Chapter twenty

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Joseph looked at me with the same amused look he had given Blake. I sighed and slammed my hands on the table as I got up.

"I guess." I grumbled. I quickly went upstairs and changed into a lose fitting tank top and a pair of Nike shorts and my tennis shoes.

I ran down stairs and walked outside towards Joseph. Blair ran up to me, Tom following close behind, and gave me a confused look.

"You're going to FIGHT my dad?" She looked panicked.

"It was Blake's idea." I shrugged, not I worried about it. The only part I was worried about was my old pack looks on.

"But you're so tiny, and he's the ALPHA." she really didn't want me to fight her father.

"Calm down," I said as I continued to walk towards her father. "I'll go easy on him." I winked at her and turned around and started to walk to the front of all the tables.

I walked up to the Alpha and seemed to just realize how much taller he was than me. I didn't even reach his shoulders.

"Oh boy, this is going to be interesting." I grumbled after I reached him and Blake. They both chucked at my comment and I just rolled my eyes.

"Okay, this isn't a legit fight, okay guys?" Blake said, putting his hands between me and the Alpha as we faced each other.

Blake continued after both of us nodded. "Alright, shake hands. Remember Rose, 5 minutes equals $50." He said winking at me. For what felt like the hundredth time today, I rolled my eyes and nodded at Joseph.

After that Blake quickly backed away to give us some space. Joe took a fighting stance and I copied him. He began to move to the right so I moved to the left, taking us in a big circle surrounded by people from my new and old pack.

"How you doing Rose?" Joseph suddenly asked, surprising me. But of course I didn't let him see it on my face.

"I'm doing great, Joe, how about yourself?" I smirked.

"Never been better." He smiled.

I nodded, smiling myself and continued to circle to the left, watching every single move Joseph made. One thing that I've learned from Blake is; never make the first move. Always wait for your opponent.

Eventually my patience payed off and Joseph lunged his whole body forward, quickly closing the distance between us. His arm shot out and he tackled me to the ground.

I don't know how I did it, call it instincts if you want, but I twisted out of his hold and did a backflip to stand myself back up all in a matter of seconds. 'Woah.' Was all I had time to think before Joe was back on his feet.

Before he had the chance to regain his fighting stance, I kicked my leg up and almost collided with his head. Almost. He grabbed my ankle so quick I hadn't had time to register it before I was spinning in the air just like Blake had done the first day of training, but a hell of a lot faster.

Instead of landing on my face or back, I twisted myself around and gracefully landed on my feet in a crouch. There were a few gasps throughout the crowd, even I was impressed with myself.

After that a series of punches followed by blocks came, neither one of us being able to get a hit in. Before I knew it, Blake let out a victory holler and lifted his fist above his head. I guess that means I won?

Being distracted by my mate, Joseph managed to sucker punch me in the stomach causing me to fall flat on my back. "I'm sorry sweetie, are you okay?" Joe asked as he kneeled beside me.

"Yeah." I breathed out. Blake came over and helped me to my feet.

"Are you sure you're okay? I can have to pack doctor look you over and-"

"Blake, babe, I'm fine." I assured him as I laughed and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. "Now where's my 50 bucks?"

Blake let out a huge laugh that was extremely contagious and had several people around us laughing. Blake reached into the back pocket of his jeans and pulled out his wallet. He then reluctantly handed over a $50 dollar bill.

"I can't believe you bet her to do that." Blair walked over, scolding her big brother.

"She knocked me on the ground the first time she fought me, I knew she could handle it."

Blair let out an exasperated sigh at her brother and looked at me. "You okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine people. Gosh." I said waving my arms I front of them.

They laughed and let it go continuing on with conversation. I looked around and caught my mother's eyes. She was giving me the most disapproving glare I've ever seen her give me, and that's saying something.

I just shrugged my shoulders at her and gave her an 'I really don't care what you think' look and grabbed my loving mate's hand.

The rest of the day went by in a blur, I didn't see my mother or Jackson after breakfast and I spent the rest of my time talking with Tom, Blair, and Blake. I also learned some interesting things about the people that attacked them.

Apparently, their attackers dragged the alpha and his family away. No one really knows for sure if their alpha is dead or not but they needed some sort of protection while he was away so that's what brought them here. "And that's not all..." Tom trailed off.

"What?" I asked, suddenly nervous. We were all laying by the lake watching the sun go down. I was in Blake's lap and Blair was in Tom's. I leaned further into Blake's arms and he hugged me tighter, feeling my sudden nervousness.

"Well, you already know that there were human hunters and werewolves there fighting on the same side, but what's really weird is the fact that their leader was human. You would think that the weres would take control but they looked scared shitless of this guy." When he was done talking dread washed over me. Every time I got more information on this attack the more I felt it had something to do with that guy in my dreams. I still think I've seen him somewhere before, but I can't put my finger on it....

"What did he look like?" Blake asked, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"It was hard to get any specific details of him but he had dark hair and blue eyes, he just had this evil vibe coming off of him."

After that everything clicked in my head and I started hyperventilating. Blake quickly turned me around to face him, my legs straddling him.

"Babe, what is it?" He asked panicked.

I gulped for air as I continued hyperventilating. "I-know-" I managed to get out between gasps.

"What? What do you know?" Blake had is hands on my shoulders and was lightly shaking them.

I squeezed my eyes shut and held my breath, trying to calm myself down. I slightly shook my head, I was seeing black and white spots. I knew I was going to pass out soon, no matter how hard I tried to fight it. I opened my eyes to talk but with one final shake of my head everything went black.

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