Chapter five

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I woke up the next morning to the bright warm sun shining in my face. It was a nice way to wake up and I definitely wasn't used to it. I smiled and sat up stretching, that was the best sleep I've gotten in weeks- no, scratch that- years.

I then remembered I wasn't in my own bed in my own house, I was in a stranger's home. I quickly got up and made the bed, making sure it looked exactly how I found it. Once I was satisfied with how it looked, I decided I should get dressed.

I walked to the end of the bed where I had left my bag, but it was gone. Confused, I looked around the room. The clothes I wore yesterday were neatly folded on the chair I left them in, dry. I picked them up and noticed how clean they were.

'She washed them?' I thought. I made a note to make sure I thank the woman but then I remembered- where's my bag?

I quickly got dressed and walked to the door, it was locked. Just looking at the old doorknob I knew if I had a full werewolf's strength I could break it easily. I let out an exasperated sigh. My human side is a pain in my ass, once again.

Of course I couldn't blame her for locking me in here, I was a complete stranger. She probably realized what she'd done when she woke up this morning and locked the door so I wouldn't steal anything or kill her or something. But why would she take my bag? A light click of the door handle warned me of someone coming and I quickly backed up.

It was then that I smelled it, the so painfully obvious smell of a werewolf pack. I felt the blood drain from my face and I began to shake. I am so stupid for getting myself in this mess. I was just so focused on getting out of the rain last night that I didn't bother to use one of my most important senses!

"She's awake." I heard a man mutter before the door was opened. The man's voice was definitely that of an authority figure and that made me shake even more.

The same woman that let me in last night stood with a hand on the door knob and a key in her other hand. She was dressed in dark jeans and a light pink sweater. She looked years younger now than she did when I first met her.

My attention was then switched to the man behind her. He was younger but still an older man, he towered over the woman. He had dirty blonde hair with some grey at his temples and hazel eyes, he looked very strong and strong built. What really stuck out to me was his scent. He smelled like.....

'Oh no...'

"I-I'm so sorry, Alpha. I had no idea I passed into another packs territory." I quickly apologized when I realized all the power he was emitting. I was backed into a corner now with my head down, showing them- as best I could- that I meant no harm.

"So you do know what we are?" He asked. His voice was rough but not in a mean way. It was a voice that one would have if they had a lot of responsibilities and was meant to be taken seriously, it was very firm.

"I-I'm sorry." I apologized again. "If I would have realized it last night I would have turned around and walked the other way, I swear."

I bowed my head lower to show him respect. He had every right to kill me right then and there. I have put his pack in danger in his eyes, I was a pack-less wolf who they didn't know- or trust. The only alpha I knew was my old packs alpha, he would have killed me on the spot if he were in this position.

"You smell strange." He said as he walked closer to me. "Are you trying to hide your wolf scent?"

"What? N-no, sir." I shook my head so fast I felt dizzy. I put a hand on the side of my head, trying to stop the room from spinning. When I finally felt steady I continued to talk.

"I-it's a long story." I said as I let my hand fall to my side and I looked up to the Alpha. He looked like he was trying to figure me out, but surprisingly he didn't look mad.

"I have time." He finally said, crossing his arms over his chest.

'Oh boy, I really don't want to tell him my story. What if he decides to kill me just because I'm a freak of nature?' But I realized that I really didn't have a choice.

So I told him everything from my human father and unloving mother, to the bullet wound from the mysterious guy. I didn't keep anything from him, Alphas are really good at seeing through liars and I was not about to be that stupid.

By the end of my story I was sitting in the wooden chair and he on the bed. The old woman had long gone downstairs. The alpha looked shocked and amazed at the same time. I looked at my feet, waiting for him to say something.

"So, you can't fully shift?" He asked. I shook my head no, still starring at my feet.

"Show me how much you can shift." He commanded.

I looked up at him wide eyed and shocked. I haven't shifted in two years, I don't even know if I still can. The only time I ever had shifted was when I was first turning.

"I-I can't." I mumbled.

"Of course you can, just focus." He reassured me. His voice was very calming and I could instantly tell he was loved by the people of his pack.

"I haven't shifted in two years, I don't know if I'm still part werewolf anymore." I whispered, trying to get out of having to shift.

"You are, I can smell it in your blood." He commented.

I closed my eyes, this dude is obviously not going to let me leave until I've at least tried to shift. I took a deep breath and focused on my half that was wolf and waited. I felt my canines expanding and my nails growing. My eyes burned a little but not in a painful way. I knew that were just changing color. They turn bright yellow when I'm like this, I hate it. The shift was painful due to me not shifting in years.

I opened my eyes to find the alpha standing only a foot away from me, staring at me in awe.

"Just do it." I said through my fang-like teeth. The man looked at me with confusion.

"Do what?"

"Kill me." I said. My voice broke on the last word. I just wanted to get it over with.

'Goodbye cruel world. Thanks for treating my like shit.' I thought. I could hear humor in my thoughts even though this was a completely humorless situation.

"I'm not going to kill you. Quite the opposite actually." He said. His words shocked me so much I couldn't make some of my own. 'What did he say!?' I shifted back into my normal self and looked at him in surprise.

"Listen, I know you've had a rough life growing up and feeling like no one wants you, but you don't have to be afraid anymore. How would you feel about staying here with my pack? We are good people, and we will accept you." He said hopefully. "I can also sense that you have the potential to be very strong, even if you don't see it yourself."

I hadn't noticed I was crying until I felt a tear fall from my chin to my lap. 'Would they really accept me?'

The alpha reached out his hand for me to take. I felt like if I took his hand I would be answering his question. I would be saying yes.

I took a deep breath and mentally shook myself. I looked up to his eyes and saw warmth and caring in them. This alpha was not at all like the one I had to grow up with. He's not even like the alpha I ran into in the other town. He was sincere, he cared for his pack and I could see he would do absolutely anything for them.

I felt myself shifting back as I reached out a shaking hand and put it in his and let him pull me to my feet. By doing that, I said yes.

I could instantly feel the small side of myself that was werewolf switch her allegiance to this Alpha and I knew I had made the right decision. I felt like I belonged here.

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