Chapter thirty six

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After lunch we all grew even more tired. Everyone including Blake and myself went upstairs to go rest. It was only just 1 pm but I've been awake for nearly 24 hours now, God only knows when the last time Blake slept was.

I had moved all my clothes into Blake's room, folding and hanging them up to get them out of the way. Once in Blake's room I walked over to his bed and collapsed, Blake doing the same right after me. We didn't say a word as we both settled in next to each other and fell into a deep sleep.

I woke up around 8 pm, sitting up and stretching. I was relieved to see that the pain in my side had finally healed. I went into the bathroom and looked at my side in the mirror. There was a bright pink scar about an inch long right under my rib cage in my left side. I sighed, I guess I'm going to have to get used to the scars.

'They're apart of who you are,' my wolf chimed in. 'They tell your story and what you've been through the, there's no reason to feel bad about them.'

I smiled at her reassuring comment and turned and left the bathroom. When I walked into the bedroom Blake was sitting up in his bed. "You scared me," he admitted. "I woke up and you weren't next to me."

I frowned at his panic. "I'm sorry, babe. I didn't mean to scare you." I wasn't surprised by his panic, last time he woke up without me next to him, I really was gone.

"It's okay, I should eventually get over it. Just don't go disappearing on me again, okay?" He pleaded. I laughed and walked over to the side of the bed, sitting next to Blake.

"I promise," I said and kissed him on the lips.

"We should probably go get Blair and Thomas." Blake said after our lips parted.

"Did you tell them I was here yet?" I asked, guilt soon spreading in my chest. Blair is my best friend and Thomas is my brother, they should have found out I was here ages ago.

"No, everyone was just caught up in everything once we showed up. No one really thought of telling Blair, Tom or your mother." He looked just as guilty as I felt when saying that.

"Then let's go, the quicker we get there, the better." I said as I got up, pulling Blake with me.

"We can drive there if you want or we can take the old trail, it's whatever you're body feels like doing." Blake asked, he was so sweet and considerate. "We'll probably be there a while since a lot of people were worried and looking for you."

"They actually were looking for me?" I asked, astonished.

"You're their future Luna, of course they were looking for you people from both packs were." He gave my hand a squeeze.

I was surprised to hear that people from my old pack actually cared enough to help search for me. It really warmed my heart. "I can't believe they were all out there..." I trailed off.

"My father called everyone out searching to come back home. He needs everyone he can if we're going to back and get the rest of the werewolves and free their families." Blake said.

I stood there thinking over everything Blake just told me. 'I had completely forgotten about the Luna part...' I worriedly thought.

"What's wrong?" Blake pulled me to a stop right outside the tree line. He looked at me with concern etched into his face.

"Would I be the best choice of Luna?" I asked. "I'm pathetically weak. I think Blair would make a better Luna than me, she should do it once she's old enough..." I trailed off, looking down.

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