Socks (Boyf Riends + slight Kleinsen)

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(First person 🌳)


I looked around to see the source of the noise, only to see my step brother, Jeremy, careering around the corner of the science corridor. Needless to say, I was incredibly confused.

This confusion was short-lived, however, as Jeremy began rapidly explaining himself at roughly the speed of sound.

"Evan! Evan, so, so, so, y'know Michael and me, no homo, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah, well, he kissed me!"

I shook my head.

"Don't you, don't you, like, kiss each other every day?"

"Well, yeah! But-"

At that moment, the bell rang, indicating we were late to class. He stopped mid sentence and shouted his goodbyes. I made my way to 3rd period, wondering what on earth was so different about this kiss in particular.

I know for a fact that most best friends don't kiss each other every day, something which I don't think Jeremy understands. Sure, the closest I have to a "best friend" is Jared, but I know enough about typical friendships to know they don't generally involve kissing. I mean, I do kiss Jared, but he's my boyfriend so that doesn't count.

Finally, it was after school, and I was searching for Jeremy so he could explain what on earth he was talking about before. I spotted his signature Boyf backpack in the crowd and began to walk towards it, before I stopped.

Something was wrong. He washed the marker off that bag months ago, but he(e)re it was, in bold black lines. I sighed. Rich must have done something again.

I put my hand on his shoulder and he jumped around in shock.

"Wha- Oh, Evan! I've been looking for you!"

"What, uh, happened to your bag?"

He blushed and looked at the floor.

"I, umm, I redrew it"


That was really weird, he told me he hated it, why would he redraw it? Unless... oh my god...

"So you know how I was telling you about how Michael kissed me and it was different than usual?"

I nodded my head.


"He didn't have socks on"

"Holy shit"

7/1/23 (D/M/Y)

Word count: 392

Author's note: Sorry to any non Kleinsen shipper's he(e)re, I will always find a way to shove Kleinsen into any fanfic, cause it's my favourite ship, and underrated as hell.

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