on the couch.

"You two need to get a room"

Jeremy crossed his arms.

"Michael, don't encourage Jared to fuck my brother"

"Actually, it'd be your brother fucking Jared"

Me and Evan both went red.

"Can we stop talking about sex positions and just play the goddamn game?"

Michael sat down next to me, forcing me to shift positions.

"You're just mad cause you know it's true"

Evan went to sit next to me, but Jeremy grabbed his arm and led him to the other side of the couch.

"Yeah, I am not letting you sit next to Jared after that display"

I could tell Evan was blushing, and I probably was as well, but I decided to take this as an opportunity to make fun of Jeremy.

"Yeah, yeah, sure. You just wanna sit next to Michael, ya twink"

Jeremy frowned, but Michael laughed.

"He's right, Jere, you are a twink"

"Shut up"

Michael stood up to sort out the game, and I caught Evan's eye. This was going to be fun.


Word count: 1251

Author's note: This is going to be a two parter, it was too long for one story. (Also, I hid a Little Miss Perfect reference in he(e)re somewhere)

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