Chapter 43

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The sound of my baby's strong but quiet heart beat was the only thing keeping me sane at the moment. I had my eyes closed, my hand over my lower stomach, fingers lightly tapping to the rhythm.

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It has been exactly 6 hours and 28 minutes since I last saw Blake. They should have called or checked in through the pack link by now but no one has heard anything. 'ugh, where are they?' I was getting worried.

Try to stay calm, my wolf reminded me for what seemed like the millionth time. Stress and worry isn't good for the baby, you know that.

I took yet another shaky deep breath to calm myself but nothing seemed to work except that small heart beat. Blair has tried to talk to me several times but I'm just not in the mood, being alone is what's best for me right now. I do feel bad for ignoring her the way I did, she's feeling the same amount of panic that I'm feeling. Tom is out there with everyone else along with my other brothers and some of my sisters.

I am just so overcome with worry. My whole family's future is going to be decided within the next few hours. I closed my eyes once more and let out a soft sigh, stay calm, Rose.

A loud gasp from my right had my eyes shooting open. I looked over to Jasmine, her face held many emotions; shock, pannic, worry, and utter dread.

"What's wrong Jasmine?" I said as I sat up, my hands going to my stomach instinctively as I grew even more tense.

All the eyes in the room turned to our Luna. "Everyone, into the basement. Now." She ordered, using her Alpha voice.

The command was sent through the pack link as well, causing everyone in the floors above and in other rooms on the bottom floor to immediately drop everything, grab the younger ones, and head downstairs towards the basement with no questions asked.

The men that stayed behind to keep watch over us stayed outside the basement as everyone else filed in. I felt someone grab my elbow, I jerked my head around to see who it was. I instantly calmed down when I saw it was Blair.

"What's going on?" I asked her quietly as we descended the stairs into the basement.

"Hunters and wolves were spotted on our Eastern Border. The men guarding our borders are heading our way, not wanting to fight until there's more of them." She explained. Others around us heard what she said and gasps and whispers spread through the crowd.

"What are we all doing in here then?" I asked her. "Let's get the kids to the safe room and go out there and fight."

"That's the plan," Jasmine said, loud enough for everyone to hear. "Those who do not wish to fight, stay behind with the children, the rest of us need to get out there and defend our home." Her voice was strong and commanding, she is an excellent leader.

The children were all set inside a separate room in the basement that had a steel door and concrete walls. I started for the entrance of the basement, following the crowd of women ready to fight but was stopped by an arm pulling me back.

"You're not fighting." Jasmine said firmly. I opened my mouth to argue but she beat me to it. "You're pregnant and carrying my grandchild. You are not going to risk your baby's life. I will not allow it." Her voice was unwavering.

My hand rested on my lower abdomen, not wanting to even think about losing my baby. I nodded "I'll stay and protect the children then." I offered.

Jasmine gave me a relieved smile. And let go of my arm. I turned and went to the room with the other children. I closed the door behind me and saw an elderly woman sitting amongst them.

I think her name was Laila but I wasn't sure. I looked around and saw all the scared faces of the kids. There were kids from the age of at least 2 to 13 in here. The older ones were holding the younger ones, tying to calm their fears but I could tell they were just as afraid.

"We're going to be okay," I reassured them. "My name is Rose and I promise nothing is going to happen to you." I looked in the eyes of every single person in here, including Laila.

"Laila, is it?" I asked the woman. She nodded in confirmation. I went and sat next to her, needing to be comforted myself.

Laila obviously sensed that and put her arm around me. "It'll all be okay, dear." She said quietly so that the other children couldn't hear, patting my arm with shaking hands. I nodded my head and placed a hand on my stomach.

10 minutes passed and both Laila and I started to hear fighting outside. I slowly stood up, wanting to get closer to the source of the noise. I looked wearily down to Laila and she had the same look of concern etched into her face.

My chest filled with dread as I heard the fighting get louder. 'Oh Blake, where are you?'


We finally arrived to the place Sam held Rose and her siblings. Shane helped us get there easily and we made it there in a matter of hours. We expected to be greeted with a fight but the place almost looked deserted. It looked like an old army training camp with barbed wire fences surrounding the entire area but the front gate was open.

We cautiously walked into the fences in area. I sniffed the air and picked up a mixture of human and Werewolf scents but they were all at least a few hours old. No one was here.

I shifted into my human form and changed into basketball shorts along with almost everyone else. I shared a confused look with my father and we continued to look around.

"I'm sure this is where they held us," Shane said, coming up beside me. "It doesn't make any sense that they're gone..." He trailed off.

The sun was setting, casting shadows across the camp. A noise to my right had my wolf on high alert. A man I didn't recognize ran around the corner of on the the buildings. He was running directly towards us.

I started to run at him, ready to attack and ask questions later but Shane's voice stopped me. "Blake, wait!" Shane ran ahead of me.

"Jed?" He asked the man once he reached him. "Jed, where is everyone?"

The man- Jed I guess- looked at us with wild eyes. "You shouldn't be here, why are you here?" He practically yelled.

"What's going on?" I finally found my voice. "Who are you?"

"This is Jedediah, he's the one who helped us escape. Sam is holding his family captive somewhere." Shane explained.

"You need to leave now." Jed continued. "He's headed there now. You need to hurry!"

Those words were all I needed for dread to consume my whole body. The bastard knew we were coming, he knew we were leaving the rest of the pack with few to defend them.

I gasped and shifted into my werewolf form, booking it towards our pack, running faster than I have ever ran in my life. I heard the rest of the lack do the same behind me.

My heart was about to beat out of my chest. I will not lose her. Not again. I was seeing red as I tore through the woods. Sam is going to die tonight.


So it's been a while since I've updated and I'm so sorry for that! College can keep a girl busy. But I'm back! I've been editing all the previous chapters. I've adidas a few things but nothing to change the story line, so you can go back and reread them or not it's up to you! And again, sorry I've been gone so long!!

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