Chapter thirty one

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"Blake just listen to me, man." Mike said as he was running to keep up with me.

"No. I'm not going to give up on looking for her." I snapped. Rose has been gone for a week and a half. I have to find her. She could be hurt and those bastards that took her could be doing things to her that I don't even want to think about.

"I'm not saying to give up on her man. But you've barely slept or eaten. Look at yourself! You look like shit." Mike said as he motioned to me.

What he said was true. I haven't eaten barely at all and I haven't showered since I first woke up and noticed Rose was taken. My face was covered in stubble from my outgrown beard. I've been running in and around my pack territory looking for her. I've looked all over the state of New Mexico and still I couldn't catch her scent. We had people from my pack and Rose's old pack looking all over the country. 'Where the hell is she?' I thought frustratingly.

"Bye, Mike." I said as I jumped in the air, shifting into my wolf and shredding my clothes. Wherever she is, I will find her. And believe me when I say that every single person that had something to do with her kidnapping will die.



(Two days later)

I'm putting my plan into action today. I will get out of here and I won't be leaving without my siblings.

Kyle has been working me and everyone else to the point of passing out nearly every day. We've been working with the guys since the second day of training, that was nearly two weeks ago.

The only thing that has me worried was every once in awhile, Kyle will piss me off to where I am shaking uncontrollably, it's gotten so bad where I feel my teeth elongating. I've even heard and felt some of my bones snap like I was in the verge of shifting into a wolf. Of course I'm not though, I'm only half werewolf and I've never fully shifted like that.

We were being walked to the training arena right now and my nerves for what I was about to do was eating me alive. It seemed to be around six in morning, maybe a little later. I don't know how I'm going to pull this off, and after I get shot, what then? Will Jedediah have a good enough plan to get us all out?

I found myself shaking again and I took a deep breath to calm myself. We were lined up against the wall like we've been doing for the past two weeks now. Kyle came out and looked at each one of us. He looked at me and smirked. Someday I'm going to get rid of that famous smirk of his. Someday very soon.

"You will all run the perimeter of this yard 50 times. There will be no walking or resting or complaining for water during this time. You will stay silent or you will be punished." He came to a stop and stared at all of us. "Well? What are you waiting for? Move your asses!" He yelled.

Ella and Kenny jerked away when he yelled but the rest of us acted as if he never did. I'm used to people yelling at me, I think the others just don't care anymore.

Ever since I've started training with Blake my strength has progressed and my speed was unbelievable, but all those times working out with him were nothing compared to what we had to do here. It's was the basic equivalent to a hard core army training course. I was way stronger than I could even imagine.

I was already on my 15th lap and way ahead of everyone else, with the exception of Shane who was right at my heels. I've begun to tone out extremely well and running does not phase me at all. After the 50 laps were done I wasn't even out of breath.

I stood at the end of the track, waiting with Shane for the rest of our siblings to meet up with us. "What are you doing?" Kyle said behind us.

"We finished our 50 laps." I shrugged my shoulders, glancing at Shane who was standing beside me.

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