Chapter one

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"Up." My mom said sternly as she turned on the lights to my room. That was always the first and last thing she would tell me in the mornings before she started to ignore me. I grudgingly got up and walked to my bathroom.

My hair was knotted and stuck out in various directions, the dark circles under my eyes added years to my age. I grumbled and started to detangle my long brown hair. My ice blue eyes along with the dark circles showed how tired I was. I sighed and walked to my closet to pick out something to wear.

The only time my mom pays me even the slightest bit of attention to me was when my wardrobe was involved. She always wants me to look my very best even if I 'don't deserve all these extravagant things' as she puts it. I settled on a pair of light peach colored skinny jeans with a lacy, grey t-shirt.

I straitened my hair and pulled on grey flats. I went back into my bathroom and brushed my teeth and applied some concealer under my eyes. I added some eye liner and lipgloss. After checking to make sure I looked okay I walked out of my room and walked down the hall towards the kitchen.

Thomas, my younger but quite taller brother, suddenly walked out of his room, running strait into me.

"Watch it." He said flatly.

He had a tooth brush in his hand and toothpaste at the corners of his mouth. I rolled my eyes not taking his negativity personally, he really isn't much of a morning person.

I  stepped out of the way allowing him to pass, not saying a word. I've learned my lessons when it came to sticking up for myself around people, especially with Jackson just around the corner. I know Tom wouldn't get mad if I said something smart back, he's the only one that actually likes me, but I wouldn't dare.

I continued to walk towards the kitchen and found my mom cooking breakfast and Jackson reading a book and drinking coffee. I automatically knew the food wasn't for me so I walked to our huge, filled-to-the-top pantry and grabbed a granola bar.

I silently slipped out of the back door after grabbing my bag. I walk to school everyday because no one was allowed to, or even wanted to, give me a ride. It was nice though, the only time I truly got to think and be by myself. Two years ago I found a shortcut through the woods and it cut my walking distance down by half. I also didn't get humiliated by everyone driving by me on the road on their way to school. 

Walking through the woods had its downsides though. At first I would always end up getting lost and being late to school and getting chewed out at by the teachers but eventually I made a pathway and I didn't have to worry about getting lost or ripping my clothes on low bushes.

One major upside to me being a freak of nature is that nature loved me. I literally always have some sort of companion walking, flying, or hopping with me to school. At first it freaked me out when a random animal would start following me, but they eventually grew on me and became pretty good company. I know what your thinking, I'm so forever alone, right?

Today I had a small blue jay flying above me, whistling a song as I walked. I happily whistled back to it as I looked up to the branch it was perched on. We did this back and fourth until I got to the edge of the woods where the school parking lot began. I lifted my hand up to it and it hesitantly glided down towards me.

"I have to go now little fella, bye." I laughed as the bird flew away. I feel like the modern Snow White at times, except without the singing part. And I don't live with seven extremely short men, thank God.

I looked up at my school. It was small for a high school but then again it only held students from the pack so we didn't need it to be huge. Everyone always congregated at the from of the school, grouping up in their various cliques and talking about the latest drama, which thankfully rarely had anything to do with me. I try to be as invisible as possible when i'm in school- welol anythere really. 

I turned my head towards my school, looking at it with dreary eyes. I hate this place. I took a deep breath and took off towards the hell everyone calls high school.

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