Chapter fourteen

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"Wake up love birdies!" I heard a voice yell. I opened my eyes to find me face to face with my annoying sister. I put a hand on her face and pushed her away.

I sat up to realize that I and Rose fell asleep outside last night. I looked down to find her head in my lap and the blanket she carried with her wrapped around her tiny body. I felt my heart melt; she looked so calm and peaceful when she slept.

I put my hand on her waist and she began to stir. Yawning, she sat up and rubbed her eyes. Her hair was a mess; I couldn't help the small chuckle that came out of my mouth.

"Good morning sleepy head, sleep well?" I asked. She smiled warmly at me and nodded. Looking around, her beautiful eyes widened.

"Did we really sleep out here all night?" She asked in a croaky voice.

"Yeah y'all did! You should have seen mom when she walked out here. Y'all nearly scared her to death!" Blair yelled.

Rose winced at Blair's obnoxiously loud voice and said, "Easy there petunia, lower the loudness please."

I cracked up laughing. "Petunia! Did you really just call me petunia?" Blair asked, looking slightly offended but also amused.

"Yes I did, get over it." Rose smiled at her.

"I can't believe it. Blake has corrupted you already." Blair said as she crossed her arms over her chest and shook her head.

"Well I'm going to get some coffee." I announced as I got up and walked between the two bickering girls.

"Wait, I'll come with you." Rose said, jumping up so fast she almost tripped over the blanket still wrapped around her.

I couldn't help the big smile that came to my face once she said that. I reached for her hand and she gladly took mine and entwined our fingers together.

We walked through the screen door and we were greeted with the warm, delicious smell of my mother's cooking. Breakfast wasn't ready yet so we sat on the bar stools by the counter.

"Want some coffee?" I asked Rose as I got up.

"Nah, I'll just have some orange juice." She said as she headed towards the fridge.

I poured myself some coffee and sat back down. I looked up and realized Rose was trying to get a cup. Her small figure made it hard or her to reach the glasses on the top shelf in the cabinet.

I laughed. "Here let me help you."

I walked up behind her and reached for the glass, my chest pressing up against her back. I paused a little, enjoying the warm electricity between us. I finally grabbed her glass and walked over to the fridge, pouring the juice in it. "Here you go." I smiled.

She gave me a warm smile that made me melt. 'How could this small, beautiful woman have such a control over me?' I thought.

I lifted her up and sat her on the counter. Me doing that surprised her, making her laugh, scrunching up her nose while she did it. She looked so adorable when she did that, almost like a small brown haired bunny. I leaned in to kiss her but we were interrupted by my dad.

"Okay you two, save it for when you're alone." He laughed, walking into the kitchen and going directly to my mother.

Rose's cheeks immediately turned bright red and she jumped down off the counter.

"Sorry." She mumbled and looked down at her feet. I put a finger under her chin and lifted her head up. I made sure my father wasn't looking before I gave her a soft kiss and winked at her.

I small giggle escaped her lips and it made me laugh. She sent me another smile before grabbing her glass of orange juice and setting down at the table to eat.



Blake and I were walking around in the yard surrounding their house holding hands. I know I only met this guy yesterday but I'm really starting to love him. I think it's unbelievable that I actually found my mate. After all, I'm just a mutt. I'm still getting used to the tingles I get every time his skin touches mine. It's so surreal.

"What're you thinking about?" Blake asked, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"You." I admitted, feeling my cheeks heat up.

"Well, I hope it's good." He chuckled.

"Don't worry, it is." I smiled at him and laughed.

We walked to the edge of their yard where the woods started. "Hey, do you think you could show me the animal thing?" Blake asked, hope in his eyes.

"Sure, but first I wanted to ask you something"

"Okay, Shoot." He said, sitting down in the grass outside the edge of the woods.

"Um, I was just wondering where you and your dad disappeared to after dinner last night." I asked, sitting down next to him.

"Oh." Blake's face instantly dropped. "Well, there was an attack on one of the packs yesterday... " He trailed off, not looking me in the eyes.

"That's bad..."I said. "Why does it concern us though?"

"They need somewhere they can stay while they get back on their feet."

"Oh so they're coming here?" I asked. That's not a bad thing, if they need help, they need help right?

"It's the Crescent Moon pack, Rose. Your old pack." He stated.

I felt the wind being knocked out of me. "Can't they just go somewhere else?" I blurted but instantly regretted it. Not everyone in that pack was completely horrible to me. And then there was Thomas, what if he got hurt?

"I tried telling my father that but he already gave their beta, your step dad, his word that we would provide a safe haven for them." Blake said, sympathy in his eyes.

"Yeah, your father is right to let them in. They wouldn't dare do anything to me that would risk their safety. As long as I have you, I know I'll be okay." I said truthfully. It's been a few weeks since I last saw my old pack, I've changed a lot since then and I know I can be stronger with Blake by my side.

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