BMC + DEH as quotes from shows

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Okay it's mainly Doctor Who.

Evan to Jared: "What are you Captain of? The innuendo squad?"
Jared: *finger guns*

Jeremy to the Squip: "There's a scientific explanation for it. You're thick"

Evan: "My mother's cooking"
Jared: "Good, put her on a slow cook and let her simmer"

Michael: "I bet you don't even remember my name"
The Squip: "Course I do, it's Ricky!"
Michael: "No, it's Mickey"
The Squip: "It's Ricky"
Michael: "I think I know my own name"
The Squip: "You think you know your own name? How stupid are you?"

Jeremy to the Squip: "I want to put Cancer and Ebola in a cannon and shoot it at you and your whole family"

Michael high: "Do not. Do not under any circumstances put the Pope in my bedroom"

Jared probably drunk: "Oh great! So she's allowed to explode!"

Jared jealous: "He's a lying down person. I don't like lying down people"

Jeremy: "You're talking about murdering someone!"
The Squip: "No, I'm actually murdering someone"

Jared: "Sexy"
Evan: "It's not sexy"
Jared: "It's a little bit sexy"
Evan: "Why is everything sexy now?"

Jake: "It looks like a Christmas tree"
Rich: "Of course it does, it's science"

Jeremy high: "Don't be lasagna"

Jared talking about Evan: "They wouldn't say boo to a goose, they'd be more likely to give the goose their car keys and credit card number"

Jake: "Don't be itchy, dude"
(Gravity Falls)

Chloe: "I have to have the most expensive thing. Not because it's expensive, but because it costs more"
(Buffy the Vampire Slayer)

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