DEH Things To Think About

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. Kleinsen

. The guitar riff in Sincerely Me when Evan says "Yes I also miss our talks"

. "Kinky!"

. The PERFECT transition in Waving Through a Window from "Do you ever really crash" to "Did I even make a sound"

. The "HEY HEY HEY HEY" in Sincerely Me
. That one slime tutorial where Mike Faist looks DIRECTLY into the camera

 That one slime tutorial where Mike Faist looks DIRECTLY into the camera

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Mike Faist always knows

. Will Roland's laugh???? Like wtf how can he make that noise?

. Ben Platt's ability to cry and sing at the same time, genuinely how?

. "I've seen you play in jazz band. I love jazz band. I love jazz. Well not all jazz. But definitely, like, jazz band jazz"

. Kleinsen, again

. Why was Alana doing 90 hours of community service?

. Jared's pose in Sincerely Me

 'Klein' is Dutch and German for small

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. 'Klein' is Dutch and German for small. Jared's name is a short joke.

. Also, Jared's initials are JK

. How I may or may not have almost burst out crying at Finale.

. I've never seen a Fandom that refuses canon as much as this one (maybe other than BBC Sherlock)

. Connor is dead, guys.

. "You are just cute as a freaking button"

. "What are you, like, an acorn?"

. Jared definitely calls Evan 'acorn' and 'button'

. Kleinsen. Yet again.

. I'M
. OF

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