Chapter twenty five

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Her eyes. So much terror and despair flooded them. That's all I remember. Her eyes.

I jerked up, coughing up blood. 'What the hell?' I opened my eyes and quickly closed them from the brightness of the sun. I was out of breath and couldn't seem to fill my lungs fully. My whole torso ached with every move I made.

I laid back down, unable to stay sitting up. "Rose?" I asked in a croaky voice. My hand reached out beside me but came up empty. My head was spinning, I couldn't piece together what was going on. Where's Rose? Why the hell do I feel like this? WHERE IS ROSE?

"Rose?" I asked louder. I squinted my eyes open and saw that I was still in the clearing by our lake, but Rose wasn't there. I slowly sat up as best I could and that's when I registered the sharp pain in my abdomen.

I let in a sharp breath and looked down. I was lying in a pool of blood, blood that I knew what my own. "What the fuck!?" I said out loud and that's when everything came back to me.

I remember Rose waking me up, scared there was someone in the woods. I remember the man that walked at, seeming to be alone at first. I remember him being human but the other men who came out were all werewolves. I remember the unbearable pain of being stabbed. The last thing I saw was Rose struggling to get out of the arms of several men.

I frantically looked around, "Roselyn!" I yelled as loud as my body would allow me but I instantly winced at the pain.

I tried to stand but immediately fell back down. I yelled and punched the ground, groaning from the pain. I slowly rolled over to where I was on my hands and knees. I took a deep breath and held it in as I put both my legs under me and slowly got to my feet.

I felt extremely weak and my wounds have not even begun to heal yet, I was still bleeding out. I slowly stumbled forward on shaking legs trying to catch Rose's scent but it was nonexistent.

"Ro-" I tried but was cut off by me coughing up blood once more. I could feel myself getting weaker by the minute, my vision was going blurry and the more I walked the more I stumbled. I needed to get home, we needed to start looking for her.

'I need to find her.' I thought. I was growing more desperate by the minute and with each step I took I grew more frustrated with my body, I needed to move faster but I just couldn't.

I stumbled into the clearing that my house was situated in and made my way across our large yard. I've never realized how far the lake is from my house. Why does it have to be so damn far?

I stumbled and fell onto my hands and knees as soon as I reached the clearing, another bought of coughing racked my body and I saw more blood fall to the ground. 'Why am I not healing?' I thought desperately.

"Hey Blake! Where's Rose?" I heard Blair say from the house off in the distance. I looked up and saw her and Tom sitting together sharing a blanket on the porch swing. I guess neither of them has smelled or seen the blood yet.

Tom suddenly jumped to his feet and started to run towards me. Never mind, he smelled it. "What happened?" He frantically yelled. Blair was at his heals and screamed when she saw bloody me.

"Rose." I mumbled. "I need to find her." I collapsed on the ground and everything went black.





I groaned, rolling over on my side. "Will someone please turn that annoying sound off?" I grumbled. I reached around the side of my bed, trying to find the source but was unsuccessful.

There was a single chuckle from beside me and I opened my eyes. My father had a sad smile on his face, he must have been the one to laugh, my mom on the other hand was crying and looking at me with sad eyes.

"Rose." I said suddenly alert. I sat up in bed and swung my legs over the side all in one motion, ignoring the pain in my abdomen. The pain in my chest from being away from her was much worse.

"Please tell me you guys found her?" I asked hopefully looking between both my parents. My dad's face instantly fell to a grave one and my mom sobbed harder.

"We sent out all our trackers but we couldn't even catch a scent of her or anyone for that matter." My father said.

"They're not looking hard enough. She's out there somewhere." I said, getting to my feet.

"Would you mind telling us what happened?" My father asked, pushing me back down on the bed.

I let out a frustrated growl, my father didn't seem as alert and desperate to find my mate as I was and it was pissing me off. After seeing the warning look my father sent me I sighed and hung my head down low. "Men came out of the woods and grabbed us both..." I trailed off, trying to remember last night. I replayed everything I could remember back to my father, his face growing more and more serious as I went on.

"The man that tried to kill me said he was a friend of her fathers." I looked at my parents and saw the grave faces they both wore.

"The guy that shot Rose is her father. The picture Rose drew, Dad, was of her father. She was really beat up about it yesterday. I'm sorry we forgot to tell you, it was just all so crazy." I explained.

My dad nodded looking in deep thought. "Well, her father obviously has something to do with this and if he's the one who shot her, he is very dangerous. We will find her, son, don't worry." My father looked at me with sad eyes.

I knew she was out there and I know she's still alive. Since we mated last night, our link is strong, unbreakable unless the other dies. And, trust me, that is not going to happen.

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